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Brave and The Bold comic price list 

(Brave and The Bold, series 1955-1983)
issue/ grade/         price       comment

33  poor   13.50
43   vg    46.00
42   g     40.00
44   g+    31.50
48   vg    18.00
56   vg    22.00
61   g     12.00
63   g+    15.00
64   vg+   20.00
64   g      8.00
68   vg    16.00
69   vg+   15.00
70   f     18.00
70   vg    12.00
73   vg+   17.50
73   vg    14.00
73   g      7.00 
74   vg    12.00
74    g     6.00
75   f+    32.00
75   f     21.00
77   vg    12.00
77   g      6.00
78   vg    19.00
80   vg    14.00 loose center page
80   g      8.00
81   g      8.00
87  vg+    17.00
88  poor    3.00
89  poor    3.00
91   f+    19.00
91   vg     8.00 
91   g+     6.00
92   vg+   10.00
92   g      4.00
93   vg    40.00
94   vg+   10.00
94   g+     6.00
96   vf    21.00
96   vg     6.00
96   g      3.00
97   f      9.00
97   poor   2.00
98   g      3.00
99   vg+   12.00
99   poor   3.00
100  nm    95.00
100  vf+   66.00
100  f     18.00
101  vf    20.00
101  vg     6.00
102  vg    10.00
102  g+     7.50
103  vg+    7.50
103  vg     6.00
103  g      3.00
104  g+     4.50
104 poor    2.00
105  vg+    7.50
105  g+     4.50
106  f-     8.00
106  vg+    7.50
107  vf    16.00
107  g+     4.50
108  vg+    7.50
108  vg     6.00   
109  vg+    7.50
109  vg     6.00
110  vg     6.00
111  f+    20.00
111  vg     8.00
111  g+     6.00
112  vf    30.00 <--click to view actual comic
112  f+    22.50
112  vg    10.00
112  g      5.00
112  poor   2.50
113  vf    30.00
114  vg+   12.50
114  vg    10.00
114  g      5.00
115  vg    12.00
115  g      6.00
116  nm   -wanted-
117  vg    10.00
118  vg+    7.50
118  vg     6.00
118  g      3.00
119  vg     5.00
119  g      2.50
120  vf    14.00
120  f+    11.50
120  f      9.00
120  vg+    7.50
121  f      7.00
121  vg     4.00
121  g      2.00
122  vf    20.00
122  f+    16.00
122  f     13.00
123  vg+    5.00
124  vf    10.00
124  f      6.00
124  vg     4.00
124  g+     3.00
125  nm   -wanted-
126  vf+   15.00
126  f      9.00
126  vg+    7.50
127  g+     4.00
128  vf+   20.00
128  vf     8.00
128  f      6.00
128  vg     4.00
129  nm   -wanted-
130  vf+   16.00
131  vf    11.00
131  vg+    5.00
131  vg-    3.50
132  f+     8.00
133  vf+   10.00
133  f+     7.00
133  f      6.00
134  vg+    5.00
135  vg+    5.00
136  f      6.00
137  vf+   10.00
137  f      6.00
137  vg+    5.00
138  vf+   10.00
138  vf     8.00
138  vg+    5.00
138  g      2.00
139  vf+   10.00
139  f+     7.00
139  vg+    5.00
140  vg     4.00
140  g+     3.00
140  g      2.00
141  f      9.00
141  vg+    7.50
141  g+     4.50
142  vf+    8.00
142  vg+    3.50
143  vf     6.00
143  f+     5.00
143  f      4.00
144  vf+    8.00
144  vf     6.00
144  vg+    3.50
145  nm    10.00
145  vf     6.00
145  f+     5.00
145  f      9.00  Whitman variant
145  vg+    6.00  Whitman variant 
146  vg+    6.00  Whitman Variant
146  vg+    3.50
146  vg     3.00
147  f+     5.00
147  vg+    3.50
147  vg    10.00  Whitman variant
148  nm    10.00
148  vf+    8.00
148  f+     5.00
148  f      4.00
148  vg+    3.50
149  nm    -wanted-
150  vf+    8.00
150  f      4.00
150  vg+    3.50
150  g+     2.00
151  nm    10.00
151  vf+    8.00
151  vf     6.00
152  nm    10.00
152  vf+    8.00
153  nm    10.00
153  vf+    8.00
153  f      9.00  Whitman Variant
153  vg+    7.50  Whitman variant
154  f      9.00  Whitman Variant
154  vg+    7.50  Whitman variant
154  g+     4.50  Whitman variant
155  vf     6.00
155  vg+    7.50  Whitman variant
155  vg     6.00  Whitman variant
155  g+     2.50
155  g      2.00
156  vf+    8.00
156  vf     6.00
156  f      4.00
156  vg     3.00
157  nm    12.00
158  nm   -wanted-
159  vg     3.00
160  nm   -wanted-
161  g/vg   2.00
162  vf+    8.00
162  vf     6.00
162  f      4.00
163  nm    10.00
163  vf+    8.00
163  vg     3.00
164  vf+   11.00
164  vf     9.00
164  f      6.00
165  nm    12.00
165  vg     4.00
165  g+     3.00
166  f      9.00
166  vg+    7.50
166  vg     6.00
167  vf+   10.00
167  vf     8.00
167  f      6.00
167  vg     4.00
168  vf+   10.00
168  vf-    7.50
168  f+     7.00
168  f      6.00
169  vf+   15.00
169  f+    11.00
169  vg+    7.50
170  nm    13.00
170  vf+   11.00
170  vf     9.00
171  vf+   11.00
171  vf     9.00
172  vf     9.00
172  vg     4.00
173  vf     8.00
173  vg     4.00
174  vg     4.00
175  nm   -wanted-
176  vg+    4.00
177  vg+    4.00
178  vf+   11.00
178  f      6.00
178  vg+    5.00
179  vf+   11.00
179  f+     7.50
179  vg+    5.00
179  vg     4.00
180  nm    12.00
180  vf+   10.00
180  f+     7.00
180  f      6.00
181  vf     8.00
181  f      6.00
182  vf     8.00
182  vg     4.00
183  nm    12.00
183  vf     8.00
183  f      6.00
184  f+     7.00
184  f      6.00
184  vg     4.00
185  vf+   12.00
186  nm    12.00
186  vf+   10.00
187  f      6.00
187  vg     4.00
188  f      6.00
188  vg+    5.00
188  vg     4.00
189  vf     8.00
190  nm    12.00
190  vf     8.00
190  vg+    5.00
190  vg     4.00
191  vf+   23.00
192  nm    12.00
192  vf+   10.00
192  vg+    5.00
193  nm    12.00
193  vg+   10.00  Canadian Price Variant
193  vg     4.00
193  g+     3.00
194  nm    12.00
195  nm    12.00
195  vf     8.00
196  g+     3.00
197  vf+   34.00
197  f+    22.00
198  vf     8.00
198  f+     7.00
198  f      6.00
199  vf+   10.00
199  vf     8.00
199  g+     3.00
200  -wanted-
Brave and the Bold Batman and Wonder Woman (2018) 
#4     4.00
Brave and the Bold (2007-2010)
#1a    5.00
#1b    5.00
#2     5.00
#3     5.00
#4     5.00
#5     5.00
#6     5.00
#7     4.00
#8     5.00
#9     4.00
#10    4.00
#11    4.00
#12    5.00
#13    5.00
#14    4.00
#15    5.00
#16    4.00
#17    5.00
#18    5.00
#19    4.00
#20    4.00
#21    4.00
#22    4.00
#23    7.00
#24    4.00
#25    5.00
#26    5.00
#27    5.00
#28    4.00
#29    6.00
#30    6.00
#31    4.00
#32    4.00
#33  wanted *
#34    8.00
#35    8.00
Brave and the Bold Annual 1969
#1   12.00  (released 6/6/2001)
Brave and the Bold (6-part, 1991-1992)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5  -wanted-
#6  -wanted-
Brave and the Bold Millennium Edition
#28  12.00
#85  18.00
The Best of the Brave and the Bold (1988-1989)
#1   nm    4.00
#1   vf    3.00
#2   nm    4.00
#2   vf+   3.50
#3   nm    4.00
#3   vf+   3.50
#3   vf    3.00
#4   nm    4.00
#4   vf    3.00
#5   nm    4.00
#5   vf+   3.50
#6   nm    4.00
Silver Age The Brave and the Bold
#1    5.00
Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD,Brave and the Bold,BRAVE AND THE BOLD

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