Finder: Ordering Info:
Please advise if you have any "wanted" comics for trade. All Chaos Comics are nice nm/mt condition. preview wanted * limited to 2,000 #1 wanted * #2 wanted * #3 wanted * #4 -wanted- #1 5.00 #2 4.00 #3 8.00 ashcan wanted * #1 12.00 #1 wanted * #2 -wanted- #2a wanted * premium edition #3 5.00 #3a wanted * premium edition #4 5.00 #4a wanted * premium edition #1 4.00 one-shot 4.00 preview wanted * preview-a wanted * premium edition #1 12.00 #1 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1/2 12.00 #1/2a wanted * chromium edition #1/2b wanted * premium edition #1 (see Chastity: Reign of Terror) #1 12.00 #2 12.00 #2a wanted * #3 12.00 #3a wanted * #1 12.00 #1a wanted * premium edition #1 wanted * #1a wanted * premium edition preview -wanted- #1 5.00 #1a -wanted- premium edition #1b 12.00 DF Cover #2 -wanted- #3 -wanted- #1 12.00 #1a wanted * premium edition #1 5.00 #1a wanted * premium edition #1 12.00 #1a -wanted- #1b 4.00 #2 6.00 #3 6.00 #4 6.00 preview book wanted * #1 12.00 #1a wanted * premium edition #2 -wanted- #3 -wanted- #1 4.00 #1b vf+ wanted * Onyx premium #2 -wanted- #3 4.00 #1 5.00 #1 wanted * #1a 4.00 photo cover #1b 12.00 premium edition #1 12.00 #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #5 5.00 #1 wanted * #2 12.00 #3 wanted * #4 wanted * #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 -wanted- 1st print #2 -wanted- #3 -wanted- #4 -wanted- #5 -wanted- #1/2 12.00 #1 4.00 #2 -wanted- #3 wanted * #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 wanted * #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #1 12.00 preview wanted * #1 12.00 #1a wanted * #2 12.00 #3 12.00 preview 12.00 #1 -wanted- #2 4.00 #3 -wanted- #4 -wanted- #5 wanted * #6 -wanted- #7 4.00 #8 wanted * #9 4.00 #1 5.00 #2 4.00 #3 -wanted- #4 -wanted- #1 4.00 #1 24.00 #1A wanted * glow in the dark cover, ltd. to 4,000 #1A wanted * autographed by Hughes and team (1995 San Diego Con) #1B wanted * Commemorative edition limited to 10,000 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 12.00 #1A wanted * limited edition chromium cover #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4 12.00 #5 12.00 #-1 Prologue Ashcan 12.00 #1 nm 12.00 #1 vf 8.00 #2 12.00 #3 wanted * #4 12.00 #1 12.00 this is a one-shot #1 -wanted- this is a one-shot #1 wanted * premium cover #1 12.00 one-shot #1 wanted * #2 wanted * #3 wanted * #1 5.00 Encore edition #2 4.00 #3 wanted * #4 4.00 #5 wanted * Director's Cut 15.00 1995 #1 wanted * factory sealed set ($48.00)includes: (100 cards+5 necrochrome chase cards+1 exclusive bonus card) **free shipping on this set w/ any comic purchase
#1a wanted * Regular Edition #1b wanted * Halloweenmovies.com cover #1c wanted * Previews Exclusive cover #1 4.00 #1a wanted * premium edition #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #3a wanted * premium edition #4 4.00 #4a wanted * premium edition #1 4.00 #1a wanted * premium edition #1 wanted * one-shot wanted * #1 -wanted- #1 wanted * #1 -wanted- #2 wanted * BAGGED W/CD #3 wanted * UNBAGGED W/CD #4 wanted * BAGGED W/CD #5 -wanted- #6 -wanted- #7 -wanted- #8 -wanted- #9 -wanted- #10 -wanted- #12 -wanted- one-shot wanted * Check out Lady Death & Jade ! #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #4a wanted * limited cover #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #2a wanted * limited alternate cover #3 4.00 #3a wanted * limited alternate cover #4 -wanted- #4a wanted * limited alternate cover preview wanted * #1 12.00 #1a wanted * #2 12.00 #3 12.00 preview 4.00 preview-a wanted * premium edition #1 4.00 #1a wanted * premium edition #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 -wanted- #2 -wanted- #3 wanted * #1a -wanted- #1b -wanted- #1 8.00 #2 8.00 #3 8.00 #1 4.00 #1a wanted * variant cover #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 preview book 4.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 4.00 #1c 4.00 #1d 4.00 #1e 4.00 #1f wanted * #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 #1 4.00 prelude 4.00 #0 -wanted- #0a -wanted- #1/2 -wanted- #1 24.00 #1a -wanted- limited to 1000 print run #2 18.00 #3 13.00 #4 18.00 #5 18.00 #6 12.00 #7 12.00 #1 12.00 #2 wanted * preview -wanted- #1 15.00 #2 15.00 #3 -wanted- #1 wanted * #1a wanted * Premium edition #2 15.00 #1 wanted * #1a wanted * Premium edition #2 -wanted- preview -wanted- #1 nm 12.00 #2 nm wanted * #3 nm 12.00 #4 vf+ 10.00 #1 12.00 #1a wanted * Premium edition #1 -wanted- #1a -wanted- Premium edition #1 12.00 #1 -wanted- #1 4.00 #1a -wanted- #1 nm 12.00 #1 vf+ 10.00 #1a nm wanted * Premium edition #2 nm 8.00 #1 12.00 red foil embossed #1a wanted * chromium edition #2 12.00 Standing cover #2a wanted * Laying cover #3 12.00 Premium Ed Scriptbook wanted * signed by Brian Pulido #1a -wanted- alpha #1b 12.00 omega #1c wanted * deluxe edition #1a -wanted- #1b 12.00 premium edition #1 30.00 #1 wanted * #1a -wanted- Premium limited edition #1a 4.00 art cover #1b 4.00 photo cover (Dark Horse takes over publishing) #2a 4.00 art cover #2b 4.00 photo cover one-shot 5.00 one-shot 4.00 one-shot wanted * one-shot 5.00 #1 5.00 one-shot wanted * #1 -wanted- regular (art) cover #1a 4.00 photo edition #2 4.00 regular (art) cover #2a 4.00 photo edition #3 4.00 regular (art) cover #3a 4.00 photo edition #4 4.00 regular (art) cover #4a 4.00 photo edition #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 1a 4.99 preview -wanted- art cover preview-A -wanted- photo cover #1/2 wanted * #1 4.00 regular (art) cover #1a 4.00 photo edition #1b wanted * premium edition #1c wanted * ltd foil stamp cover #2 wanted * regular (art) cover #2a 4.00 photo edition #3 wanted * regular (art) cover #3a 4.00 photo edition #4 wanted * regular (art) cover #4a wanted * photo edition #5 wanted * regular (art) cover #5a wanted * photo edition #6 4.00 regular (art) cover #6a wanted * photo edition #7 4.00 regular (art) cover #7a wanted * photo edition #8 4.00 regular (art) cover #8a 4.00 photo edition #9 4.00 regular (art) cover #9a 4.00 photo edition #10 4.00 regular (art) cover #10a wanted * photo edition one-shot wanted * regular (art) cover one-shot wanted * photo edition #1 vf 8.00 #1 12.00 #1a 18.00 premium edition #1 4.00 #1a 12.00 premium edition #1 wanted * #1a wanted * premium edition #1 4.00 Titles labeled MR are Mature Reader titles, you must be 18 or older to order |
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