Finder: Ordering Info:
| Magazine and Fanzines price list Grading scale: g=good, vg=very good, f=fine, vf=very fine, nm=near mint/mint issue/ grade/ price /comment 29 vf+ wanted * 44 vg+ 8.00 76 vf+ 10.00 3 vf- 22.00 4 vf+ 27.50 5 f/vf 21.00 6 f/vf wanted * 8 f+ 15.50 13 f 12.00 26 f 5.00 27 f- 7.00 28 f 5.00 29 f- 5.00 30 vg 4.00 31 f 5.00 32 vg+ 5.00 33 f 5.00 34 f+ 5.50 35 vf wanted * 35 f wanted * 36 vf+ wanted * 36 vf- 18.00 37 vf 34.00 37 f+ 26.00 38 vf- 8.50 38 f+ 6.00 39 vf wanted * 40 f- 14.00 41 f+ 16.00 42 f+ 6.00 43 vf 7.00 44 f- 10.00 50 vf+ wanted * 51 nm 30.00 51 f 14.00 52 nm 22.00 52 f+ 11.00 53 nm 15.50 53 f- 6.50 54 nm 15.50 54 f 7.00 55 nm wanted * 55 vg+ 8.00 56 vf+ wanted * 56 vg+ 8.00 57 vf 9.00 57 f- 6.50 58 nm 15.50 58 f- 6.50 59 nm 15.50 59 f 7.00 60 nm wanted * 60 f- 14.00 61 vf 14.00 61 f 7.00 62 vf+ 17.50 62 f+ 11.00 63 vf+ 14.00 63 f+ 8.00 63 f 8.00 64 nm wanted * 64 f- 20.00 64 vg 12.00 65 nm wanted * 65 f 12.00 65 f- 9.00 66 nm wanted * 66 vg+ 11.00 67 nm 15.50 67 f- 6.50 68 nm 21.00 68 f 9.00 68 vg+ 8.00 69 nm wanted * 69 vg+ 18.00 70 nm 15.50 70 f 7.00 70 vg+ 6.00 71 vf- 14.00 71 vg+ 8.00 72 f+ 8.00 72 f 7.00 73 f+ 8.00 73 vg+ 6.00 74 vf- 8.00 74 f 7.00 75 f+ 9.00 76 vf+ wanted * 76 f+ 14.00 76 f 12.00 77 vf+ 11.00 77 f+ 8.00 77 vg+ 6.00 78 vg+ 6.00 79 f 7.00 79 vg+ 6.00 80 f+ 6.00 80 f 5.00 81 f+ 7.00 81 f 6.00 82 f+ 7.00 83 f 6.00 84 f 6.00 84 vg+ 5.50 85 f- 11.00 86 vf- 7.00 87 f 6.00 88 f+ 6.50 89 f+ 6.50 90 f+ 6.50 91 vg+ 11.00 92 f+ 7.00 93 vf 8.00 94 f+ 7.00 95 f+ 14.00 96 f+ 7.00 98 f+ 7.00 99 f 14.00 101 f 6.00 102 f- 8.00 103 f- 5.00 104 f+ 5.50 105 f 5.00 106 f+ 9.00 107 vf+ wanted * TMNT 109 f+ 5.50 110 f+ 5.50 111 f 5.00 112 f+ 5.50 112 f 5.00 113 f+ 5.00 114 vf 6.00 114 f 5.00 115 vf- 9.00 116 f+ 5.50 116 f 5.00 117 f- 8.00 118 f 5.00 118 vg+ 5.00 119 f+ 5.50 119 vg+ 5.00 120 vf 9.00 120 f+ 8.00 121 f+ 6.00 121 f 5.00 122 f 5.00 122 f- 5.00 123 f 5.00 124 f- 5.00 125 f+ 6.00 125 vg+ 8.00 126 f+ 6.00 126 f 5.00 127 f+ 6.00 127 f 5.00 128 vf- 7.00 128 vg 5.00 129 f+ 6.00 130 vf 8.00 131 vf wanted * 133 f- 8.00 134 f+ 8.00 135 f+ 8.00 136 f+ 8.00 137 f+ 6.00 138 nm wanted * 138 vf wanted * 139 f wanted * 140 f+ 6.00 141 vg+ 4.00 142 f 5.00 143 f- 5.00 144 f 9.00 145 vg+ 14.00 146 f 15.00 147 f- 7.00 148 vf 7.00 149 vf 8.00 150 f+ 6.00 151 vg+ 5.00 152 vg+ 5.00 153 f 6.00 154 f wanted * 155 f 9.00 156 f 9.00 157 f 30.00 158 vf 25.00 159 vf 7.00 160 vf 40.00 161 f+ 7.00 162 vf 8.00 163 vf 24.00 164 nm wanted * 165 nm 11.00 166 vf 7.00 167 nm 11.00 168 f+ 17.50 169 nm 11.00 170 f 26.00 McFarlane cover 171 vg+ 11.00 172 vf+ 9.00 173 vf- 7.00 174 f 6.00 175 vf 7.00 176 nm 11.00 177 nm 9.00 178 nm wanted * 179 f 25.00 180 vf 11.00 181 vf 15.00 182 nm 13.00 183 vf 8.00 184 vf+ 14.00 185 f 14.00 186 vf+ 21.00 187 nm wanted * 189 nm wanted * Adam Hughes/Indiana Jones 190 vf wanted * Adam Hughes 191 vf 14.00 192 vf+ wanted * Yellow logo 193 vf 18.00 194 vf+ 9.00 195 vf 11.00 196 vf wanted * 198 vf 17.50 199 f 6.00 200 f+ 11.00 201 f+ 17.50 202 f 7.00 203/204 f+ 32.00 Best of Amazing Heroes #1 f 14.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment #4 f wanted * #5 g 7.00 #6 vg+ 13.50 #8 vg+ 13.50 #10 g 6.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment 16 vf 36.00 Arcana Magazine (2010) #1 5.00 Avengers Anniversary Magazine (1993) #1 vf+ 6.00 #1 vf 5.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment 19 nm 24.00 Don Newton Batman 19 vf+ 20.00 Don Newton Batman 22 vf wanted * Robin 24 vf 14.00 Doctor Strange 25 vf 14.00 Iron Man 26 f+ 9.00 Black Widow 27 vf+ 20.00 Aquaman and Mera 29 vf wanted * X-Men and Mutants 30 nm 25.00 Shazam #1 vf 14.50 Bizarre Adventures
(1981-83) issue/ grade/ price /comment 25 nm wanted * 25 vf 29.00 26 nm wanted * 26 vf 21.00 26 vg 14.00 27 -wanted- 28 vf+ 21.00 28 vg+ 8.50 29 -wanted- 30 vf+ 14.50 30 f 7.00 31 nm 27.50 31 f+ 14.00 32 vf 20.00 32 f 12.00 33 vf wanted * 33 vg+ 15.00 34 vf+ 15.00 (this issue is comic book sized) 34 vf 12.00 Blazing Combat (1965) Warren Magazine issue/ grade/ price /comment wanted * Blast (1971) issue/ grade/ price /comment 2 vf 350.00 <--click to view actual magazine #1 vf 6.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f+ wanted * 1984 Magazine Format 02/1961 f 5.00 issue / grade/ price /comment 44 (12/68) vg+ 16.00 52 (04/70) f 14.00 55 (10/70) f+ 17.50 75 (02/74) f+ 17.50 #3 nm 14.00 #4 nm 14.00 #5 nm 14.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment 1 nm wanted * 3 nm wanted * 7 nm wanted * 8 vf+ wanted * 12 nm wanted * 16 vf+ wanted * #77 wanted * #79 8.00 #80 wanted * #81 wanted * #82 8.00 #84 8.00 #87 8.00 #90 wanted * #91 8.00 #92 8.00 #93 wanted * #94 8.00 #96 8.00 #98 8.00 #99 8.00 #100 8.00 #101 8.00 #102 8.00 #106 8.00 #107 8.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 132 f 15.00 134 vg+ 5.00 135 vg 4.00 136 *wanted* Metal Men 148 f+ 11.00 Ms Marvel 165 vf- 8.00 Superman 169 vf+ 10.00 Captain Marvel 170 vf+ 10.00 Shang-Chi 171 nm 13.00 Thor 171 vf+ 10.00 Thor 173 nm 13.00 Spirit 174 nm 13.00 Comic Satire 175 nm 13.00 Green Lantern 175 vf 8.00 Green Lantern 176 vf+ 10.00 Machine Man 177 nm 13.00 Catwoman 177 vf 8.00 Catwoman 178 nm 13.00 Marvel Family 179 nm wanted * Stan Lee 181 vf+ 10.00 Wonder Woman 183 f 10.00 Mike Mignola's first comics work 184 nm 13.00 early Mignola 184 vf 8.00 early Mignola 185 vf+ 10.00 Harvey Comics 186 vf+ 10.00 Shazam! 187 vf 8.00 Deathlok 188 vf 8.00 Fred Hembeck 189 vf 8.00 Captain America 190 vf 8.00 Obnoxio/ Crazy 191 vf+ 9.00 Space Ghost 192 vf+ 14.00 Charlton Era #87 f+ 9.00 includes poster #90 vf 9.00 includes poster #91 f/vf wanted * includes poster #92 f/vf 8.00 includes poster #93 f+ 7.00 includes poster issue/ grade/ price /comment 2 vf- 12.00 Mike Grell & Interviews 3 f+ 14.00 Boris Vallejo & Micronauts 4 f- 11.00 X-men/Denny O'Neil 5 vf 17.50 Batman 6 vf+ 27.50 X-Men 7 vf+ 17.50 Dazzler 7 vf 14.50 Dazzler 8 vf 24.00 Moon Knight 8 f 14.00 Moon Knight 9 vf+ 17.50 Year End Review 9 f 7.00 Year End Review 10 f 18.00 Captain America's 40th 11 f 10.00 Roy Thomas/Justice Society 12&13 vf 18.00 Marv Wolfman/Teen Titans (double issue) 14 vf- 13.00 Frank Miller (states 15 on cover) 15 vf- wanted * Paul Levitz/LOSH 16 f+ 8.00 Mary Jo Duffy/Power Man & Iron Fist 17 vf- 10.00 John Byrne/Fantastic Four 18 vf 9.00 Dick Tracy's 50th/Year In Review 19 vg+ 8.50 George Perez/Teen Titans 20 vf- 8.00 Chris Claremont/New Mutants 21 vg+ 6.00 Don Heck/JLA Index 22 vf 16.00 Spider-Man's 20th 23&24 f 20.00 Future of Marvel (double issue) 25 vf wanted * Frank Miller 26 vf+ 10.00 Russ Manning 27 vf 18.00 John Byrne/Star Wars 31 vf wanted * John Buscema/Conan the Barbarian 34 vf+ wanted * Jack Kirby/Spider-Man 41 f+ wanted * Avengers 43 vf- wanted * Frank Miller/Daredevil/Batman 47 vf 8.00 X-Factor/New Universe 49 f wanted * Frank Miller/John Byrne 50 f 6.00 Anniversary Issue 51 f- 5.00 New Mutants 52 vf- 7.00 GI Joe 54 vf+ 10.00 the NAM Summer Special (1983) f+ 15.00 Jim Starlin/Joe Kubert issue/ grade/ price / comment 2 nm 9.00 3 vf 7.00 9 vf 11.00 10 nm 17.50 11 nm 9.00 12 nm wanted * 13 nm 8.00 14 vf+ 11.00 15 vf+ wanted * 16 nm wanted * 17 nm 9.00 18 nm 8.00 19 vf+ 8.00 32 vf 6.00 33 vf 5.00 35 nm 6.00 71 vf+ wanted * issue/ grade/ price /comment 45 f 10.00 Superman 59 vf 11.00 Heavy Metal/ Jack Kirby 60 vf 10.00 Fred Hembeck/ Jim Shooter 61 vf+ wanted * Roy Thomas 62 f+ 9.00 Dick Giordano 63 vf wanted * Triple Sized Wendy Pini/ Harlan Ellison 64 vg+ 7.00 Gil Kane/ Denny O'Neil 121 vf- wanted * Robert Crumb issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf 37.00 1 f 23.00 1 vg 15.50 2 vf 23.00 2 f+ 17.50 2 f 14.00 3 vf+ 29.00 3 vf 23.00 3 f+ 17.50 4 vf+ 29.00 4 vf 23.00 4 f+ 17.50 4 vg+ 11.00 5 vf+ 29.00 5 vf 23.00 5 f+ 17.50 5 vg+ 11.00 6 f+ 17.50 6 f 14.00 7 vf 21.00 7 f+ 15.50 8 vf 21.00 8 f+ 15.50 8 vg 7.00 9 vf 21.00 9 f 10.00 10 vf 21.00 10 f+ 14.00 10 vg+ 8.50 11 vf 15.50 11 vg+ 8.50 12 f+ 12.00 12 f 10.00 12 vg 7.00 13 vf 15.50 13 f 10.00 14 vf+ 21.00 15 vf 15.50 15 f 10.00 15 vg+ 8.50 16 vf 15.50 16 f 10.00 17 vf 15.50 18 nm 29.00 18 vf 17.50 18 vg 7.00 19 vf 32.00 20 vf+ 110.00 20 vg+ 9.00 21 vf+ wanted * 21 vg+ 6.00 21 vg 5.00 22 vf+ 14.00 22 vg 5.00 23 vf+ wanted * 23 g+ 5.00 24 vf 15.50 25 vf 10.00 26 vf+ 14.00 27 vf 15.50 27 vg 7.00 28 f+ 9.00 28 vg 5.00 29 vf 10.00 29 vg 5.00 30 f 7.00 30 vg 5.00 31 vf 7.00 31 vg+ 5.00 32 vf+ 110.00 32 f+ 14.00 32 vg 7.00 33 vf 14.00 34 vf 7.00 35 vf 7.00 36 vf 10.00 37 vf 22.00 38 vf 15.00 39 f+ 10.00 40 vf 7.00 41 nm -wanted- 42 vf+ wanted * 43 f 15.00 44 vf 12.00 45 vf 40.00 46 vf 7.00 47 f 10.00 47 vg/f 8.00 47 vg 6.00 48 vf 7.00 49 vf 10.00 50 vf 18.00 50 f 12.00 51 vf 14.00 52 vf 12.00 52 vg+ 6.00 52 vg 5.00 53 vf+ 9.00 54 f+ 8.00 55 vf+ 12.00 55 f+ 9.00 56 f+ 9.00 57 vf+ wanted * 58 vf 12.00 59 vf+ wanted * 59 f+ 15.00 59 vg+ 10.00 60 vf 12.00 61 vf+ 12.00 62 vg+ 28.00 Kiss appearance 63 vf+ 12.00 64 nm 22.00 65 vf 14.00 65 f 7.00 66 vf+ wanted * 67 vf+ 9.00 68 f+ 6.00 68 vg+ 5.00 69 vf 18.00 70 nm -wanted- 71 nm 18.00 72 nm 18.00 73 vf+ wanted * 74 vf+ 12.00 75 vf 7.00 76 vf+ 9.00 77 nm -wanted- 78 f 9.00 79 vf 7.00 80 vf+ wanted * 81 vf 15.00 82 vf wanted * 83 vf+ wanted * 84 vf wanted * 85 vf 14.00 86 vf+ wanted* 87 vf+ wanted * 88 vf 7.00 1975 Summer Special vf 15.50 1975 Summer Special vg+ 9.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf 8.00 1 f+ 6.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment 1 vg 5.00 2 vf 9.00 3 vf 9.00 4 f+ 8.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment Star Raiders vf+ 14.00 Warlords nm 16.00 Warlords vf 8.00 The Deadliest Heroes Of Kung Fu issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f 18.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f 52.00 2 vf 45.00 3 f+ 27.50 4 f 19.00 4 vg+ 13.50 5 f+ 22.50 7 vg+ 15.00 9 vf 29.00 9 f+ 22.00 13 vf 25.00 14 f 35.00 Neal Adams cover/Bruce Lee issue 16 vg 9.00 17 vf 50.00 Neal Adams cover/Bruce Lee cover 18 vf 25.00 19 -wanted- 1st app of White Tiger 20 f+ 42.00 21 vf 39.00 21 vg+ 18.00 22 -wanted- 1st Jack of Hearts 23 vf 45.00 23 vg+ 22.00 24 vg 10.00 25 f+ 35.00 25 vg+ 15.00 26 f+ 29.00 26 vg 10.00 27 -wanted- 28 -wanted- 29 -wanted- 30 vg+ 19.00 31 f+ 37.00 31 f 27.0 32 -wanted- 33 f+ 39.00 Special Album Edition 1 nm -wanted- issue/ grade/ price /comment 1-shot vg+ 27.50 softcover edition The Destroyer (1989-1990) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 nm 13.00 1 vf 8.00 1 vg+ 5.00 2 vf+ 10.00 2 vf- 7.00 3 nm 13.00 3 vf 8.00 4 vf 8.00 5 vf 8.00 5 f+ 7.00 6 vf 8.00 6 f+ 7.00 7 f- 5.00 8 f+ 7.00 8 f 6.00 9 vf+ wanted * 9 vf- 7.00 9 vg+ 5.00 #2 f 16.00 each issue includes Dirt Magazine, a Marvel comic, and a cassette single #4 f 16.00 #5 vf 22.00 (no cassette included) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f+ 25.00 1 vg 10.00 1 g+ 7.00 2 f 12.00 3 vf 25.00 3 vf- 20.00 3 f 12.00 4 f+ 16.00 4 f 12.00 5 vf+ 40.00 5 vg+ 10.00 6 vf 25.00 6 f 12.00 7 f 12.00 8 vf+ 40.00 8 vg+ 10.00 8 vg 8.00 #1 vf+ 15.50 #1 vf 11.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment Season 1 Part 1 vf+ wanted * Season 1 Part 2 vf- 21.00 Season 2 Part 2 vf 22.00 Season 3 Part 2 vf 22.00 Season 4 Part 1 vf 22.00 Season 9 vf 22.00 The Tenth Season vf- 21.00 The Eleventh Season f/vf 17.50 First Baker Years Part One vf+ wanted * issue/ grade/ price /comment 96 f- 5.00 97 f+ 6.00 98 f 5.00 99 f 5.00 100 f+ 9.00 101 f 5.00 102 f 5.00 103 f- 5.00 104 f+ 7.00 105 f/vf 9.00 106 f 7.00 107 f+ 8.00 108 f/vf 6.00 109 vg+ 4.00 110 f/vf 8.00 111 f/vf 7.00 112 f/vf 7.00 113 f 7.00 114 f+ 6.00 118 f+ 5.00 122 vf 6.00 123 f+ 5.00 124 vf+ 10.00 125 vf+ 10.00 126 vg/f 5.00 127 f+ 6.00 128 f 5.00 129 f+ 6.00 130 f+ 8.00 131 f+ 8.00 132 f+ 5.00 133 vf- 5.00 134 f/vf 6.00 135 f+ 5.00 Autumn Special vf/nm wanted * (1987) The Master (FASA RPG Module) f+ 22.00 issue / grade/ price /comment 12/69 f+ 25.00 2/70 f+ 25.00 3/70 f+ 25.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment #119 f+ 8.00 #120 f/vf 8.50 #121 vg+ 6.00 #122 vf 9.00 #122 vg+ 6.00 #123 vg+ 6.00 #124 vf 9.00 #124 f+ 8.00 #129 f+ 8.00 #129 f 7.00 #130 f/vf 8.50 #131 vf 9.00 #132 vg 5.00 #133 vg+ 6.00 #135 f/vf 8.50 #136 vg+ 6.00 #137 f 7.00 #138 f+ 8.00 #139 vf 9.00 #141 vf 9.00 #143 f 7.00 #144 vg 5.00 #146 vg+ 6.00 #147 f 7.00 #152 g/vg 3.00 #156 f 5.00 #160 vg 4.00 #163 f 5.00 #182 vg+ 5.00 #184 f 5.00 #186 vg 4.00 #187 vg 4.00 #188 vg 4.00 #190 f+ 6.00 #191 vf+ 9.00 #191 f+ 6.00 #192 vf+ 9.00 #192 vf 7.00 #192 vg 4.00 #193 vf 7.00 #193 vg+ 5.00 #195 f 5.00 #209 f+ 6.00 #210 vg+ 5.00 #211 f+ 6.00 #211 vg 4.00 #215 f/vf 6.50 #216 f/vf 6.50 #216 f+ 6.00 Best of Dragon #1 vg 7.00 #2 vg 5.00 2nd print #3 f+ 8.00 #3 f 7.00 #4 vg+ 6.00 #5 f+ 8.00
issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf+ wanted * 1 vf 44.00 1 vg 20.00 2 vg+ 13.50 2 vg 11.00 3 vf+ 66.00 1st Dreadstar 3 vf 55.00 1st Dreadstar 4 nm wanted * 4 vf+ wanted * 4 f+ 18.00 4 f 14.50 4 vg 10.00 5 nm 37.00 5 vf+ 30.00 5 vf 22.00 6 nm 43.00 6 vf+ 34.00 6 vf 27.50 6 vg+ 12.00 7 nm 36.50 7 vf 22.00 7 f+ 13.50 7 g 4.00 8 vf+ 23.00 8 vf 16.00 8 f 10.00 9 vf 17.50 9 f+ 13.50 9 f 10.00 9 vg+ 8.50 10 nm wanted * 10 vf+ wanted * 10 vf 16.00 10 vg+ 8.50 10 vg 7.00 11 vf+ 230.00 11 vf 22.00 11 f 13.50 12 vf 22.00 12 f+ 11.00 13 vf 22.00 14 vf+ wanted * 14 vf 21.00 14 f+ 14.00 15 vf 21.00 16 vf+ 27.00 17 vf+ 23.00 17 vf 21.00 18 nm wanted * 18 vf+ wanted * 19 vf 16.00 19 f+ 14.00 20 vf 110.00 21 nm wanted * 21 vf+ wanted * 22 vf 22.00 23 vf+ 27.50 24 vf+ 27.50 24 vf 21.00 25 nm 33.00 25 vf 27.50 26 vf 22.00 Galactus Series begins 26 f 16.00 27 vf+ wanted * 27 vf 18.00 27 f 11.00 28 vf 27.50 28 f+ 9.00 29 vf+ 28.00 30 vf 22.00 31 vf+ 28.00 32 f 11.00 33 vf+ 45.00 34 vf 60.00 34 vg- 28.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment April 1978 (#1) g+ 4.00 Close Encounters April 1978 (1) vg 5.00 Close Encounters June 1978 f+ 7.00 Superman August 1978 f 6.00 Star Wars Special Effects December 1978 f 6.00 Battlestar Galactica February 1979 f+ 7.00 BSG/ Lord of the Rings April 1979 vg+ 5.00 Superman June 1979 vf+ 10.00 Superman June 1979 f 6.00 Superman July 1979 f 6.00 George Romero/ Alien September 1979 f 6.00 Alien October 1979 vf+ 10.00 Alien November 1979 vf- 7.00 Dracula November 1979 vg+ 5.00 Dracula January 1980 nm 13.00 Meteor February 1980 vf+ 10.00 Star Trek/ Black Hole February 1980 vf 8.00 Star Trel/ Black Hole February 1980 f+ 7.00 Star Trek/ Black Hole March 1980 nm 13.00 Black Hole/ Star Trek March 1980 vf+ 10.00 Black Hole/ Star Trek May 1980 nm 13.00 Saturn 3/ The Fog May 1980 vg+ 5.00 Saturn 3/ The Fog July 1980 vf 8.00 Empire Strikes Back September 1980 f+ 7.00 Empire Strikes Back October 1980 vf+ 10.00 Empire Strikes Back December 1980 (#20)f+ 7.00 Star Wars January 1981 (#21)vf 8.00 Star Wars/ Forbidden Planet February 1981 (#22)vf 8.00 4 Years of Sci-fi Special April 1981 vf 8.00 Star Wars June 1981 vf+ 10.00 Star Wars on NPR June 1981 vf 8.00 Star Wars on NPR August 1981 vf 8.00 Superman 2 November 1981 vf 8.00 Heavy Metal the Movie April 1982 vf+ 10.00 Return of the Jedi April 1982 vf 8.00 Return of the Jedi June 1982 f 6.00 Conan the Barbarian June 1982 vg 4.00 Conan the Barbarian August 1982 vf 10.00 Revenge of the Jedi February 1983 vg 12.00 Revenge of the jedi July 1983 f 8.00 Return of the jedi #1 vf- 11.00 Beowulf #3 nm 17.50 American Flagg Hard Times #15 nm 14.00 Badger Hexbreaker #19 nm 14.00 Original Nexus Graphic Novel issue/ grade/ price / comment -all issues are wanted- #1 f+ 7.00 #1 f 6.00 #1 vg 8.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment #1 f 7.00 #2 vf 11.00 #3 vf 14.00 #3 vg+ 6.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 3 f/vf 7.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment #1 -wanted- April 1977 #22 g/vg 7.00 January 1979 #26 g/vg 7.00 May 1979 #29 g/vg 7.00 August 1979 #53 g+ 6.00 August 1981 #62 g+ 4.00 May 1982 #67 vg 5.00 October 1982 #69 vg- 6.00 December 1982 #70 f 7.00 January 1983 #70 vg+ 6.00 January 1983 #71 vg 7.00 February 1983 #72 vg- 6.00 March 1983 #84 vg 7.00 March 1984 #85 vg- 5.00 April 1984 #87 g/vg 4.00 June 1984 #88 vg 5.00 July 1984 #89 g 3.00 August 1984 #90 g+ 4.00 September 1984 #91 vg 5.00 October 1984 #92 vg+ 6.00 November 1984 #94 vg- 5.00 January 1985 #96 g/vg 4.00 March 1985 #98 f 7.00 May 1985 #99 g/vg 4.00 June 1985 #102 f 7.00 September 1985 #105 g/vg 4.00 December 1985 #107 vg 5.00 Spring 1986 #113 vg 5.00 Fall 1987 #116 vg- 5.00 Summer 1988 #118 vg- 5.00 #120 vg 5.00 May 1989 #121 vg 5.00 July 1989 #122 vg+ 5.50 September 1989 #123 f- 5.50 November 1989 #125 vg+ 5.50 March 1990 #126 vg- 4.00 May 90 #128 vf 9.00 Sep 90 #129 vg 7.00 Nov 90 #131 vg 4.00 Mar 91 #132 vg 4.00 #134 vg+ 5.00 Sep 91 #135 vg- 4.00 Nov 91 #136 vg 4.00 #137 vg- 4.00 Mar 92 #137 g+ 4.00 #138 vg+ 5.00 May 92 #138 vg 4.00 #139 f 7.00 Jul 92 #140 f- 5.00 Sep 92 #140 vg 4.00 #142 vg- 4.00 #144 f- 5.00 #146 f 6.00 #146 g+ 4.00 #147 vg 4.00 Nov 92 #148 vg 4.00 Jan 94 #149 vg- 4.00 Mar 94 #150 vg 4.00 #151 f- 5.00 #151 vg 4.00 Jul 94 #152 vg 4.00 #153 vg+ 5.00 Nov 94 #154 g/vg 3.50 #155 f- 6.00 Mar 95 #155 vg/g 5.00 #156 f 6.00 #156 vg 4.00 May 95 #157 vg 4.00 #159 vg+ 6.00 #160 f 6.00 #161 f 5.00 #161 f- 4.00 Jan 96 #162 vg/f 5.00 #163 vf/f 5.00 #165 vg 5.00 #167 vg 4.00 Jan 97 #168 vg 4.00 #169 vf 8.00 May 97 #172 vg/f 5.00 #173 vg+ 5.00 #175 vf 8.00 May 98 #176 vg- 4.00 Jul 98 #177 vg 4.00 #179 vg- 4.00 Jan 99 #180 vg+ 5.00 Mar 99 #182 f 7.00 #183 vg/f 6.00 #184 f 6.00 #186 g+ 4.00 #197 f+ 8.00 #217 f+ 8.00 Best of Heavy Metal (1979) #2 vg 5.00 Hee Haw (1970-1971) issue/ grade/ price /comment -all issues are wanted- Hell Rider (1971) issue/ grade/ price /comment #2 g+ 64.00 #1 --wanted-- #2 nm -wanted- VERY scarce NOTE:First issue not distributed by publisher, 1800 copies were stored and 900 were stolen from the warehouse. #2 was sold at Army PX's #3 14.00 #5 14.00 #6 14.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 40 f 40.00 41 vg+ 30.00 43 f 40.00 56 vf wanted * low print run 06/1960 vg- 5.00 11/1960 f+ 8.00 12/1960 vg 5.00 01/1961 vg+ 6.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 nm 14.00 1 vf+ 11.00 2 f 9.00 3 vf+ 16.00 3 vf 12.00 4 vf+ wanted * 4 vf 12.00 5 vf 12.00 6 vf+ wanted * 6 f 7.00 7 vg+ 20.00 8 vf+ 18.00 8 f+ 12.00 9 vf 12.00 9 f 9.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 36 vf 17.50 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 -wanted- 2 vf+ 110.00 3 vf 15.50 (Laufer Pub.) issue/ grade/ price /comment 11 f 14.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment -all issues are wanted- 1 11.00 2 8.00 3 8.00 4 8.00 5 8.00 6 8.00 7 8.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment 1 vf wanted * issue/ grade/ price / comment #2 vg+ 14.00 Conan the Barbarian issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 nm -wanted- Death Of Captain Marvel (1st printing) 2 vf+ 16.00 Elric the Dreaming City 3 nm 99.00 2nd appearance of Dreadstar 3 vf 55.00 2nd appearance of Dreadstar 4 nm 46.00 New Mutants (4th printing) 5 nm -wanted- X-Men - God Loves Man Kills (1st printing) 6 nm 33.00 Star Slammers 6 vf+ 28.00 Star Slammers 7 nm 16.00 Killraven 7 vf+ 14.00 Killraven 7 vg+ 6.00 Killraven 8 f+ 9.00 Super Boxers 8 vg+ 6.00 Super Boxers 9 f+ 9.00 The Futurians 9 vg+ 6.00 The Futurians 10 nm -wanted- Heartburst 11 nm -wanted- Void Indigo 13 vf 22.00 Starstruck 14 nm 22.00 Swords of the Swashbucklers 15 nm -wanted- The Raven Banner 16 nm 14.00 The Aladdin Effect 17 nm -wanted- Revenge of the Living Monolith 18 vg 5.00 She Hulk 19 nm 33.00 Conan the Witch Queen of Acheron 20 nm -wanted- Greenberg the Vampire 21 nm -wanted- Marada the She-Wolf 22 nm -wanted- Spider-Man Hooky 23 nm -wanted- Doctor Strange Into Shamballa 24 nm -wanted- Love and War (Daredevil) 32 f 14.00 Death of Groo 34 nm 14.00 Cloak and Dagger (Predator and Prey) nn f+ 9.00 Iron Man Crash nn f 7.00 Punisher Assassin's Guild nn vf+ 11.00 Wolverine Nick Fury Scorpio Connection nn vf+ 27.50 Spider-man Fear Itself nn nm 21.00 Spider-man Parallel Lives nn vf+ 28.00 Spider-man Spirits of the Earth HC issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf+ 14.50 1 f+ 9.00 1 vg 4.00 (becomes Bizarre Adventures Magazine, #25-on) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf+ wanted * 1 f 18.00 1 vg+ 15.00 2 -wanted- 3 -wanted- 4 -wanted- 5 -wanted- 6 nm wanted * 7 nm -wanted- 8 vf+ wanted * 9 vf+ wanted * 9 vf 34.00 9 vg+ 12.00 10 vf 38.50 10 vg+ 16.00 11 nm -wanted- 12 nm wanted * 13 vf wanted * 13 f+ 8.00 13 vg 5.00 14 f+ 28.00 early Star Lord 15 vf 50.00 early Star Lord 15 vg+ 16.00 15 g+ 10.00 16 vf 28.00 16 f+ 24.00 17 vf+ wanted * 17 vf 11.00 17 f/vf 9.00 17 f+ 8.00 18 vf 40.00 early Star Lord 19 vf+ 30.00 19 vf 21.00 19 f 10.00 20 vf 14.00 20 f+ 11.00 20 f 9.00 21 f+ 62.00 22 vf 16.00 23 vf+ 25.00 23 vf 16.00 23 f 12.00 24 nm 22.00 24 vf+ 17.50 24 f+ 11.00 24 f 8.00 24 vg 5.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment 1 -wanted- (#1-4 were titled "Marvel Comics Super Special") issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 -wanted- Kiss 2 vf+ 110.00 Conan (1978) 2 f 10.00 Conan (1978) 2 vg 4.00 Conan (1978) cover detached 3 vf+ 14.50 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 3 vf- 9.00 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 3 f 7.00 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 4 -wanted- Beatles 5 -wanted- 6 vf wanted * Jaws 2 7 -wanted- Sgt. Pepper Beatles movie 8 vf 14.50 Battlestar Galactica 9 nm wanted * 9 nm 36.00 Conan, date mark on cover 9 vg+ 10.00 9 vg 8.00 10 vf 36.00 Star-Lord 11 vf+ 21.00 Weirdworld pt. 1 11 vf 15.50 Weirdworld pt. 1 12 f+ 8.00 Weirdworld pt. 2 13 f 7.00 Weirdworld pt. 3 13 vg 5.00 Weirdworld pt. 3 14 vf+ 9.00 Meteor 15 nm -wanted- Star Trek the Motion Picture 16 vf+ wanted * Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back 16 vf wanted * Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back 17 f+ -wanted- Xanadu 18 vf 60.00 Raiders of the Lost Ark 18 f+ 40.00 Raiders of the Lost Ark 19 nm -wanted- For Your Eyes Only 20 nm 24.00 Dragonslayer 20 vf 12.00 Dragonslayer 21 vf+ 18.00 Conan the Barbarian 21 f+ 10.00 Conan the Barbarian 21 f 8.00 21 vg 6.00 Conan the Barbarian 23 vf+ 8.00 Annie 24 nm -wanted- Dark Crystal 25 vf+ wanted * Rock and Rule 25 vf 20.00 Rock and Rule 25 vg+ 8.00 Rock and Rule 26 nm -wanted- Octopussy 27 nm wanted * Star Wars Return of the Jedi 27 vf wanted * Star Wars Return of the Jedi 27 f 25.00 Star Wars Return of the Jedi 27 vg+ 16.00 Star Wars Return of the Jedi 27 vg 12.00 Star Wars Return of the Jedi 28 vf+ wanted * Krull 28 vf 12.00 Krull 28 vg+ 6.00 Krull 28 vg 5.00 28 g+ 4.00 29 vf+ 12.00 Tarzan 29 vf 10.00 Tarzan 29 f/vf 9.00 Tarzan 29 vg 5.00 Tarzan 31 nm -wanted- The Last Starfighter 32 nm -wanted- The Muppets Take Manhattan 33 nm -wanted- Buckaroo Bonzai 34 f 8.00 Sheena 34 vg+ 7.00 35 nm wanted * Conan the Destroyer 35 vf 8.00 Conan the Destroyer 35 f 6.00 Conan the Destroyer 36 vf+ wanted * Dune 37 vf 14.00 2010 37 vg 6.00 2010 38 nm wanted * Red Sonja 38 vf 25.00 38 f 18.00 Red Sonja 38 vg+ 12.00 Red Sonja 39 vg 8.00 Santa Claus: the Movie 40 nm -wanted- 41 vf+ wanted * Howard the Duck issue/ grade/ price / comment 1 f 12.00 Marvel Illustrated with She-Hulk on cover 1 vg+ 8.50 2 f/vf 14.00 2 vg+ 8.00 3 vg+ 8.50 4 vg 6.00 #1 vf+ wanted * #1 f+ 8.00 #2 vf- 7.00 #2 vg+ 5.00 #3 f+ 5.00 #3 f 4.00 #4 vf 5.00 #5 f+ wanted * issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f 23.00 The Nam (magazine 1988-1989) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf+ 8.00 1 vf 7.00 2 vf+ 8.00 3 vf 7.00 4 nm 10.00 5 vf 6.00 issue/ grade/ price / comment 1st series (1970-1978) 3 vg 33.00 54 f+ 11.00 62 f+ 11.00 64 g 5.00 65 vg+ 11.00 69 f 11.00 75 f 11.00 79 f 14.00 81 vg+ 11.00 87 vg+ 7.00 92 vf wanted * 92 g+ 7.00 95 vg+ 9.00 96 vf wanted * 97 f 9.00 100 vg 7.00 December (#12) 1975 g/vg 21.00 October (#10) 1977 vg- 21.00 2nd series (1978-1992) 4 f 9.00 4 vg 7.00 5 vg+ 8.00 7 f 14.00 7 g+ 7.00 11 vg 9.00 13 f+ 15.50 20 vf 14.00 26 f 9.00 114 f+ 11.00 Untold Story of the Iran-Contra Affair vg 14.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment OGN vg 100.00 Magazine Sized #37 g/vg 7.00 #118 vg 5.00 #121 vg 5.00 #123 vg+ 6.00 #124 g/vg 4.00 #129 g/vg 4.00 #131 vg 5.00 #132 vg 5.00 #133 vg 5.00 #136 g/vg 4.00 #140 vg+ 6.00 #142 vg 5.00 #147 f 7.00 #148 vg 22.00 Spongebob Issue #149 vg 7.00 #150 vg 22.00 Spongebob Issue #151 vg+ 6.00 #153 vg 5.00 #154 g/vg 4.00 #156 f 7.00 Nick Mag Presents #14 f+ 27.50 Fairly Odd Parents #17 vg 14.00 Fairly Odd Parents #18 vg+ 6.00 #19 vg 15.50 Spongebob Issue #20 vg 15.50 Fairly Odd Parents #25 vf 33.00 Fairly Odd Parents etc All Comics Special Spongebob Squarepants Unofficial Collector Magazine f+ 36.00 1984 (magazine 1978-1980) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f 18.00 2 vf+ 22.00 2 vg 6.00 3 nm wanted * 3 f+ 24.00 4 vf 28.00 4 f 22.00 5 vf 28.00 6 vf 22.00 7 f+ 16.00 7 vg+ 12.00 8 vf+ wanted * 8 vg 6.00 9 vf+ 22.00 9 vg+ 6.00 10 vf+ wanted * 10 f 16.00 1994 (formerly 1984) (1980-1983) issue/ grade/ price /comment 12 vf 16.00 13 nm 22.00 14 vf 15.50 16 f/vf 20.00 On the Scene Presents Superheroes (1966) Warren issue/ grade/ price /comment #1 vg 25.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment #5 vg+ 10.00 #11 f- 12.00 #15 f 15.00
issue/ grade/ price /comment 2 vf 22.00 4 vg- 14.00 6 nm wanted * 7 vf+ wanted * 8 f+ 17.50 9 vf 22.00 9 f+ 17.50 10 vf+ wanted * 10 f 14.00 10 vg 8.00 11 f+ 28.00 12 f+ 28.00 12 vg+ 16.00 13 vf 22.00 13 f 14.00 14 nm wanted * 14 vf 34.00 14 f+ 28.00 15 f 14.00 15 vg+ 11.00 16 vf 22.00 17 f+ 17.50 18 vf 22.00 18 vg+ 11.00 20 vf 29.00 20 vg+ 16.00 22 vg 14.00 23 vg+ 11.00 24 vg+ 11.00 25 vg+ 11.00 26 -wanted- 27 -wanted- 28 -wanted- 29 -wanted- Planet of the Apes promotional 4pg newspaper f/vf 6.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 -wanted- 2 vf 12.00 3 vf 12.00 4 -wanted- 5 vf 12.00 6 vf 12.00 6 f+ 10.00 7 vg 6.00 8 -wanted- 9 vf 12.00 10 vf 12.00 11 vf 12.00 12 vf 12.00 13 vf+ 22.00 15 f+ 10.00 16 vf 12.00 Punisher Anniversary Magazine f+ 7.00
issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 nm wanted * Magazine Sized 2 vf 8.00 3 vf+ wanted * Robocop (1987) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf 16.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf 8.00 #113 f+ 110.00 #115 vf 27.50 #120 f+ 18.00 #139 f+ wanted * Rook ( 1979-1982) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 -wanted- 2 vf 11.00 3 vf+ 14.50 4 vf 11.00 4 f+ 9.00 5 vf+ 22.00 6 vf 11.00 7 vf+ 14.50 7 f 7.00 8 vf+ 22.00 9 vf 11.00 9 vg+ 5.00 10 vg+ 5.00 11 -wanted- 12 -wanted- 13 -wanted- 14 vf 20.00 Savage Tales (vol 2 Marvel 1985-1986) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf 16.00 1 vg 8.00 2 vg 8.00 3 vf+ 20.00 3 f 12.00 3 vg+ 10.00 4 vg+ 10.00 4 vg 8.00 5 f+ 16.00 5 f 12.00 5 vg+ 10.00 5 vg 8.00 6 f 12.00 7 f 12.00 7 vg+ 10.00 8 vf 16.00 8 f+ 14.00 8 f 12.00 Science Fantasy Film Classics (1977) #2 vf 9.00 Close Encounters #3 vf 9.00 Star Trek #4 f+ 22.00 Battlestar Galactica (rare final issue) Sick (magazine, 1960-1980) issue/ grade/ price /comment 38 vg 11.00 62 vg/f 9.00 64 f+ 17.50 65 f+ 17.50 106 vg+ 6.00 107 vg+ 6.00 108 vf wanted * 108 vg 5.00 109 f 7.00 110 f+ 9.00 111 vf wanted * 112 f+ 9.00 113 f+ 9.00 114 vf+ wanted * 114 vf wanted * 124 vg/f 11.00 126 g+ 7.00 129 g 5.00 Annual #3 vg 8.00 Six Million Dollar Man (1976-1977) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1-6 are -wanted- issue/ grade/ price /comment 3 f 21.00 Space: 1999 ( 1975-1976) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1-4 are -wanted- issue/ grade/ price / comment October 1977 f 23.00 April 1978 f/vf 22.00 June 1978 f+ 23.00 August 1978 f+ 23.00 December 1978 f+ 30.00 December 1978 vg+ 16.00 March 1979 f 30.00 July 1979 f wanted * May 1980 f+ 36.00 Feburay vg 8.00 Space Wars Heroes Special vg+ 17.50 #2 vf 8.00 #3 f/vf 7.00 #4 vf- 7.00 #4 vg 4.00 #5 f/vf 7.00 #5 f 6.00 #6 f+ 7.00 #8 f+ 7.00 Spirit (1974-1983) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 -wanted- 3 vg 9.00 4 vf 29.00 5 vf+ 45.00 5 vf 29.00 5 vg+ 11.00 6 vf+ 45.00 6 vf 28.00 7 vf+ 45.00 7 vf 28.00 8 vf+ wanted * 9 nm wanted * <--click to view actual comic 9 f+ 110.00 10 vf+ 45.00 <--click to view actual comic 10 f+ 22.00 11 vf 29.00 12 vf 29.00 12 vg 9.00 13 f 14.00 14 f 14.00 14 vg 9.00 15 f+ 110.00 15 vg+ 11.00 16 vf+ 49.00 16 f 14.00 17-41 are -wanted- issue/ grade/ price / comment October 1980 vf- 20.00 December 1980 f/vf 15.50 October 1981 vf wanted * Star Trek Coloring and Activity Books (Wanderer Books 1986) issue/ grade/ price /comment Activity Book vf 7.00 Writing Throughout Adventure Coloring Book vf 11.00 Uncolored Alien Coloring Book nm 17.50 Uncolored issue/ grade/ price / comment April 1978 f/vf 11.00 June 1978 f+ 10.00 Spring 1979 f/vf 11.00 95 wanted * 97 10.00 98 10.00 100 12.00 101 10.00 104 10.00 105 wanted * 106 wanted * 107 wanted * 108 wanted * 109 wanted * 110 wanted * 111 wanted * 113 wanted * issue/ grade/ price /comment 6 vg+ wanted * 7 f 25.00 8 f 10.00 9 f+ 27.00 10 vf wanted * 11 vg+ 20.00 12 vf wanted * 13 f+ 20.00 Strange Galaxy (1971) issue/ grade/ price /comment 9 f 55.00 Superman & Batman Magazine (1993) #1 f 6.00 #7 vf 8.00 #7 f+ 7.00 Tales From the Tomb (Eerie 1969-1975) issue / grade/ price /comment -all issues are wanted- Terry and the Pirates (Flying Buttress Classics Library) #17 11.00 #18 11.00 #19 11.00 #21 11.00 #22 11.00 Thrilling Adventure Stories (1975) issue/ grade/ price /comment #2 vf 20.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f 10.00 Turok Official Magazine (1998) issue/ grade/ price/ comment #1 vf 14.00 #2 nm 36.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment nn f+ 9.00 nn f 7.00 nn vg+ 6.00 Unknown Worlds Of Science Fiction (1975) issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 f+ 22.00 1 f 16.00 2 f+ 14.00 3 nm wanted * 3 vf 15.50 4 nm wanted * 5 vf 15.50 5 f+ 14.00 6 vf+ wanted * 6 vf 15.50 Special #1 vf 17.50 (1976) Warren Presents (1979-1981) issue/ grade/ price /comment 2 vf 11.00 The Rook 2 vg 5.00 The Rook 14 f+ 14.50 Rex Havoc 14 f 10.00 Rex Havoc "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" vg+ 6.00 "Future World" vf 10.00 "Future World" f 7.00 "Galactic wars" f 7.00 "The Offical Magazine Of 'Meteor'" vf 11.00 "Pantha" vf 37.00 "Pantha" f 27.00 "Star Quest comix" vf 11.00 "Sword & Sorcery" vf wanted * "UFO & Alien comix" f 7.00 Wonderful World of Disney (Gulf Gas Stations) issue/ grade/ price /comment vol 1 #1 vg+ 14.50 vol 1 #2 f 10.00 cover detached vol 1 #3 f 16.00 vol 2 #2 vg 9.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 10 nm wanted * 11 vf wanted * 12 nm wanted * 13 nm 9.00 14 vf 5.00 15 vf+ 6.00 19 vf wanted * X-Men Anniversary Magazine (1993) #1 vf+ 7.00 #1 vf- 6.00 #1 f/vf 5.00 #1 f+ 4.00 #1 vg 7.00 #2 f 7.00 #2 vg+ 6.00 links to other magazines: |Conan
Saga| |Conan The Savage| |Cracked|
|Creepy| |Devilina| |Dracula
Lives| |Eerie| |Legion Of Monsters|
|Mad| |Monster Madness| |Monsters
Unleashed| |Nightmare| |Psycho|
|Savage Sword Of Conan| |Savage
Tales vol 1| |Tomb Of Dracula| |Vampire
Title Finder: ![]() [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][R][S][T][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] [Misc] [Home] Trade Paperbacks