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Dell Comics price list

Grading scale: g=good, vg=very good, f=fine, vf=very fine, nm=near mint/mint

Alley Oop (1962-1963)

issue/ grade/    price /  comment
-all issues are wanted-

Alvin (1956-1962)

issue/grade/   price / comment
... and his pals in Merry X-Mas w/ Clyde Crashcup  vg  14.00 tape on spine
7    vg     8.00
9    vg     8.00
10   vg+   17.50
11   g+     7.50
14   vg     8.00
17   g      4.00
21   vg-    7.00
21   g+     6.00
22   vg     8.00


Andy Panda(1953-1961)
issue/grade/   price / comment
22   vf     28.00
45   vg      8.00
50   f      12.00
53   vg+    10.00

Angel (1954-59)

issue/grade/   price / comment
#15   g+    4.50
Annie Oakley and Tagg (1953-1959)
issue/grade/   price / comment
5     vg   14.00
8     vg   14.00
8     g+   11.00
9     g     7.00
10    g+   11.00
11   poor   3.00
12    vg    8.00
14    vg+  15.00
14    g+    9.00
15    g     6.00
16    g     5.00 detached from one staple 
Beanie and Cecil (1952-1963)
issue/grade/   price / comment
#2    g+   14.00

Beep Beep, the Road Runner (1960-1962)

issue/grade/   price / comment
4     vf   27.00 <---click to view actual comic
4     f    12.00
6     vg+   7.50
12    f     9.00
Beetle Bailey (1956-1962)
issue/grade/   price / comment
5     g     5.00
6     vg   10.00
7     vg   10.00
8     f+   12.50
9     g+    6.00
10    f+   25.00
10    vg   10.00
10  poor    2.50
12    vg+  10.00
12    g     4.00
13    f+   20.00
13    vg    8.00
14    f    12.00
16    f+   20.00
18    f    12.00
19    vg+  10.00
19   fair   2.00
21    f+   14.00
22    vf+  31.00
23    vf+  31.00
24    vg    6.00
24    g+    4.50
25    vg    6.00
25    g+    4.50
25    g     3.00
26    vg    6.00
27    vg    6.00
28    vg+   7.50
28    vg    6.00
29    vg    6.00
29    g     4.00
33    vg+   7.50
36    g+    4.50
37    vg    6.00
38    f     9.00
41    f     9.00
42    vg    6.00
47    vg+   7.50
Ben Bowie and His Mountain Men (1952-1959)
issue/grade/   price / comment
7     vg+  10.00
8     vg    8.00
8     g     4.00
8    poor   2.00

				Ben Casey (1962)
issue/grade/   price / comment
1    vg+    12.50
1    vg     10.00
Beverly Hillbillies
issue/grade/   price / comment
2     vg   16.00
5     vg   12.00
11    vg+  12.50
14    f    15.00
18    g     5.00
21    vg   10.00
21   poor   2.50
Bewitched (1965-1969)
issue/grade/   price / comment
2     vg   16.00
7     vg+  15.00
14    vg   10.00

				Bozo the Clown (1962)
issue/grade/   price / comment 
3     vg       12.00

Brain Boy (1962-1963)
issue/grade/   price / comment
2     vg+  15.00
3     g     6.00
6     g     6.00

                 	      The Brady Bunch
1   f   33.00 
2   f+  42.00
Brenda Starr Reporter (1963)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
 1    vg   20.00

				Buffalo Bill Jr. (1958)
issue/grade/   price / comment
13    g         5.00
Bugs Bunny (1952-1962)
issue/grade/   price / comment
32    vg    8.00
32    g+    6.00
33    g+    6.00
34    vg+  10.00
34    vg    8.00
34    g     4.00
34    poor  2.00
35    g     4.00
35    poor  2.00
36    vg+  10.00
37    vg    8.00
38    vg    8.00
39    vg+  10.00
39    g+    6.00
39    g     4.00
40    vg    8.00
42    vg+  10.00
43    f    12.00
43    vg    8.00
46    vg+  10.00
47    vg    8.00
48    f    12.00 
48    vg    8.00
48    g     4.00
49    vg+  10.00
49    poor  2.00
50    vg+  10.00
50    vg    8.00
50    g+    6.00
51    f    12.00
51    vg    8.00
53    f    12.00
54    vg    8.00
55    g+    6.00
57    g+    6.00
58    g+    6.00
60    vg    8.00
61    vg+  10.00
65    f    12.00
67    f+   17.00
68    vg    8.00
70   poor   2.00
71    vg+  10.00
72    vg+  10.00
72    vg    8.00
73    vg    8.00
74    vg+  10.00
76    vg    8.00
81    g     4.00
83    g+    6.00

			Camp Runamuck (1956)
issue/grade/   price
1    poor   2.00  detached cover 

			Charlie Chan (1965)
issue/grade/   price
2    vg      6.00
Charlie McCarthy (1947-1954)
issue/grade/   price / comment
2     g     7.00
5     g     7.00
6     vg+  20.00
7    poor   4.00
Cheyenne (1956-1962)
issue/grade/   price / comment
4     g     6.00
8    poor   3.00
10    vg   12.00
11    vg+  15.00
14    vg+  15.00
16   poor   3.00
Cisco Kid (1950-1958)
issue/grade/   price / comment

7    poor   4.00
5     vg   18.00
19    vg+  17.00
19    g     7.00
23    g+    9.00
26    vg+  15.00
26    g     6.00
32    g     6.00
40    g     7.00
Clyde Crashcup (1963-1964)
issue/grade/   price / comment
1     g+    9.00
Colt .45 (1960)
issue/grade/   price / comment
8     f+   30.00
Combat (1961-1973)
issue/grade/   price / comment
16    vg    8.00
16    g+    6.00
17    g+    6.00
18    vg    8.00
20   poor   2.00
22    g     4.00
26    vg+  10.00
29    g     3.00
31    vg    6.00
32    vf+  24.00
34    g+    4.50
36    f     9.00
37    vg    6.00
38    vg+   7.50
39    g     3.00
40    vg    6.00
Comic Album (1958-1962)
issue/grade/   price / comment
1     f    27.00
1     g+   12.00
2     g     5.00
6     vg    8.00
14    vg+  10.00
16    vg+  17.50
18    vg   14.00

				The Courtship of Eddies Father (1970)

issue/grade/   price / comment
1      f       15.00
2      f+      17.50
Daffy (Duck) 1956-1962
issue/grade/   price / comment
4     vg+  12.50
5     vg   10.00
6     vf   33.00
6    poor   2.50
7     g+    7.50
8     vg+  12.50
10    f    15.00
10    vg+  12.50
10    vg   10.00
11    vf   33.00
11    vg+  12.50
12    vg    8.00
13    g+    6.00
14    vg    8.00
14    g-    3.50
15    f+   20.00
16    vf   28.00
17    f    12.00
18    f    12.00
19    f+   20.00
20    vg+   7.50
21    f     9.00
22    vg+   7.50
22    g+    4.50
25    vg+   7.50
25    g+    4.50  
26    vg    6.00  
26    g     3.00
30    vg    6.00
Daktari (1967-1968)
issue/grade/   price / comment
1     vf+  40.00
2     nm   38.00
3     vg    6.00
Dell Giant Comics 
issue/                                      grade/  price /comment
Abraham Lincoln Life Story                  g       10.00
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Funnies #3           f-      57.00
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Funnies #3           vg      44.00
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Funnies #4          poor      5.00
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Funnies #4           g+      15.00
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Funnies #5           g       10.00
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Funnies #7           vg      18.00   
Bugs Bunny's Christmas Party #6             vg+     22.50
Bugs Bunny's County Fair 1 (9/57)           f       42.00
Bugs Bunny's County Fair 1 (9/57)           vg+     28.00
Bugs Bunny's Halloween Parade #1            vg+     30.00
Bugs Bunny's Halloween Parade #2            vg      20.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 3 (1953)      vg      20.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 4 (1954)      vg      20.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 5 (1955)      g+      15.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 6 (1956)      vg      18.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 7 (1956)      vg      18.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 7 (1956)     poor      5.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 8 (1956)      vg      22.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 9 (6/59)      f+      50.00 <---click to view actual comic
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 9 (6/59)      vg+     23.00
Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 9 (6/59)      vg      18.00
Cadet Gray of West Point 1                  vg+     20.00
Cadet Gray of West Point 1                  vg      16.00
Christmas in Disneyland 1 (12/57)           vg+     63.00   <---click to view actual comic // small writing on cover
Christmas Parade 2                          g       42.00
Christmas Parade 4                          vg      26.00
Christmas Parade 4                          g+      21.00
Christmas Parade 5                          vg      28.00
Christmas Parade 6                          f+      80.00
Christmas Parade 6                          f       56.00
Christmas Parade 6                          vg      28.00
Christmas Parade 7                          vg+     42.00
Christmas Parade 8 (1956)                   f+     121.00 <---click to view actual comic
Christmas Parade 9 (12/58)                  f+     135.00 <---click to view actual comic
Christmas Parade 26                         vg      28.00
Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier 1   vg      38.00 <---click to view actual comic
Disneyland Birthday Party 1 (10/58)         f       75.00 <---click to view actual comic
Disneyland Birthday Party 1 (10/58)         g       25.00
Donald and Mickey in Disneyland 1 (5/58)    vg      22.00
Donald and Mickey in Disneyland 1 (5/58)    g+      18.00
Donald and Mickey in Disneyland 1 (5/58)    g       15.00
Donald Duck Beach Party 1 (1958)            vg      32.00
Donald Duck Beach Party 2 (1958)            vg      22.00
Donald Duck Beach Party 2 (1958)            g+      16.00
Donald Duck Beach Party 5 (1958)            vg      22.00
Donald Duck Beach Party 6 (1959)            f/vf    40.00
Donald Duck Beach Party 6 (1959)            vg+     20.00
Donald Duck Beach Party 6 (1959)            g-       6.00
Donald Duck in Disneyland (9/55)            vg      30.00  
Donald Duck in Disneyland (9/55)            g       15.00  
Huey,Dewey,and Louie Back to School#1(9/58) f+      49.00 <---click to view actual comic
Huey,Dewey,and Louie Back to School#1       vg+     23.00
Huey,Dewey,and Louie Back to School#1       g/vg    18.00
Marge's Lulu and Alvin Storytelling Time #1 vg      28.00
Marge's Little Lulu and Her Friends #3      g+      20.00
Marge's Little Lulu and Her Friends #4      vg+     25.00
Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby at Summer Camp #2 vg+ 33.00
Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Alaska            vg      26.00
Marge's Tubby & His Clubhouse Pals          vg      30.00
Mickey Mouse Birthday Party #1              vg      77.00
Mickey Mouse Club Parade #1                 vg+     55.00
Mickey Mouse Club Parade 1 (12/55)          vg      44.00 <---click to view actual comic
Mickey Mouse Club Parade 1 (12/55)         poor     11.00
Mickey Mouse in Fantasyland 1 (5/57)        vg      26.00     
Mickey Mouse in Fantasyland 1 (5/57)        g+      19.00  
Mickey Mouse in Fantasyland 1 (5/57)        g       14.00   
Mickey Mouse in Fantasyland 1 (5/57)        g-       9.00     
Mickey Mouse in Fantasyland 1 (5/57)       poor      6.00
Mickey Mouse Summer Fun (8/58)              f       39.00  <---click to view actual comic
Mickey Mouse Summer Fun (8/58)              g+      20.00     
Picnic Party 6 (7/55)                       g       12.00
Picnic Party 7 (6/56)                       vg      24.00
Picnic Party 8 (7/57)                       g+      32.00
Picnic Party 8 (7/57)                       g       21.00
Santa Clause Funnies #1 (1952)             f        27.00
Silly Symphonies 3                          vg+     50.00
Silly Symphonies 4                          vg      40.00
Silly Symphonies 6 (8/55)                   vg      32.00
Silly Symphonies 8 (2/58)                   vg+     40.00 <---click to view actual comic
Silly Symphonies 9 (2/59)                   g+      23.00
Sleeping Beauty 1 (4/59)                    f       75.00 <---click to view actual comic
Sleeping Beauty 1 (4/59)                    g       25.00
Summer Fun 2 (8/59)                         vg      48.00 <---click to view actual comic
Summer Fun 2 (8/59)                         g+      36.00
Summer Fun 2 (8/59)                         g       24.00
Tarzan's Jungle Annual #2                   f-      30.00
Tarzan's Jungle Annual #2                   vg      22.00
Tarzan's Jungle Annual #2                   g+      16.00
Tarzan's Jungle Annual #4                   vg+     37.50
Tarzan's Jungle Annual #5                   vf      72.00 <---click to view actual comic
Tarzan's Jungle Annual #6                   f       20.00
Tom and Jerry Picnic Time 1 (7/58)          vg      20.00
Tom and Jerry's Summer Fun 1                vg      30.00
Tom and Jerry's Summer Fun 2 (7/55)         vg      16.00
Tom and Jerry's Summer Fun 3 (7/56)         g       36.00
Tom and Jerry's Summer Fun 3 (7/56)         g       12.00
Tom and Jerry's Summer Fun 4 (7/57)         vg      16.00
Tom and Jerry's Toy Fair 1 (6/58)           vg+     22.00 <---click to view actual comic
Tom and Jerry's Winter Carnival 2           g+      24.00
Tom and Jerry's Winter Carnival 2           vf     128.00
Tom and Jerry's Winter Fun 3                vg      16.00
Tom and Jerry's Winter Fun 4 (12/55)        vg      14.00
Tom and Jerry's Winter Fun 4 (12/55)       poor      4.00
Tom and Jerry's Winter Fun 5 (12/56)        vg      14.00
Tom and Jerry's Winter Fun 6 (12/57)        vg+     18.00
Tom and Jerry's winter Fun 6 (12/57)        vg      14.00
Tom and Jerry's winter Fun 6 (12/57)       poor      4.00
Tom and Jerry's Winter Fun 7 (11/58)        g        7.00
Treasury of Horses 1 (9/55)                 vg      14.00
Treasury of Horses 1 (9/55)                poor      4.00
Uncle Scrooge Goes to Disneyland 1 (8/57)   f       78.00 <---click to view actual comic
Uncle Scrooge Goes to Disneyland 1 (8/57)   vg      52.00
Vacation In Disneyland (8/58)               vg+     56.00
Vacation In Disneyland (8/58)               g+      35.00
Vacation Parade 2                           g       25.00
Vacation Parade 4                           vg      28.00
Vacation Parade 4                           g       14.00
Vacation Parade 5 (7/54)                    vg      28.00
Vacation Parade 5 (7/54)                    g+      21.00
Western Roundup 18 (4-6/58)                 f+      47.00
Western Roundup 22 (4-6/58)                 vf      72.00
Western Roundup 22 (4-6/58)                 vg      18.00
Western Roundup 25 (1-3/59)                 vg      18.00
Woody Woodpecker's Back to School #2        vg      16.00
Woody Woodpecker's Back to School #3        vg      16.00
Woody Woodpecker's Back to School #3        g+      12.00
Woody Woodpecker's Back to School #4        g+      12.00
Woody Woodpecker's Back to School #6        vg      16.00
Woody Woodpecker's County Fair #2           vf      56.00 <---click to view actual comic
Dell Giants (1959-1961)
issue/                                    grade/  price /comment
21 MGM's Tom and Jerry Picnic Time        vg+     27.00  small writing inside covers
21 MGM's Tom and Jerry Picnic Time        vg      22.00
22 Huey, Dewey and Louie Back to School   vg+     23.00
22 Huey, Dewey and Louie Back to School   vg      18.00
22 Huey, Dewey and Louie Back to School   g-       7.50
24 Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker Family Fun  vg   16.00
25 Tarzan's Jungle World #25              vf+    152.00 <---click to view actual comic
26 Christmas Parade                       f       63.00 <---click to view actual comic
26 Christmas Parade 			  g       21.00
28 Bugs Bunny's Winter Fun 		poor       4.50
30 Disneyland U.S.A. 		          vg      18.00
39 Merry Christmas                        vg+     30.00 <---click to view actual comic // writing on both covers
40 Woody Woodpecker's Christmas Parade    g-       5.00
41 Yogi Bear's Winter Sports              g       12.00
44 Around the World with Huckleberry...   vg+     33.00
44 Around the World with Huckleberry...   vg      26.00
48 Flintstones Bedrock Bedlam            
50 Marge's Lilttle Lulu Trick 'n' Treat   vg+     27.00
54 Woody Woodpecker's Christmas Party     vg+     18.00
55 Daisy Duck & Uncle Scrooge Showboat    vg+     20.00
Dell Junior Treasury (1955-1957)
issue/                                    grade/  price /comment
 4 Adventures of Mr. Frog and Miss Mouse  vg      12.00
 6 Heidi                                  g-       5.00
Dick Tracy (1939-1949)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
all issues are  -wanted-
Dracula (1966-1973)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2    vg    10.00
4    vf    21.00
6    vg     6.00
Dr. Kildare (1962-1965)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
3    vg+   15.00
4    vg+   15.00
6    vg+   15.00

				Drift Marlo (1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
#1    vg    10.00
Dwight D Eisenhower (1969)
issue/         grade/  price /comment
01-237-912   vg   10.00
Espionage (1964)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1    g/vg   4.50
Fairy Tale Parade (1942)
4    g     29.00
Famous Indian Tribes (1962,1972)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1   -wanted-
2   -wanted-

				Famous Stories (1942)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     vg+   75.00

				Felix the Cat (1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
8     vg    16.00
11    vg    16.00
Flash Gordon (1953)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2    vg     20.00
Flintstones (1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
3     vg   14.00
4     vg   14.00 the NY World's Fair   vg+  15.00
Flying A's Range Rider (1952-1959)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2    f+    15.00
5    vg    10.00
6    f     15.00
6    vg+   12.50
7    vg    10.00
8    vg+   12.50
9    vg    10.00
10   vg    10.00
11   vg    10.00
12   f     15.00
13   g      5.00
14   g+     7.50
15  poor    2.50
16   vg    10.00
16   g      5.00
20   f+    22.00
20   g      5.00
22   vg+   12.50
22   vg    10.00
Flying Nun (1968)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1    vg-   14.00 Sally Field
Flying Saucers (1967-1969)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     f/vf 120.00
1     f+   100.00
1     f     80.00
3     vg+   12.50
3     vg-    9.00
5     g      5.00

				Follow the Sun (1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1       vg     10.00
Four Color (1939-1962)
issue/                                   grade/  price /comment
  12 Walt Disney's Bambi                 g       49.00 <---click to view actual comic
     57 Gene Autry                         poor     15.00
     70    Popeye and Wimpy 			  g+                 42.00
     76 Little Orphan Annie                 g       20.00
  89 Tillie the Toiler			 g-      12.00
  92 Wonderful Adventures of Pinocchio   vg     100.00 <---click to view actual comic
 123 Bugs Bunny's Dangerous Venture      vg      32.00
 168 Popeye				 g-      45.00
 182 Porky Pig				 g       11.00
 186 Bambi                               g       15.00
 187 Bugs Bunny and the Dreadful Dragon  g+      18.00
 187 Bugs Bunny and the Dreadful Dragon  g       12.00
 196 Charlie McCarthy                    g+      25.00
   210 Tippie and Cap Stubbs               vg+     12.50
  214    Mickey Mouse                                                                          vg                32.00
  217     Bugs Bunny				    f	  36.00 
  222     Zane Greys West of the Pecos 	  	   vg     	  16.00
   224    Little Iodien                                                                          poor                 6.00
   226     Pork Pig				 vg+                 23.00
   227 Seven Dwarfs                        vg      22.00
   227 Seven Dwarfs                        g-       9.00
   231    Mickey Mouse 				  vg                  32.00
   250 Bugs Bunny                          vg+     30.00
 267 Little Beaver                       g        7.00
 268 Mickey Mouse's Surprise Visitor     g+      22.00
 217 Porky Pig			         g       12.00
 272 Cinderella                          vg      26.00
 272 Cinderella                         poor      6.00
 276 Uncle Wiggily                       vg+     17.50
 282 Donald Duck                         g       48.00 Carl Barks!
 286 Mickey Mouse                       poor      6.00
 288 Woody Woodpecker                    vg      18.00
 294 Little Beaver                       g        7.00
 303 Porky Pig                           vg+     20.00
 304 Mickey Mouse in Tom-Tom Island      vg      22.00
 307 Bugs Bunny                          g        9.00
   309 Betty Betz' Dollface and Her Gang   f       21.00
 311 Porky Pig	             	  	 g-       6.00
 311 Porky Pig                          poor      4.00
 313 Mickey Mouse                        vg+     27.50
 313 Mickey Mouse 			 vg      22.00 
 317 Bugs Bunny			         vg+     22.50
 318 Donald Duck                         g       46.00 <--click to view actual comic
 327 Bugs Bunny                          g+      13.50
 330 Porky Pig                          poor      4.00
 334 Mickey Mouse and Yukon Gold         g       11.00
 335 Francis the Talking Mule           poor      5.50
 336 Woody Woodpecker                    vg+     13.50
 336 Woody Woodpecker                    vg       9.00
 337 Brownies 				 g        6.00
 338 Bugs Bunny                          g/vg    13.00
 338 Bugs Bunny                          g+      11.00
 340 King of the Royal Mounted          poor      3.50
 343 Mickey Mouse in the Ruby Eye ...    vg      20.00
 345 Andy Panda                          vg      12.00
 347 Bugs Bunny Frigid Hare              g+      13.00
 355 Bugs Bunny Hot-rod Hare             vg      18.00
 355 Bugs Bunny Hot-rod Hare              g       9.00
 356 Donald Duck in Rags to Riches       vg      48.00 <--click to view actual comic
 360 Donald Duck Album                   vg      12.00
 362 Mickey Mouse & the Smuggled Dia ... g       10.00
 364 Woody Woodpecker                    g        6.00
 366 Bugs Bunny                          f       27.00
 366 Bugs Bunny                          vg+     22.50
 370 Porky Pig                           f       18.00
 370 Porky Pig                          vg       12.00
 370 Porky Pig                          poor      3.00
 371 Mickey Mouse 			vg	 20.00
 376 Bugs Bunny 		         f       27.00
 376 Bugs Bunny                         poor      4.50
 379 Donald Duck                        poor     15.00
 382 Snow White and the seven dwarfs    vg+      30.00
 384 King of the Royal Mounted          vg+      15.00
 385 Porky Pig                           f       18.00
 390 Woody Woodpecker                    g+       9.00
 390 Woody Woodpecker                    g        6.00
 392 Lone Ranger's Famous Horse Hi-Yo Silver  vf 44.00
 400 Tom Corbett Space Cadet             g+      15.00
 401 Mickey Mouse and Goofy		 g        9.00
 408 Donald Duck & the Golden Helmet    poor     18.00
 411 Mickey Mouse & the Old Sea Dog      vg      18.00
 413 Walt Disney's Robin Hood            vg      18.00
 413 Walt Disney's Robin Hood            g/vg    13.00
 420 Bugs Bunny in The Mysterious Bu ... g        9.00
 420 Bugs Bunny in The Mysterious Bu ...poor      4.50
 421 Tom Corbett Space Cadet             vg-     14.00
 426 Porky Pig                           g+      9.00
   429    Pluto 				   g	  11.00
   439    Little Hiawatha                                                                      f+                  36.00
   442    Peter  Pan                                                                              vg+               28.00
 442 Peter Pan                           vg      22.00
 442 Peter Pan                          poor     5.50
 445 Charlie McCarthy                    vg+     17.50
 449 Zane Grey's Tappan 's Burro        poor      2.50
 450 Duck Album                          g        9.00
 454 Krazy Kat                           g        6.00
 462 Little Scouts                       vf      30.00
 467 Zane Grey's Desert Gold             vg+     12.50
 469 Beetle Bailey                       vg      26.00
 470 Elmer Fudd                          vg+     25.00
 473 Lil Bad Wolf                        g        6.00
 482 Brownies                            vg+     12.50
 483 Little Beaver                       f       15.00
 484 River Fued (Zane Grey)              f+      23.00
 484 River Fued (Zane Grey)              f       15.00
 487 Mowgli Jungle Book                  g        7.00
 489 Tweety and Sylvester                vg      16.00
 493 Johnny Mack Brown                   f+      29.00
 493 Johnny Mack Brown                   g        6.00
 495 Uncle Scrooge (#3)                 poor     30.00
 501 Francis the Talking Mule            vg      10.00
 502 Rootie Kazootie                     f+      30.00
 505 Sword and the Rose                  f       24.00
 505 Sword and the Rose                 poor      4.00
 507 Oswald the Rabbit                   g+       7.50
 509 Pluto                               vg      14.00
 510 Son of Black Beauty                poor      2.50
 512 Flash Gordon                        g       10.00
 513 Ben Bowie and his Mountain Men      f       15.00
 513 Ben Bowie and his Mountain Men     poor      2.50
 519 Steve Canyon                        g        9.00
 526 Napoleon 				 vg      12.00
 528 Dale Evans                          vg      18.00
 531 Duck Album                          vg      14.00
 532 The Rustlers                        f       15.00
 534 Western Marshal                   poor       3.50
 536 Daffy                               vg      16.00
 536 Daffy                               g        8.00
 539 Ben & Me                            vg      10.00
   545 Pinocchio                           vf      58.00
  545 Pinocchio                           vg+     22.50
   546    Buck Jones                                                                         poor                 3.00    
 548 Krazy Cat                           vg+     12.50
 550 The Little Scouts                   f+      21.50
 552 Beetle Bailey                       g+      11.00
 555 Zane Grey's Range War               g        5.00
 555 Zane Grey's Range War               g-       4.00
 560 Duck Album                         poor      3.50
 564 Li'l Bad Wolf                       g        5.00   piece of Dell logo missing
 566 Son of Black Beauty                 vg      10.00
 568 Gypsy Colt                          vg+     13.00
 581 Chip'n'Dale                         g        6.00
 582 Mowgli Jungle Book                  f       15.00
 582 Mowgli Jungle Book                  g/vg     7.50
 582 Mowgli Jungle Book                  vg      10.00
 583 Zane Greys The Lost Wagon Train	 vg      10.00
 584 Johnny Mack Brown                   f+      30.00 <---click to view actual comic 
 586 Duck Album                          g        7.00
 586 Duck Album                         poor      3.50
 587 the Little Scouts                   vg      10.00
 588 Crusaders                          poor      4.50
 589 Buck Jones                          g        6.00
 595 Pluto                              poor      3.00
 598 Captain Davy Jones                  g/vg     9.00
 599 Ben Bowie and His Mountain Men      g        5.00
 605 Brownies                            g        5.00
 606 Sir Lancelot                       poor      3.00
 611 Duck Album (Disney)                 vg      14.00
 613 Western Marshal 			 g        5.00
 614 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea        vg+     22.50
 614 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea        vg      18.00
 614 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea        g+      13.50
 614 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea        g        9.00
 616 Zane Grey's the Last Man            g+       7.50
 616 Zane Grey's the Last Man            g        5.00
 618 Johnny Mack Brown                   f       18.00 <---click to view actual comic small writing on cover
 620 Mowgli Jungle Book                  f+      24.00
 622 Beetle Bailey                       g        7.00
 623 Oswald the Rabbit                  fair      2.50
 627 Goofy                               vg+     17.50
 629 Lady & the Tramp with Jock         poor      4.50
 631 Davy Crockett			 g       14.00
 631 Davy Crockett			poor      7.00
 632 Zane Grey's Fighting Caravans       g/vg     7.50
 634 Lady and the Tramp Album            g        7.00
 637 Silvertip                           vf      34.00
 638 Spike and Tyke                     poor      3.00
 639 Davy Crockett at the Alamo          vg+     27.50 <---click to view actual comic
 639 Davy Crockett at the Alamo          g+      16.50
 640 Ernest Haycox's Western Marshal     vg      10.00
 640 Ernest Haycox's Western Marshal     g/vg     7.50
 641 Steve Canyon  			 vf      35.00
 645 Johnny Mack Brown                   f+      30.00 <---click to view actual comic
 645 Johnny Mack Brown                   f       18.00 <---click to view actual comic
 647 Bugs Bunny                          f       18.00
 648 Jace Pearson of the Texas Rangers   vf      40.00 <---click to view actual comic
 648 Jace Pearson Of The Texas Rangers   f+      30.00
 648 Jace Pearson Of The Texas Rangers  vg+      15.00
 649 Duck Album                         poor      3.50
 650 Prince Valiant                      vf      51.00
 650 Prince Valiant                      vg+     20.00
 655 Francis                            poor      2.50
 657 Ben Bowie and His Mountain Men     poor      3.50
 658 Goofy                               vg      14.00
 659 Daisy Duck's Diary                  vg+     15.00
 659 Daisy Duck's Diary                  vg      12.00
 660 Little Beaver                       vg+     12.50 
 660 Little Beaver                       vg      10.00
 664 Davy Crockett                       vg+     27.50
 665 African Lion                        vg+     12.50
 665 African Lion                        g        5.00
 667 Silvertip and the Stolen Stallion   f+      24.00
 667 Silvertip and the Stolen Stallion   g        5.00
 693 Song of the South Brer Rabbit       vg      16.00
 670 MGM'S Mouse Musteteers              f       18.00
 671 Davy Crockett                      poor      5.50
 672 Quentin Durward			 g+       9.00
 674 Little Rascals                      g+      15.00 
 679 Gunsmoke                            vg      38.00
 679 Gunsmoke                            g-      17.00
 686 Walt Disney's Duck Album            vg+     17.50
 686 Walt Disney's Duck Album            g        7.00
 687 Indian Fighter (Kirk Douglas film)  vg+     20.00
 688 Alexander the Great                 g        6.00
 690 the Conqueror                       g/vg    21.50
 693 Song of the south                  poor      2.00 detached cover 
 695 Little Beaver                      poor      2.50 
 698 Francis 				 vg+     12.50
 699 Prince Valiant                      f       24.00
 701 Jiminy Cricket                     poor      4.00
 703 Scamp                               g        9.00
 703 Scamp                              poor      4.50
 705 Brave Eagle                        poor      3.50
 706 Bongo and Lumpjaw                   g+       9.00
 707 Corky and White Shadow              g/vg     9.00
 709 The Searchers  			poor     13.00
 710 Francis				 f       15.00
 711 MGM's Mouse Musketeers              vg      10.00
 713 Animal World                        vg      10.00
 716 Man in Space                        vg      16.00
 716 Man in Space                        vg-     14.00
 716 Man in Space                        g+      12.00
 716 Man in Space                        g        8.00
 717 Moby Dick                           vg      16.00
 717 Moby Dick                           g/vg    12.00
 719 Prince Valiant                      f+      38.00 <---click to view actual comic
   720    Gunsmoke                                                                      	poor                   4.50
 724 Bugs Bunny's Album                  vg+     12.50
 726 Duck Album                          vg      10.00
 726 Duck Album                          g+       7.50
 726 Duck Album                          g        5.00
 727 Nature of Things                   poor      2.50
 728 MGM's Mouse Musketeers              vg      10.00
 731 Silvertip                           g        5.00
   734    Cheyenne                                                                              v g                    26.00  
   734    Cheyenne                                                                               g                       13.00  
 735 Crusader Rabbit                     g       22.00 <---click to view actual comic
 736 Pluto				 vg	 12.00
 737 Steve Canyon                        vg      10.00
 743 Daisy Duck's Diary                  g        6.00         
 744 Little Beaver                       vg+     12.50
   745 Francis The Talking Mule            vf      33.00
 747 Goof				 vg      14.00
 748 Frosty the Snowman                  vg+     12.50
 748 Frosty the Snowman                  vg      10.00
 748 Frosty the Snowman                  g        5.00
 752 Mandrake the Magician               f+      56.00
 754 Smokey the Bear                     f       18.00
 754 Smokey the Bear                     vg      12.00
 755 The Littlest Snowman                g        5.00
 756 Santa Claus Funnies                 vg      30.00
 757 True Story of Jesse James           vf      58.00
 760 Hardy Boys                         fair      5.00
 761 Howdy Doody                         vg      18.00
 763 Grandma Duck's Farm Friends         vg      16.00
 763 Grandma Duck's Farm Friends         g        8.00
 764 MGM's Mouse Musketeers              vg      10.00
 764 MGM's Mouse Musketeers              g+       7.50
 764 MGM's Mouse Musketeers              g        5.00
 766 Buffalo Bill Jr                     vg      12.00
 772 Cheyenne                 		 g        8.00
 773 The Brave One                       vg      10.00
 775 Sir Lancelot and Brian              vg      18.00
 779 Indian Fighter 			poor      3.00
 781 Fury                                vg-     13.00
 782 Duck Album 			 vg      12.00
 783 Elmer Fudd				 vg	 10.00
 786 Cinderella 			 vg      14.00
 787 Little Hiawatha                     vg+     12.50
 788 Prince Valiant                      vf      44.00
 789 Max Brand's Silvertip               f+      24.00
 794 Count of Mounte Cristo              f       24.00
 795 Jiminy Cricket                      vg      12.00
 797 Gunsmoke 				 vg      18.00
 798 Buffalo Bill Jr                     vg      12.00
 802 Goofy                               g        7.00
 804 Milton Caniff's Steve Canyon        vg+     12.50
 805 Crusader Rabbit                     vg      34.00 <---click to view actual comic
 805 Crusader Rabbit                     g       17.00
 806 Scamp				 vf      12.00 back page has cut out hole
 807 Luke Short's Savage Range           vf      30.00
 807 Luke Short's Savage Range           vg+     12.50
 808 Spin and Marty                      vg      18.00        
 809 Little People in the Days of ...    vg      10.00
 809 Little People in the Days of ...   poor      2.50
 810 Francis The Talking Mule            f+      22.00
 811 Howdy Doody                         vg      18.00
 814 Walt Disney's Covered Wagons Ho!    vg+     15.00
 814 Walt Disney's Covered Wagons Ho!    vg      12.00
 817 Little Beaver                       vg+     12.50
 818 Smokey the Bear                     f       18.00
 818 Smokey the Bear                     vg+     15.00
 819 Mickey Mouse In Magicland           vg+     17.50
 819 Mickey Mouse In Magicland           g+      10.50
 822 Paul Revere's Ride                 poor      4.00
 826 Spin and Marty and Annette 	vg       36.00
 828 Buffalo Bill JR.			vg+      15.00
 832 Lolly and Pepper                   poor      3.00
 833 Scamp                               vg      12.00
 833 Scamp                               g        6.00
 835 Max Brand's Silvertip               f+      25.00
 836 Man in Flight                       f+      32.00 <---click to view actual comic
 836 Man in Flight                       vg+     17.50
 836 Man in Flight                       g+      10.50
 838 Bugs Bunny's Life Story Album       vg      10.00
 838 Bugs Bunny's Life Story Album       g+       7.50
 839 Vigilantes                          f       24.00
 839 Vigilantes                          g+      12.00
 840 Duck Album                          g+       9.00
 840 Duck Album                          g        6.00
 842 The Nature of Things 		 vg      10.00
 843 First Americans                     vg      16.00
 844 Gunsmoke 				 f       27.00
 845 The Land Unknown                    f       96.00
 845 The Land Unknown                    g       20.00
 848 Luke Short's Marauders' Moon        f+      21.50
 849 Prince Valiant                      vf      44.00
 851 The Story of Mankind                f       21.00
 851 The Story of Mankind                vg      14.00
 852 Chilly Willy                        vg      10.00
 853 Pluto                               vg      12.00
 854 The Hunchback of Notre Dame         f+      60.00
 857 Goofy Adventure Story               vg+     17.50
  857 Goofy Adventure Story               vg      14.00
  858      Daisy Ducks Diary 			 vg+       	    12.50
 864 Littlest Snowman Rescues Christmas  g        5.00
 865 Walt Disney's Andy Burnett          vg      16.00
 865 Walt Disney's Andy Burnett          g+      12.00
 866 Mars and Beyond                     vg+     20.00
 866 Mars and Beyond                     vg      16.00
 868 Little People Topsy-Turvy Christmas vg      10.00
 869 Old Yeller                          g+       9.00
 872 Captain Kangaroo                    vg+     30.00
 872 Captain Kangaroo                    vg      24.00
 873 Grandma Duck's Farm Friends         vg      12.00
 874 Old Ironsides with Johnny Tremain   vg      14.00
 875 Trumpets West 			poor      2.50
 877 Frontier Doctor 			 vg      18.00
 882 Zorro                               g+      19.50
 883 Little Rascals                      vg+     12.50
 886 Bongo and Lumpjaw                   vg+     10.00
 886 Bongo and Lumpjaw                   vg      10.00
 889 Clint and Mac                       vg+     25.00
 889 Clint and Mac                       g       10.00
 894 Oswald the Rabbit                   vg+     12.50
 897 Jiminy Cricket                      vg+     15.00
 899 Goofy                               f       15.00
 899 Goofy                               vg+     12.50
 901 Little Hiawatha 			 vg+     12.50
 902 Will-Yum!                           g        2.00
 905 Annette 				poor     11.00
 906 The Famous Talking Francis          vg      10.00
 908 Little People                      poor      2.50
 913 The Left Handed Gun                 f+      45.00
 915 Casey Jones                         vg      12.00
 915 Casey Jones                        poor      3.00
 918 Beep Beep the Road Runner       
 919 Boots And Saddles                   vg      14.00
 920 Zorro                               vg      20.00
 921 Wyatt Earp                          vg      14.00
 921 Wyatt Earp                          g+      10.50
 924 Colt 45                             vg      18.00
 930 Maverick				 vg      20.00
 930 Maverick				 g       10.00
 931 Have Gun Will Travel                g       12.00
 933 Zorro                               vg      20.00
 937 Ruff and Reddy                      vg+     27.50
 937 Ruff and Redy			 vg	 22.00
 937 Ruff and Reddy                      g       11.00
 939 Steve Canyon                        f       15.00
   939 Steve Canyon                        vg      10.00
 941 Pluto                               g        2.50
 943 White Wilderness                    vg+     15.00
 943 White Wilderness                    vg      12.00
 944 7th Voyage of Sinbad                g       11.00
 945 Maverick 				 f+      50.00
 946 the Big Country                     g        6.00
 947 Broken Arrow                        vg+     12.50
 947 Broken Arrow                        vg      10.00
 948 Daisy Duck's Diary                  f+      25.00
 948 Daisy Duck's Diary                  g+       7.50
 950 Frosty the Snowman                  vg      10.00
 952 Goofy                               vf      35.00 <---click to view actual comic
 954 Man in Space(Satallites)            g+      10.50
 955 Hi and Lois                         vg+     10.00
 957 Buffalo Bee                         vg+     20.00
  957 Buffalo Bee                         g        8.00
 958 Santa Claus Funnies                 vg      12.00
 960 Zorro                               g       10.00
   962    Maverick 				   f             	  30.00
   962    Maverick 				  vg+            	  25.00
   964    Hardy Boys 				  g+	   13.50
 965 Grandma Duck's Farm Friends         f+      22.00 
 965 Grandma Duck's Farm Friends         vg      10.00
 966 Tonka 				 vg      16.00
 972 Tom Thumb                           g        8.00
 973 Sleeping Beauty and the Prince      vg      24.00
 973 Sleeping Beauty and the Prince      g+      18.00
 973 Sleeping Beauty and the Prince      g       12.00
 977 Elmer Fudd                          f       15.00
 977 Elmer Fudd                          vg+     12.50
 979 Oswald the Rabbit                   vg      10.00
 980    Maverick                                                                                 vg                   20.00
 981 Ruff and Reddy                      g        7.00
   983    Have Gun Will Travel			g+                       13.50
   983    Have Gun Will Travel			g                        9.00
   983    Have Gun Will Travel			poor                  4.50
 984 Sleeping Beauty's Fairy Godmothers  g       10.00
   985 Shaggy Dog                          vg      14.00
 987 Goofy                               f+      22.00
 987 Goofy                               vg+     12.50
 989 Jiminy Cricket                      g        6.00
 992 Sugarfoot				 f       30.00
 994 Sea Hunt				 vg+	 20.00
 995 Donald Duck Album                   vg      14.00
 997 Walt Disney Presents                vg      14.00
 997 Walt Disney Presents                g        7.00
1000 Gray Ghost                          g        8.00
1001 Lowell Thomas' High Adventure       g        5.00
1003 Zorro   				 vg+     25.00
1006 Hercules                            f+      48.00
1007 John Paul Jones                     vg      12.00
1007 John Paul Jones                     g        6.00
1008 Beep Beep, the Road Runner          vg+     20.00
1008 Beep Beep, the Road Runner          vg      16.00
1008 Beep Beep, the Road Runner          g/vg    12.00
1009     The Rifleman				poor                11.50
1010 Grandma Duck's Farm Friends         g       11.00
1015 Peanuts 			         vg+     90.00
1015 Peanuts 			        poor     16.50
1011 Buckskin                            vg-     12.00 
1013 Bat Masterson                       f       30.00
1018 Rio Bravo				 vg      54.00
1019 Wagon Train                         g       12.00
1023 Tales of Wells Fargo 		 g        8.00
1024 Darby O Gill and the Little People poor      4.50
1025 Vacation in Disneyland              f       42.00 <---click to view actual comic
1025 Vacation In Disneyland              g       14.00
1026 Spin and Marty 			 vg+     17.50
1027 The Texan                           g        8.00
1028 Rawhide                             g-      20.00
1029 Boots and Saddles                   g+       7.50
1030 Spanky and Alfalfa, the Little ...  vg+     12.50
1033 Steve Canyon                        vg+     12.50
1036 the Big Circus                      g        7.00
1038     Ruff and Reddy 				  f+                  35.00
1038 Ruff and Reddy                      f       21.00 <---click to view actual comic
1038     Ruff and Reddy 				  vg+               17.50
1039 Pluto                               f+      25.50
1039 Pluto                               f       15.00
1040 Quick Draw McGraw #1                vg      26.00
1041 Sea Hunt                            vg+     20.00
1042 3 Chipmunks (Alvin)                 vg      18.00
1042 3 Chipmunks (Alvin)                 g        9.00
1044 Have Gun Will Travel                vf      60.00
1044 Have Gun Will Travel                g        9.00
1045 Restless Gun                       poor      3.50
1046 Beep, Beep, the Road Runner         vg      16.00
1046 Beep, Beep, the Road Runner         g+      12.00
1046 Beep, Beep, the Road Runner         g        8.00
1047 Gyro Gearloose                     poor      7.50
1050 Huckleberry Hound                   f+      55.00
1050 Huckleberry Hound                  vg+      27.50
1052 Ben-Hur (Movie Classic)             vg+     22.50
1054 Huckleberry Hound Winter Fun        g+      16.50
1055 Daisy Duck's Diary                  f       24.00 <---click to view actual comic
1055 Daisy Duck's Diary                  vg+     20.00
1055 Daisy Duck's Diary                  vg      16.00
1055 Daisy Duck's Diary                  g        8.00
1057 Mickey Mouse Album			poor      4.00
1058 Colt .45				 vg	 14.00
1062 Christmas Stories                   f       15.00
1063 Santa Claus Funnies                 vg+     15.00
1064 Bugs Bunny				 vg	 10.00
1064 Bugs Bunny                          g+       7.50
1065 Frosty the Snowman                  g+       7.50
1066 77 Sun Strip 			poor 	  4.00 missing back cover 
1070 Solomon and Sheba                   vf      62.00
1070 Solomon and Sheba                   g+      13.50
1071 Real McCoys                         vg      18.00
1071 Real McCoys                         g+      13.50
1071 Real McCoys                         g        9.00
1172 Fury                                g+       7.50
1073 Grandma Duck's Farm Friends         g       11.00
1074 Chilly Willy                        vg      10.00
1077 The Deputy (#1)                     vf      64.00
1077 The Deputy (#1)                     vg      20.00
1078 Three Stooges                       g-       9.00
1079 Little Rascals                      vg+     12.50
1080 Fury (TV Adventure)                 g        5.00
1082 Spin and Marty                      g+      10.50
1083 Men Into Space			 f       18.00
1083 Men Into Space                      g        6.00
1190 Donald and the Wheel                vg      16.00
1094 Goofy 				 f+      25.00
1096 The Texan                           g+      10.50
1098 Sugarfoot                           vg+     17.50
1099 Donald Duck Album                   vg+     17.50 <---click to view actual comic
1099    Donald Duck Album 			vg          	    14.00
1103     Leave It To Beaver			vg	    26.00
1105     Gale Storm (Oh! Suzanna)			vg	     20.00
1107 Buckskin                           poor      3.00
1109 This is Your Life, Donald Duck      f+      60.00 <---click to view actual comic**
1109 This is Your Life, Donald Duck      vg      24.00
1112 Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks       vg+     20.00
1112 Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks       g        8.00
1114 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn      vg-     10.00
1114 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn      g/vg     9.00
1122 Chilly Willy                        g+       7.50
1124 Whirlybirds                         f+      35.00 <---click to view actual comic
1131 Elmer Fudd                          vg+     12.50
1132 Space Mouse                         g        5.00
1136 Jungle Cat                          vg      12.00
1137 Little Rascals                      vg      10.00
1140 Donald Duck Album                   f+      33.00
1144 The Story of Ruth                   vg+     22.50
1147 Tales of Wells Fargo                f+      35.00
1148 I Aim at the Stars                  vg      14.00
1149 Goofy				 vf	 35.00
1150 Daisy Duck's Diary                  g        8.00
1151 Mickey Mouse Album                  f       18.00
1155 North To Alaska 		       poor       7.50
1156 Swiss Family Robinson               f       24.00
1167 Tales of Wells Fargo                f+      32.00
1169 Sherlock Holmes 			 vg      24.00
1170 3 Stooges                           vg      22.00
1182 Donald Duck Album                   vg      10.00
1183 101 Dalmations                      g       10.00
1186 Yak Yak                            poor      4.00
1188 Atlantis, the Lost Continent        vg      18.00
1197 Aquanauts                          poor      3.50
1198 Donald In Mathmagic Land            g        6.00
1199 The Absent Minded Professor         vg      14.00
1199 The Absent Minded Professor         g+      10.50
1200 Hennesey                           poor      3.50
1201 Goofy and His Goof-Kart             vg+     12.50
1207 The Rebel   			 vg+     20.00
1216 Whirlybirds                         f       21.00
1218 Fury				 g+       7.50
1219 Detectives                          g+      13.50
1224 Little Rascals                      vg+     12.50
1225 The Deputy                          vf      54.00
1226 Nikki, Wild Dog of the North        g        5.00
1227 Morgan the Pirate                   vg+     17.50
1229 Thief of Baghdad                   poor      3.00
1235 Mr Magoo 2nd print                  vg      14.00
1239 Donald Duck Album                   vg      14.00
1239 Donald Duck Album                   g+      10.50
1242 King Leonardo                       g       10.00
1245 New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes   g-       8.00
1246 Mickey Mouse Album                  vg      12.00
1246 Mickey Mouse Album                  g        6.00
1255 The Wonders of Aladdin              vg+     15.00
1255 The Wonders of Aladdin             poor      3.00
1256 Kona Monarch of Monster Isle       poor      4.50
1260 Horsemasters                        vg      20.00
1264 Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks 	 g        5.00
1267 Gyro Gearloose 			 vg      14.00
1268 Oswald the Rabbit                   g/vg     7.50
1270 Bullwinkle and Rocky (#1)           g       16.00
1271 Yogi Bear Birthday Party            vg      12.00
1272 Frosty the Snowman                  vg      10.00
1273 Hans Brinker                        g-       5.00
1288 The Twilight Zone			 f	 33.00
1289 Ellery Queen                        vg+     17.50
1299 Deputy Dawg 			 g+      13.50
1299 Deputy Dawg                         g        9.00
1302 Johnny Jason Teen Reporter 	 f       12.00
1308 Tales of the Wizard of OZ           g       13.00
1312 National Velvet                     vg+     10.00
1313 Moon Pilot                          vg      12.00
1313 Moon Pilot                          g        6.00
1337 DR. Kildare			 vg      18.00
1341 The Andy Griffith Show		 vg      72.00
1349 Yogi Bear Visits The U.N.           vg+     20.00
1349 Yogi Bear Visits The U.N.           vg      16.00
1350 Walt Disney's Comanche             poor      2.50
Frankenstein (1964-1967)
issue/ grade/   price / comment
1     g     8.00
2     f+   25.00
Freddy (1963-1964)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1    vg     6.00
3    poor   2.00
Frogmen (1962-1965)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     g+    7.50
3     g+    7.50
10    g+    6.00
11    vg    8.00
F-Troop (1966-1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1    poor   4.00
7    poor   4.00
Garrison's Gorillas (1968)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     vg    6.00
2     g+    4.50
3     vg    6.00
3    poor   2.00
4     vg+   7.50
5     f     9.00
Gene Autry Comics (1943-1959)
issue/ grade/  price /comment 
8     g     9.00
15    vg   18.00
17    p     4.50
18    vg   18.00
19    vg+  22.50
25   vg/f  20.00
25    vg   16.00
41    g     6.00
43    vg+  15.00
44    vg+  15.00
45    f-   16.00
46    f    18.00
48    g+    9.00
51    vg+  15.00
54    f    18.00
54    vg   12.00
54    g     6.00
56    g     6.00
57    g+    7.50
59    f+   26.00
63    f-   13.00
64    f/vf 29.00
65    f+   25.00
67    f+   25.00
67    vg+  12.50
68    f+   25.00
70    vf   34.00
71    f+   25.00
72    g     5.00
73    f    15.00
73    g     5.00
74    vg   10.00
77    g+    7.50
80    vf   31.00
81    vg   10.00
83    f+   21.50
85    vf+  53.00
85    f+   21.50
86    vg   10.00
87    vg+  12.50
89    vg   10.00
91    g+    6.00
92   f/vf  20.00
92    f    12.00
92    g     4.00
94    vg+  10.00
94    vg    8.00
99    vf   28.00
100   f+   21.50
102   f+   19.00
103   vg    8.00
107   vg+  10.00
109   vg+  10.00
113   vg    8.00
116   g     4.00
117   g+    6.00
121   f    12.00  
Gene Autry's Champion (1950-1955)
issue/ grade/  price /comment 
3     g     4.00
7     g     4.00
9     vg    8.00
12    g+    6.00
12    g     4.00
14    vg    8.00

				Gentle Ben (1968)
issue/ grade/  price
4  vf+   23.00
4  vf    16.00

Get Smart (1966-1967)

issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     f    18.00
3     vg   12.00
3     g     6.00
8     vf   33.00
Ghost Stories (1962-1973)
issue/ grade/  price /comment 
8     g     3.00
10    g     3.00
12    f     9.00 small writing on cover
12    vg    6.00
15   poor   2.00 
16    g     3.00
17    vg    6.00
18    g+    4.50
20    g     3.00
21    vg+   7.50
24    vg+   5.00
25    vg/f  5.00
25    vg    4.00
27    f     6.00
27    g+    3.00
28    vg+   5.00
28    vg    4.00
29    vg    4.00
31    vg    4.00
32    vf   13.00
32    vg+   5.00
34    f+    9.50
35    f     6.00
35    vg+   5.00 
36    g     2.00
37    g     3.00
Guerrilla War (1965)
issue/ grade/  price /comment 
12    vg    6.00 formerly Jungle War Stories
13    g+    4.50
13    g     3.00
14    vg+   7.50
issue/ grade/  price /comment
 9    vg   16.00
10    g     8.00
12    vf   54.00
14    g     7.00
15    f+   33.00
16    f    21.00
16    g     7.00
18    vg   14.00
18    vf+  82.00
18    g     7.00
20    g-    6.00
22    vg+  17.50
22    vf   44.00
25    f    21.00
26    vf+  82.00
27    vg+  17.50
27    vg   14.00               
Hans Brinker (1957)
1   poor  3.00 (one-shot)

Have Gun Will Travel (1958-1962)

issue/ grade/  price /comment
 6    vg   14.00
10    f    21.00
11    f+   32.00
12    vf   44.00
14    vf   44.00
Henry (1946-1961)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
5     vg   10.00
8     vg   10.00
11    vg+  12.50
13    g     5.00
14    vg   10.00
15    g+    7.50
18    vg   10.00
19    vg   10.00
27    vg+  10.00
30    g+    6.00
31   fair   2.00
36    g     3.00
42    f     9.00
46    g     3.00
47    f     9.00
51    vg    6.00
59   poor   2.00
60   poor   2.00
62   poor   2.00
Henry Aldrich Comics (1950-1954)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1    vg+   22.50
5    g      6.00
12   poor   2.00
14   vg     8.00
19   vg     8.00
22   vf    23.00
Hogan's Heroes (1966-1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment

#9    g    5.00
Howdy Doody (1950-1956)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
9     g+   18.00
17    g    10.00
24    vg   18.00
27    vg   18.00
34    vg   18.00
Huckleberry Hound (1960-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
3     f+   32.50
7     g     7.00
7    poor   3.50
11    f    15.00
11    vg+  12.50
I Dream of Jeannie (1966-1973)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
-all issues are wanted-
I Love Lucy Comics (1954-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4    poor   8.50
5    poor   8.50
6     vg   26.00
7    poor   6.50
I'm Dickens He's Fenster (1963)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     g+    7.50
Indian Chief (1951-1959)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
 9    g     4.00
 19   vg    8.00
 23   vg    8.00
 26   vg    8.00
 29   vg+  10.00
 30  poor   2.00
Iron Horse (1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     -wanted-
2     -wanted-
Ivanhoe (1963)
issue/grade/   price / comment
12-372-309   vg  6.00
Jace Pearson's Tales of the Texas Rangers (1953-1959)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     vg+  15.00
6     vg   12.00
9     g     6.00
18    g+    7.50
John F Kennedy (1964)
issue        /grade/   price / comment
12-378-410  wanted 

				Johnny Mack Brown

issue/ grade/  price /comment
8	vg      12.00
9       vg+     15.00
Jungle Jim (1954-1959)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
5     vg    8.00
5     g     4.00
7     g/vg  6.00
8     f    15.00
8     vg+  10.00
8     vg    8.00
9     vg    8.00
9     g/vg  6.00
14    f    12.00  small writing on cover
15    f+   18.50 <---click to view actual comic
16    vg+  10.00
17    f+   18.50
17    vg    8.00
18    f+   18.50
19    vg+  10.00
Jungle War Stories (1962-1965)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1    vg+   10.00
2    poor   2.00
4     g     3.00
9    poor   2.00
10    vg    6.00
11    vg    6.00

		King Leonardo and His Short Subjects (1962)
issue/     grade/  price
01390207  vg+   20.00
King of the Royal Mounted (1948-1958)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
11    f    15.00
11   poor   2.50
13   poor   2.50
14    vg   10.00
14    g+    7.50
16   poor   2.50
17    vg   10.00
20    g     5.00
28    f+   19.50
28    g     4.00
Kona (1962-1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
8     g+    7.50
9     f+   24.00
9     vg   10.00
10   poor   2.50
13    vg+  10.00
13    vg    8.00
14    vg+  12.00
15    vg    8.00
15    g+    6.00
16    vg    8.00
17    vg    8.00
18    vg+  10.00
19    vg+  10.00
19    vg    8.00
20    vg+  10.00
Krazy Kat Comics (1951-1952)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
-all issues are wanted-
Laramie (1960-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
01-418-207  vg   12.00
Lassie (1950-1962)
issue/ grade/  price / comment
1    poor  13.00
2     g     8.00
3     vg   12.00
3     g+    9.00
4     vg+  15.00
5     vg   12.00
6     vg+  15.00
7     vg+  15.00
7     vg   12.00
8     vg   12.00
9     vg   12.00
10    vg   12.00
11    vg+  12.50
11    vg   10.00
12    g     5.00
13    vg+  12.50
14    g     5.00
15    vg   10.00
15    g+    7.50
16    vg+  12.50
16    vg   10.00
17    f    15.00
17    vg   10.00
17    g+    7.50
17   poor   2.50
18    g     5.00
19    vg   10.00
20    f/vf 24.00
20    vg+  12.50
21    vg   10.00
21    g     5.00
21   poor   2.50
23    g     4.00 
24    vg    8.00
24    g     4.00
25    vg+  10.00
25    g     4.00
26    g+    6.00
27    vg    8.00
27    g+    6.00
28    f    12.00 
28    g     4.00
28   poor   2.00
30    vg    8.00
31    f    12.00 
31    vg    8.00
32    vg    8.00
33    vg    8.00
34    vg    8.00
40    vg+  10.00
41    p     2.00
42    vg+  10.00
42    vg    8.00
43    g     4.00
45    vf   28.00  small writing on cover
45    vg    8.00
47    g+    6.00
50    vg+  10.00
54    f    12.00
56    vg+  10.00
Laurel and Hardy (1963)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     vg     8.00
Linda Lark (1961-1963)
issue/ grade/   price / comment
Little Iodine
issue/ grade/  price /comment
3    vg+  12.50
5    vg   10.00
6    vg   10.00
9    g     5.00
9   poor   2.50
10  poor   2.50
12  poor   2.00
16   vg+  10.00
17   vg+  10.00
17   g     4.00
19  fair   2.00
23   g+    6.00
24   vg+  10.00
25   f    12.00
25   vg+  10.00
26   vg    8.00
26   g+    6.00
27  fair   2.00
29   f+   17.50
30   vf   23.00
33   vf   21.00
33  poor   2.00
34   vg-   5.50
37   vg+   7.50
41   g     3.00
42   g     3.00
45   f-    8.00
46   vg    6.00
49   g+    4.50
51   vg+   7.50
54   g+    4.50
55   vg+   7.50
Little Scouts
issue/ grade/  price /comment
3    vg    8.00
3    g     4.00
4    vf   25.00
5    vg+  10.00
Lone Ranger (1948-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     g    22.00
6     g    16.00
13    g    12.00
15    f    36.00 <---click to view actual comic
16    g    12.00
18    f    36.00
19    f    36.00 <---click to view actual comic --->   tape on back cover
21   poor   5.00
26    f    30.00
27    f    30.00 <---click to view actual comic
28    vg+  25.00
29    f-   28.00
32    f    27.00
33    vg+  22.50
35    f    27.00
35    vg+  22.50
36    f    27.00
36    vg   18.00
36    g/vg 13.50
37    vg+  22.50
37    vg   18.00
37   poor   4.50
38    vg   16.00
39    f/vf 39.00
39    vg   16.00
40    f    24.00
40    vg+  20.00
41    vg   16.00
42    vf   46.00
42    f+   32.00
42    vg   14.00
43    f    21.00
43    vg   14.00
44    f    21.00
44    g+   10.50
45    f+   33.50
45    f    21.00
45    vg+  17.50
46    f+   33.50
46    vg+  17.50
47    vg+  17.50
48    f    21.00
48    vg   14.00
49    f    21.00
50    vg+  17.50
50    g     7.00
51    vg+  15.00
52    vf   42.00
52    vg+  15.00
52    g     6.00
53    f+   30.00
53    f    18.00
54    vg+  15.00
55    vf   42.00
56    vg+  15.00
58    vf   42.00
58    f+   30.00
59    vf   42.00
59    g     6.00
60    vf   42.00
60    f    18.00
60    vg   12.00
61    vf   42.00
61    f    18.00
62    f+   30.00
63    vg+  15.00
65    f+   30.00
65    vg+  15.00
65    g+    9.00
66    vg+  15.00
67    vg+  15.00
67    vg   12.00
67    g     6.00
68    f+   30.00
68    vg   12.00
69    f    18.00
70    f+   30.00 
70    f    18.00
70    vg+  15.00
70    vg   12.00
71    f/vf 34.00
71    g     6.00
72    vf   42.00
72    f/vf 30.00
73    f    18.00
73  poor    2.00 detached cover 
74    vf   42.00
74    f-   16.00
75    f+   29.00
75    f    18.00
75    vg+  15.00
76    f+   33.00
76    vg+  17.50
76    g+   10.50
77    vf+  73.00
77    vf-  36.00
78    vf   40.00
78    vf-  36.00
78    g/vg  9.00
79    f+   29.00
80    f+   29.00
80    vg   12.00
80   poor   3.00
81   fair   3.00
82    vf   40.00
82    g/vg  9.00
83    f/vf 33.00
83    vg+  15.00
83    g/vg  9.00
83   poor   3.00
84    f+   29.00
84    f    18.00
84    g/vg  9.00
85    vf   40.00
86    f+   29.00
86    g     6.00 
86   poor   3.00
87    vf   40.00
87    f/vf 34.00
87    vg   12.00
88    g/vg  9.00
89    vf   40.00
90    f+   29.00
90    g+    9.00
91    vg   12.00
92    g+    9.00
93    f+   29.00
93    g/vg  9.00
94    vf   40.00
94    vg   12.00
95    vf   40.00
95    g/vg  9.00
96    vg-  10.50
96    g+    9.00
96    g     6.00
97    f+   29.00
97   fair   3.00
98    f+   29.00
98    g/vg  9.00
99    g     6.00
100   vg+  17.50
100   g+   10.50
101   f+   30.00
102   vf   37.00
102   f    18.00
102   vg   12.00
102   g+    9.00
103   vf   37.00
103   g+    9.00
104   g     6.00
106   g/vg  9.00
106   vf+  66.00
107   vf+  66.00
107   g+    9.00
108   vf+  66.00
108   vf   37.00
108   g+    9.00
109   vf   37.00
109   g-    5.00
109  poor   3.00
110   g     6.00
111   f    18.00
111   g     6.00
112   vg   30.00
113   g+   13.50
114   g/vg 14.00
115   f    27.00
116   vg+  22.50
116   g     9.00
117   vg+  22.50
119   vf   56.00
119   f+   40.00
121   vg+  20.00
122   vg+  20.00
124   f+   40.00
125   vg   16.00
126   vf   56.00
128   vf   56.00
131   vg+  20.00
131   vg   16.00
132   g     8.00
135   vg+  20.00
138   vg+  20.00
139   g     8.00
140  poor   4.00
The Lone Ranger Movie Story   poor  18.00
Lone Ranger's Companion Tonto (1951-1959)
issue/ grade/     price /comment
#6     vg+   12.50
#7     vg    10.00
#8     vf    35.00
#9     vg+   12.50
#11    f     15.00
#10    vg    10.00
#12    f+    24.00
#13    f+    24.00
#13    g      5.00
#14    vf    31.00
#15    vg+   12.50
#16   poor   2.50
#17    vf-   28.00
#17    g+     7.50
#18    vf    31.00
#18    vg    10.00
#19    vf    31.00
#20    vf+   53.00
#21    vf    28.00
#21    vg     8.00
#22    vf+   47.00
#23    f+    20.00
#23    g      4.00
#24    vf    28.00
#25    vg     8.00
#25    g      4.00
#26    f+    20.00
#27    vg+   10.00
#27    vg     8.00
#30    vg+   10.00
#31    vf    28.00
#31    vg     8.00
#32    vf    28.00
Lone Ranger's Famous Horse Hi-Yo Silver (1952-1960)
issue/ grade/     price /comment
#3     vg    10.00
#3     g+     7.50
#4     vg+   12.50
#5     vf    31.00
#6     vg+   12.50
#7     g      5.00
#8     vg+   12.50
#8     vg    10.00
#9     vf    31.00
#9     vg    10.00
#10    vg    10.00
#10    g      5.00
#11    f     12.00
#11    vg+   10.00
#11    g      4.00
#12    vg+   10.00
#13    vf    27.00
#14    f     12.00
#15    vf    27.00
#16    f     12.00
#17    f     12.00
#18    f     12.00
#18    vg     8.00
#19    vg+   10.00
#19    vg     8.00
#19    g-     3.00
#20    f+    19.50
#20    g      4.00
#21    vf    27.00
#21    vg     8.00
#21    g      4.00
#22    vf    27.00
#22    vg+   10.00
#23    vf    27.00
#24    vf+   44.00
#25    vf    27.00
#27    vf    27.00
#29    vf    27.00
#29   poor    2.00
#31    g      4.00
#33    vg+   10.00
Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies Comics (1941-1962)
issue/ grade/   price /comment   
69    poor  4.00
79    vg   16.00
84    g     7.00
86    g     7.00
88    vg   14.00
99    vg   14.00
100   vg   16.00
100   g     8.00
102   g     6.00
103   g     6.00
104   g     6.00
104   poor  3.00
106   g     6.00
107   vg   12.00
107   g     6.00
108   g     6.00
108   poor  3.00
109   g     6.00
110   vg+  15.00
118   vg   12.00
118   g+    9.00
119   g+    9.00
119   g     6.00
122   poor  2.50
123   vg   10.00
124   vg+  12.50
125   f    15.00
125   g     5.00
125   poor  2.50
126   vg   10.00
129   vg+  12.50
129   g+    7.50
131   g+    7.50
131   g     5.00
133   poor  2.50
134   g+   28.00 Double Cover
135   g     5.00
136   f+   25.00
136   g     5.00
137   vf-  33.00
137   g     5.00
139   vg   10.00
139   g+    7.50
143   vg   10.00
143   g     5.00
146   vg+  12.50 
148    f   15.00
148   vg+  12.50
148   vg   10.00
149   vg+  12.50
149  poor   2.50
150   vg   10.00
157   g     5.00
158   vg+  12.50
159   vg   10.00
159   g+    7.50
160   f    15.00
160   vg   10.00
161   f+   24.00
161   g+    7.50
162   vg   10.00
163   vg   10.00
164   vg   10.00
164   g     5.00
165   vg+  12.50
165   g     5.00
165   poor  2.50
166   vg   10.00
167  fair   2.50
170   vg   10.00
170   g     5.00
171   g+    7.50
172   vg+  12.50
176   vg   10.00
178   vg   10.00
179   f    15.00 
180   vg    5.00  cover trimmed
180   g     5.00
182   vg   10.00
182   g     5.00
184   vg+  12.50
185   vg   10.00
186   f/vf 27.00
188   f    15.00
188   g     5.00
188  poor   2.50
190   vg+  12.50
190  poor   2.50
191   vg   10.00
192   vg   10.00
196   g+    7.50
197  poor   2.50
198   vg+  12.50
199   g     5.00
200   f+   24.00
200  poor   2.50
201   vg    8.00 has writing on front 
201   g+    7.50
202   f    15.00
202   vg   10.00
202   g+    7.50
207   g+    7.50
212   f    15.00
215   vg   10.00
216   vg+  12.50
218   vg   10.00
220   f    15.00
220   vg+  12.50
223   vg+  12.50
224   vg+  12.50
225   vg   10.00
226   vg-   9.00
227   vg   10.00
228   vg+  12.50
229   vg+  12.50
229   vg   10.00
238   vg   10.00
239   g     5.00
240   vg   10.00
240   g     5.00
242   g+    7.50
Man From Wells Fargo (1962)
issue/         grade/  price /comment
01-495-207   vf   40.00
Marge's Little Lulu (1948-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
3   poor  13.50
7   poor  10.50
8    vg   42.00 <--click to view actual comic
10   vg   42.00 <--click to view actual comic
11   vg   34.00
14   vg   34.00
15  poor   8.50
19   vg+  44.50 <--click to view actual comic
19   g+   24.50
20   f    51.00 <--click to view actual comic
27   g    15.00
31  poor   6.00
34  poor   6.00
42   g+   15.00
47   vg   20.00
48   g+   15.00
51   f    30.00
57   vg   20.00
65   vg+  22.50
74   g+   13.50
85   vg+  17.50
88   vg+  14.00  cover not attached
89   f    21.00
99   g     7.00
100  vf+  92.00  <---click to view actual comic
100  vg+  17.50 
103  f    18.00
105  vg+  15.00
106  vg+  15.00
107  vf   37.00
108  f+   27.50
109  vg-  10.50
111  vg+  15.00
118  f    18.00
119 poor   3.00
120  vg+  15.00
123 poor   3.00 detached cover 
145  vg   10.00
146  vg+  12.50
148  g+    7.50
149  vg   10.00
150  f    15.00
151  g+    7.50
152  g     5.00
154  vg   10.00
155  vg+  12.50
156  vg+  12.50
157  vg+  12.50
160  vg   10.00
164  g/vg  7.50
Marge's Tubby (1953-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
 5    vg   16.00
 8    f    21.00
13    f+   24.50
13    g     5.00
14    vg   10.00
14    g+    7.50
18    vg   10.00
24    vg+  12.50
25    vg   10.00
26    f    15.00
26    g     5.00
27    vg+  12.50
27    vg   10.00
28    vg+  12.50
48    vg    8.00

Maverick (58-62)

issue/ grade/  price /comment
#7    vg   16.00
#7    g     8.00

Melvin Monster (1965-1969)

issue/ grade/  price /comment
3     f    15.00

Merrill's Marauder's

issue/ grade/  price /comment
nn   vg     15.00

M.G.M.'s Mouse Musketeers (1957-1960)

issue/ grade/  price /comment
8     vg+  10.00
9     vg    8.00
11    f    12.00
12    g+    6.00
13    vg    8.00
13    g     4.00
17    f    12.00
19    g+    6.00
19   poor   2.00
M.G.M.'s Spike and Tyke (1955-1961)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
5     f    12.00
10   poor   2.00
11    g+    6.00
23    vg    8.00

Mighty Mouse (1966)
issue/ grade/  price /comment

168   g+    6.00
Millie, the Lovable Monster (1962-1973)
issue/grade/  price /comment
2    g+    6.00
2    g     4.00
3    vg    8.00
4    vg-   5.00
6    vg    6.00
Mission Impossible (1967-1968)
issue/ grade/   price / comment
3     f+   25.00
4     vg+  12.50
4     vg   10.00
Mister Magoo (1963)
issue/ grade/   price / comment
-all issues are wanted-
#3   poor   3.00
Mod Squad (1969-1971)
issue/ grade/   price / comment
1      f    21.00
1      vg   14.00
2      vf   27.00
3      g     4.00
4      f    12.00
6      f    12.00
Monkees (1967-1969)
issue/ grade/   price / comment
6     poor   3.00
17     vf   41.00
Monroes (1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
-all issues are wanted-
Movie Classics (1963-1969)
issue/                           grade/    price /comment
The Cat  (12-109-612)     poor   2.00
Bambi   (#3)               g     5.00
Bon Voyage                 vg+   7.50
Countdown(12-150-710)      f     9.00
Countdown(12-150-710)      vg    6.00
Countdown(12-150-710)      g+    4.00
Countdown(12-150-710)      g     3.00
The Creature             
Die,Monster,Die            vg   12.00
Dr. Who and the Daleks     g+   36.00
Frankenstein               g+   15.00  second printing 
Last of the Fast Guns      vg   12.00
The Dirty Dozen            vf   31.00
The Dirty Dozen            vg   10.00
The Dirty Dozen            vg-   9.00
How the West Was Won       vg    8.00
Incredible Mr. Limpet	 vg   10.00
Lion of Sparta             vg    8.00
Masque of the Red Death    g     6.00
Music Man		        g     3.00
Prince and the Pauper      vg    8.00
The Runaway                f/vf 14.00
The Runaway                vg    6.00
6 Black Horses             vg    6.00
Sons of Katie Elder        vg   22.00 John Wayne/Dean Martin cover
Mutt and Jeff (1958-1959)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
104   f    15.00  
108   vf   30.00  small writing on cover, couple rips on back
109   vg+  12.50  small writing on cover

                         Mysterious Isle Jules Vernes (1964)
1      g      8.00
Nancy (1957-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
147  fair   4.00
157   g     8.00
158   g+   12.00
159   g+   12.00
162   g+   10.50
172   f    21.00
172   g     7.00
178   g+   10.50
180   f    21.00
185   g     5.00
National Velvet (1962)
issue/        grade/   price / comment
12-556-210  vg+   10.00
            vg     8.00
01-556-207  vg     8.00
Naza (1963-1966)
issue/  grade/   price / comment
1     vg   12.00
2     vg    8.00
3     vg+  10.00
4     g     4.00
5     g     4.00
8     vg+  10.00
8     vg    8.00
New Funnies (1942-1962)
issue/  grade/   price / comment
-becomes "walter Lantz New Funnies" #109 on-
108   g     7.00
109   vg   14.00
137   vg   12.00
140 poor    2.00 detached cover
141   g     6.00
146   g     6.00
147   vg+  15.00
147   g+    9.00
150   g+    9.00
152   g     5.00
153   poor  2.50
156   vg+  12.50
158   g-    4.00
163   g+    7.50
170   vg   10.00
175   g+    7.50
190   g     5.00
191   poor  2.50
192   poor  2.50
193   poor  2.50
194   vg+  12.50
195   vg   10.00
198   vg   10.00
199   vg   10.00
202   vg   10.00
202   g-    4.00
203   vg   10.00
206   vg   10.00
207   g     5.00
208   vg   10.00
210   vg+  12.50
211   vg   10.00
211   g     5.00
212   g+    7.50
212   g     5.00
213   vg+  12.50
214   vg   10.00
215   vg+  12.50
216   vg   10.00
217   g+    7.50
222   vg+  12.50
224   vg   10.00
224   g-    4.00
225   g+    7.50
226   f    15.00
227   vg+  12.50
227   vg   10.00
227   g+    7.50
227   g-    4.00
228   vg+  12.50
228   vg   10.00
229   vg   10.00
230   vg+  12.50
230   vg   10.00
231   vg   10.00
231   g+    7.50
232   g     5.00
233   vg+  12.50
233   vg   10.00
234   g+    7.50
235   vg   10.00
235   g+    7.50
236   vg+  12.50
236   vg   10.00
237   g     5.00
237  poor   2.50
238  poor   2.50
240   f+   25.00
241   g     5.00
242   f+   25.00
242   vg   10.00
-"New TV Funnies" #259,260,272,273-
260   g     5.00
-"TV Funnies" #261-271-
266   vg+  12.50
268   f+   21.50
269   vf   30.00
271   f+   21.50
272   f+   21.50
277   vg+  12.50
278   vg+  12.50
278  poor   2.50
279   vg   10.00
283   g     5.00
284   vg   10.00
285   g     5.00
New People (1970)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     vf   17.00
1     f     9.00
2     g     3.00
New Terrytoons (1960-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     g     6.00
3     f    12.00
5     vg    8.00
7     vg    8.00
Nukla (1965-1966)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
-all issues are wanted-
Outer Limits (1964-1969)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     g     7.00
3     g+   10.50
8     vg+  15.00
8     g     6.00
9     f    18.00
14    vg+  12.50
14    vg   10.00
16    vg+  12.50
16    vg   10.00
17    vg   10.00
17    g     5.00
18    vg+  12.50
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     g/vg 27.00
5     g+   21.50
6     g    15.00 
12    vg   30.00
13   poor   7.50
Petticoat Junction
issue/ grade/  price /comment

#2   vg    10.00
Pogo Possum
issue/ grade/  price /comment
10    vg+  32.50 <---click to view actual comic
16    g+   15.00
Ponytail (1963)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     vg    6.00
5     vg+   7.50
Popeye (1948-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
22    vg+  20.00
23    vg   16.00
27    f+   37.00
28    vg   16.00
42    vg   12.00
45    f+   29.00 <---click to view actual comic
46    vg+  20.00
47    g     6.00
48    vg   12.00
49    f+   29.00 <---click to view actual comic
50    f+   29.00
51    vg+  12.50
51    g-    4.00
61    vg   10.00
65    vg   10.00
Porky Pig (1952-1962)
issue/ grade/    price /  comment
27    g     5.00
28    g     5.00
29    vg   10.00
31    vg   10.00
33    vg+  12.50
33    g     5.00
36    vg   10.00
36   poor   2.50
38    f+   21.50
38    vg   10.00
38   poor   2.50
39    f+   21.50
39    vg+  12.50
40    vg+  12.50
40    vg   10.00
41    vg    8.00
42    vg    8.00
43    f    12.00
43    vg    8.00
44    vg-   7.00
47    vf   25.00
47    g+    6.00
48    g+    6.00
49    g+    6.00
50    vf   25.00
50    vg    8.00
51    vg    8.00
51    g     4.00
53    vg+  10.00
53    vg    8.00
54    vg    8.00
55    vg    8.00
56    vg    8.00
57    f    12.00
58    vg    8.00
59    vg+  10.00
59    g     4.00
60    f    12.00
61    f+   15.00
61    vg+   7.50
62    f     9.00
63    f+   15.00
64    f+   15.00
64    vg    6.00
65    vg+   7.50
67    vg    6.00
67    g+    4.50
69    vg    6.00
72    vg+   7.50
75    vg+   7.50
75   poor   2.00
78   poor   2.00

				Popular Comics (1936)
issue/ grade/    price /  comment
19    g-     78.00

Private Secretary (1962-1963)

issue/ grade/    price /  comment
 1   -wanted-
 2   -wanted-

Queen of the West Dale Evans (1953-1959)

issue/ grade/    price /  comment
4     vg+    17.50
15   poor     2.50
18    vg     10.00
19    vg     10.00

Quick Draw McGraw (1960-1962)

issue/ grade/    price /  comment
 7    vg   10.00
10    g+    7.50

		Raggedy Ann and Andy (1964)
issue/ grade/    price 
2     vg+    37.50
Rat Patrol (1967-1969)
issue/ grade/    price /  comment
#2    g+    6.00
#6    f+   20.00
Real-Life Story of Fess Parker (1955)
issue/ grade/    price /  comment
1    vg    18.00
Real McCoys (1962)
issue/        grade/  price /comment
01-689-207  vg+  15.00
Red Ryder Comics (1941-1957)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
 27  poor   5.00
 75   f+   27.50
109   f    15.00
114   vf   31.00
114   f+   21.50
121   f+   21.50
125   vf   30.00
134   g     4.00
143  poor   2.00
147   vf   28.00
149   vf   28.00
150  poor   2.00
Rex Allen Comics (1958-1959)
issue/ grade/  price /comment

6    vg+   15.00
6    vg    12.00
6    g      6.00
7    vg    12.00
7    f     18.00
8    g+     9.00
9    vf    38.00
9    vg+   15.00
11   f     15.00
14   vg    10.00
14   g+     7.50
15   vg    10.00
17   f+    24.00
19   g      5.00
24   g      5.00
25   vg+   12.50
Rifleman (1959-1964)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2    g+    15.00
2    vg+   25.00
2    g-     8.00
3    vg+   25.00
3    g+    15.00
3    g     10.00 
3    g-     8.00
5    vg+   22.50
6    vg+   22.50
6    g+    13.50
Rin Tin Tin (1954-1961)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
10    g      6.00
11    vg+   15.00
11   poor    3.00
14    vg   12.00
13    vg-  10.00
16     g    6.00
16   poor   3.00
21     g    5.00
34    vg   10.00
36    vf   33.00 <---click to view actual comic

Robin Hood (1963)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1         g          5.00

Room 222
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     vf   37.00
1     vg   12.00
2     vf   25.00
2     vg+  10.00
3     vf   25.00
3     vg    8.00

Rootie Kazootie(1954)

issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     vf   41.00
5     vg+  15.00 

Roy Rogers Comics (1948-1961)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
23    g    15.00 Canadian edition variant
32    vg+  20.00
32    vg   16.00
34    vg+  20.00
38    vg   16.00
39    vg+  20.00
40    f    24.00
41    vg   16.00
44    f    24.00
45    vg   16.00 
46    g+   12.00
47   poor   2.00  detached cover 
48    f+   29.00
48   poor   3.00
49    vg   12.00
50    f+   29.00
51    vf-  36.00
52    vf+  73.00
52    f+   29.00
53    f    18.00
54    f+   29.00
55    vf   40.00
56    f/vf 33.00
56    vg+  15.00
56    vg   12.00
56    g     6.00
57    vf   41.00
57    f+   29.00
58    vg+  15.00
58    vg-  10.00
59    vf-  36.00
59    vg   12.00
60    vf   40.00
60    vg+  15.00
61    vg   12.00
62    vf   40.00
62    f    18.00
62    vg   12.00
64    f    18.00
64    vg   12.00
63    f+   29.00
65    f+   29.00
66    vf   40.00
66    f/vf 33.00
67    f    18.00
69    f    18.00
69    vg+  15.00
70    f    18.00
70    vg+  15.00
71    f    15.00
72    vg+  12.50
73    f+   25.00
74    f+   25.00
75    f    15.00
76    f+   25.00
76    vg   10.00
77    f+   25.00
77    f    15.00
78    vf+  63.00
79    f+   25.00
80    vf   35.00
80    f+   25.00
81    vf   34.00
81    f    15.00
81    vg   10.00
82    vf   34.00
82    f/vf 28.00
82    f+   24.00
82    vg   10.00
83    vf   34.00
83    f    15.00
83    p     2.50
84    vf   34.00
84    f+   24.00
85    vg+  12.50
86    f    15.00
86    g+    7.50
87    f    15.00
88    g     5.00
90    vf   34.00
90    vg   10.00
91    vf   33.00
91    vg+  12.50
92    f    15.00
93    vf-  29.00
93    f/vf 24.00
94    vg   10.00
95    vg+  12.50
96    f+   24.00
97    vf   33.00
97    f    15.00
98    f+   24.00
98    g     5.00
99    vf   33.00
101   g     5.00
103   vf   33.00
104   f    15.00
109   vf   33.00
107   vg   10.00
108   p     2.50
110   vf   33.00
110  poor   2.50
111   vg   12.00
111   g-    5.00
112   vf-  30.00
114   vf   33.00
115   f+   24.00
117   g     5.00
118   vg+  12.50
119   vf   38.00
120   vf   38.00
121   vf+  69.00
122   f+   28.00
124   f+   28.00
126   vg   10.00
126   g     5.00
126   f    15.00
127   vg+  12.50
127   g+    7.50
129   vf   31.00
130   vf   31.00
131   f    15.00
131   vg   10.00
132   vg   10.00 
135  poor   2.50
Roy Rogers' Trigger (1951-1955)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     vg   20.00
6     f+   24.00
8     f+   24.00
9     vg+  12.50
9     vg    8.00 taped inside  
10    vg+  12.50
11    f    15.00
12    vf   31.00
12    g/vg  8.00
13    f+   24.00
13    g     5.00
15    vf   31.00
16    f+   24.00
Ruff and Reddy (1960-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     vf   41.00
4     vg   12.00
6     vg   12.00
9     g     6.00
11    vg   12.00
Sea Hunt (1958-62)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
#4    vg   16.00
#4   poor   4.00
#8    g+   12.00
#11   vg/f 21.00

Sergeant Preston of the Yukon (1951-1959)

issue/ grade/    price /  comment
#12   f+   24.00
#14   g     5.00
#16  poor   2.50
#22   g-    5.00
#29   g     6.00
Space Man (1962-1972)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     vg    8.00
2    poor   2.00
5     vf   21.00
5     g+    4.50
6     vg    6.00
7     vg    6.00
8     f     9.00
9     g+    3.00
10    vg    4.00
10    g/vg  3.50

				Spin and Marty (1958)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
9     f     21.00

			Super Comics (1938)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
116   vg    18.00   
Super Heroes (1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
3     f     9.00
Tales of the Green Beret (1967-1969)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
-all issue are wanted-
Tarzan (1948-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
17    vg   30.00
20    vg   30.00
21    vg   26.00
26    g    13.00
30    vg+  32.50
31    f    30.00
32   poor   5.00
33    vg+  25.00
34    f    30.00
36    f    30.00
36    vg   20.00
37    vg+  25.00
38    f    30.00
40    f    30.00
42    f    24.00
49    vf   56.00
50    g+   12.00
51    vf   56.00
51   f/vf  40.00
51    g     8.00
52    vg+  20.00
59    vg   14.00
60    vg+  17.50
61   poor   3.00
63    g-    5.00
66    vg   12.00
67    vg   12.00
68    vg+  15.00
70    vg+  15.00
70   poor   3.00
71    vg   12.00
72    vg+  15.00
72     g    6.00
73    vg+  15.00
74    vg+  15.00
75    vg+  15.00
75    g     6.00
76    vg+  15.00
79    f+   28.00
81  poor    2.50
84    vg   10.00
85    g+    7.50
86    p     2.50
89    vg   10.00
90    f    15.00
98    vg+  12.50
101   vg+  12.50
104   vg   10.00
103   g+    7.50
105   f+   24.00
106   g+    7.50
107   g     5.00
112   vg   10.00
116   vg+  12.50
116   vg   10.00
117   f    15.00
118   f    15.00
118   vg+  12.50
120   vg+  12.50
120   vg   10.00
121   vg   10.00
122   g+    7.50
123   g+    7.50
124   g+    7.50
125   vg+  12.50
125   g     5.00
127   vg+  12.50
128   vg   10.00
130   vg+  12.50
131   g+    7.50

Jungle annual 7  vg  18.00
T.H.E. Cat (1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1-4 are --wanted--
Thirteen (...going on Eighteen)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
#19   g     4.00
#20   g     4.00
#21   poor  2.00
#27   vg    6.00
Three Stooges (1959-1962)
issue/  grade/    price /  comment
Tip Top Comics (1936-1961)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
216  poor   7.50
224  poor   7.50
Toka (1964-1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     g     4.00
1    poor   2.00
2     g     3.00
3     g     3.00
7     vg+   7.50
10    vg+   7.50
Tom and Jerry (1949-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
76    vg+  15.00
77    vg+  15.00
89    poor  2.50
92    g+    7.50
97    vg+  13.00
102   vg   10.00
104   vg+  12.50
107   g     5.00
110   poor  2.50
111   vg   10.00
114   vg   10.00
114   g+    7.50
115   vg   10.00
121   vg    8.00
123   g     4.00
129   vg    8.00
135   vg    8.00
136   vg+  10.00
138   vf   28.00
139  poor   2.00
140   vg+  10.00
141   vg    8.00
142   vg+  10.00
143   f    12.00
144   vg+  10.00
145   f    12.00
146   vg    8.00
147   vg+  10.00
149   f+   18.50
149   vg    8.00
152   g     4.00
153   g+    6.00
154   vf   25.00
162   f    12.00  small writing on cover
163   vg    8.00
164   vg    8.00
165   vg-   7.00
165   g     4.00
167   vg+  10.00
168   vg    8.00
174   g     4.00
178   vg    8.00
182   vg    8.00
185   vg    8.00
188   g     4.00
190  poor   2.00
191   vg    8.00
199   g     4.00
211   g     3.00
212   g+    4.50
Tom Corbett Space Cadet (1952)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
8     g+   10.50
11    g/vg 11.50
Turok Son Of Stone
issue/  grade/    price /  comment

06    f    45.00
08    vg+  37.50
09    poor  7.50 
10    vg   30.00  
11    f+   55.00
12    f    33.00
13    vg+  27.50
13   poor   5.50
14    f    33.00
14   poor   6.00
16    f+   55.00 <---click to view actual comic
17    vg+  27.50
17    g+   16.50
18    f+   55.00 <---click to view actual comic   
19    vf   76.00 <---click to view actual comic
20    vg   22.00
23    vg+  22.50
23    vg   18.00
24    f+   42.50
25    vg+  22.50
25    vg   18.00
26    f    27.00
27    f    27.00
28    vg+  22.50
29    vf   58.00 <---click to view actual comic
--->this series published by Gold Key starting w/ #30
Tweety and Sylvester (1954-1962)
issue/ grade/  price / comment
6     f    15.00
6     vg+  12.50
7     g     5.00
8     g     5.00
10    g+    7.50
10    g     5.00
10  poor    2.50
11    g+    7.50
12    f+   25.00
12    g+    7.50
13    vf   35.00
14    g     5.00
15    vf+  63.00  small writing on back cover
17    f    15.00
17    vg   10.00  small writing on cover, bottom right corner missing
18    vg+  12.50
20    vg   10.00
23    g     5.00
26    vg   10.00
30    vf   31.00
36    vg   10.00
37    g/vg  8.00
Twilight Zone (1962)
issue/       grade/  price /comment
01-860-207  f    27.00
12-860-210  f    27.00  small writing on cover
12-860-210 vg+   22.50

Wagon Train (1958-1962)

issue/ grade/    price /  comment
4     vg+     12.50
5       f+        28.00
6       vg        10.00
7       vg+       12.50
8       f+        26.00
8     vg      10.00
9     g-       4.00
Werewolf (1966-1967)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     vg    8.00
Western Roundup (1952)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     g    25.00
15    vg   18.00
19    g     9.00
Wild Bill Elliot (1950-1955)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
15    vg   10.00
15  poor    2.50
Winnie Winkle (1941-1949)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
2     g    25.00
3     vg+  60.00
Woody Woodpecker (1952-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
16    vf   27.00
17    f+   19.50
17    vg    8.00
22    f+   19.50
24    vg    8.00
27    vg    8.00
28    f    12.00
28    vg    8.00
31    vg    6.00
31    g+    4.50
33    vg    6.00
34    vg+   7.50
36    vg+   7.50
37   poor   2.00
38    g+    4.50
39    vf+  33.00 <---click to view actual comic
41    g/vg  5.00
42   poor   2.00
43    g     3.00
45    g     3.00
46   poor   2.00
47    f     9.00
47    vg    6.00
47    g     4.00
48    vg+   7.50
48    g     3.00
49    vg+   7.50
49   poor   2.00
50    vg    6.00
52    vg    6.00
53    f     9.00
55    vg    6.00
56    g+    4.50
59    f     9.00
65    vg    6.00
68    g-    2.50
69    g     3.00
World War Stories (1965)
issue/ grade/  price /comment 
1     g     4.00
2     vg    6.00
3     g     3.00
Wyatt Earp (1957-1961)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     g     5.00
7     g     5.00
8    poor   2.50
9    poor   2.50
12   g+     7.50

Yogi Bear (1961-1962)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
4     f    15.00
4     vg+  12.50
5     vg   10.00
7     vg   10.00
8     vg+  12.50 
8     vg   10.00
9     g     5.00
33    vf   16.00
34    g     3.00

				Young Lawyers (1971)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
#1    f+    12.50
Young Rebels (1971)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     f+   11.50
1    poor   2.00
Zane Grey's Stories of the West (1955-1958)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
28    g     4.00
36    vf   28.00
38    g     4.00
Zorro (1949-1961)
issue/ grade/  price /comment    
12    vg   16.00

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