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NOW Comics price list
Freejack (1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#3   nm   4.00
Fright Night (1988-1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf  20.00
#2   vf   8.00
#2   vg+  5.00
#3   vf+ 10.00
#4   vf+ 10.00
#5   vf+ 10.00
#5   f    6.00
#6   nm  12.00
#7   vf+ 10.00
#11  vg   4.00
#13  vf+ 10.00
#13  vf   8.00
#15  vf-  7.00
#21  vg+  5.00
#22  vf   8.00
#22  vg+  5.00
Fright Night 3-D (1992-1993)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+  12.50  Resurrection of Dracula
Green Hornet (vol. 1, 1989-1991)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm   12.00  Steranko cover
#1   nm   12.00  Butler cover
#1   vf+   8.00  Butler cover
#2   nm   12.00
#3   vf+   8.00
#4   vf+   8.00
#5   nm   12.00
#5   f     3.00
#6   nm   12.00
#6   vf    4.00
#6   vg+   2.50
#7   nm   12.00
#7   vf+   8.00
#7   vf    4.00
#8   nm   12.00
#8   vf+   8.00
#8   vf    4.00
#9   nm   12.00
#9   vf    4.00 
#10  nm   12.00
#11  nm   12.00
#12  nm   12.00
#13  nm   12.00
Green Hornet (vol. 2, 1991-1995)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+   3.50
#1   vf    3.00
#2   nm    4.00
#3   nm    4.00
#4   nm    4.00
#5   vf    3.00
#6   vf    3.00
#7   nm    4.00
#8   vf    3.00
#9   vf+   3.50
#10  nm    4.00
#11  vf    3.00
#12  nm    4.00
#12  vf    3.00
#12  f     2.00
#13  nm    4.00
#14  vf+   3.50
#15  nm    4.00
#16  nm    4.00
#17  nm    4.00
#18  nm    4.00
#19  nm    4.00
#20  nm    4.00
#21  nm    4.00
#22  nm    4.00
#23  nm    4.00
#24  nm    4.00
#25  nm    4.00  
#26  vf    3.00
#27  nm    4.00
#28  nm    4.00
#29  nm    4.00
#30  nm    4.00
#31  nm    4.00
#32  nm    4.00
#33  nm    4.00
#34  vf+   3.50
#35  nm    4.00
#36  vf+   3.50
#37  nm    4.00
#38  nm    4.00
Green Hornet Anniversary Special (1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+   3.50
Green Hornet Solitary Sentinel (1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    3.00
#2   vf    3.00
#3   vf    3.00
Kato of the Green Hornet (1991)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    3.00
#2   vf+   3.50
#4   vf+   3.50
Kato of the Green Hornet II (1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+   3.50
#1   vf    3.00
#2   vf    3.00
Married With Children (vol.1, 1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm   12.00
#1   vf+  10.00
#2   vf+  10.00
#2   vf    8.00
#3   vf    8.00
#4   nm   12.00
#4   vf+  10.00
#5   vf+  10.00
#6   vf+  10.00
#7   vf+  10.00
Married With Children (vol.2, 1991-1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    4.00
#2   vf    4.00
#3   nm    5.00
#3   vf+   4.50
#4   vf    4.00
#5   vf+   4.50
#6   vf+   4.50
#7   -wanted-
Flashback Specials
1  vf+ 10.00
2  vf+ 10.00
3-D Special #1  vf+  10.00
Married With Children: Quantum Quartet (1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    8.00
Married With Children Kelly Bundy (1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#2   vf   12.00
#3   vf   12.00
Kelly Goes to College Special vf  8.00
Married With Children: Off Broadway (1991)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+   3.50
Married With Children 2099 (1993)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    6.00
#2   nm    5.00
#2   vf+   4.50
#3   vf+  25.00
Mr. T and the T-Force (vol.1, 1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    4.00
#1   vf    3.00
#2   nm   12.00
#3   nm   12.00
#4   nm   12.00
#5   nm   12.00
#6   nm   12.00
#7   nm   12.00
#8   nm   12.00
#9   nm   12.00
Double-sized Special June '94
#1   nm    8.00
#1   vf+   6.50
#1   vf    5.00
New Adventures of Speed Racer (1993-1994)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1    vf   3.00
#2    nm   4.00
#2    vf   3.00
#3    nm   4.00
#4    vf+  3.50
#6    vf   3.00
Original Astro Boy (1987-1989)
#1    f    9.00
#2    f    6.00
#3    vf   8.00
#4    vf+ 10.00
#5    f+   7.00
#6    vf   8.00
#11   vf+ 10.00
#19   nm  12.00
Ralph Snart Adventures (vol.1, 1986)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#3   vf    8.00
Ralph Snart Adventures (vol.2, 1986)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#4   vf    8.00 (states #7 on cover)
Ralph Snart Adventures (vol.3, 1991)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    3.00
#3   vf+   3.50
#4   vf+   3.50
#7   vg+   2.00
#13  vf+   3.50
#13  f     2.00
#14  vf    3.00
#15  f     2.00
#16  vf    3.00
#17  vf    3.00
#18  vf    3.00
#22  vf+   3.50
#23  vf+   3.50
Ralph Snart Adventures (vol.4, 1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    5.00
#1b  nm    4.00
#2   nm    4.00
#3   nm    4.00
#4   nm    4.00
#5   nm    4.00
Real Ghostbusters (vol.1, 1988-1991)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#5   vg    8.00 newsstand 
#7   nm   12.00
#14  f     6.00
#21  vf    8.00
#24  nm   12.00
#27  vf+  10.00
3-D Special
#1   nm   18.00
3-D Slimer Special
#1   nm   12.00
Ghostbusters II #1  f  6.00
Real Ghostbusters (vol.2, 1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    12.00
Rust (vol.2, 1989)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    4.00
#1   vf    3.00
#2   vf    3.00
#3   vf    3.00
#4   vf    3.00
#6   vf    3.00
Slimer (1989)
issue/grade/   price / comment
7    f     6.00
11   f+    7.00
13   vf    8.00
14   f     6.00
16   vf    8.00
Speed Racer (1987-1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+  10.00
#1   vf    8.00
#2   nm   12.00
#3   nm   12.00
#4   nm   12.00
#5   nm   12.00
#8   nm   12.00
#9   nm   12.00
#10  vf+  10.00
#11  nm   12.00
#14  vf+  10.00
#24  nm   12.00
#25  nm   12.00
#28  vf    8.00
#30  nm   12.00

Special #1   vf+  10.00
Speed Racer Featuring Ninja High School (1993)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    12.00
Speed Racer 3-D Special (1988)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+   5.50
Sting of the Green Hornet (1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf+   3.00
#2   vf+   3.00
#3   vf+   3.00
Supercops (1990)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
Syphons (vol 1, 1986)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00

			Syphons (vol 2, 1994)

#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
Tales of the Green Hornet (vol.1, 1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    4.00
#2   vf+   3.00
Tales of the Green Hornet (vol.2, 1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    4.00
#1   vf    3.00
#2   nm    4.00
#3   nm    4.00
#4   nm    4.00
Tales of the Green Hornet (vol.3, 1992)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    3.00
The Terminator (vol.1, 1988-1989)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf   53.00
#1   f+   25.00
#1   f    18.00
#2   vf+  10.00
#3   nm   12.00
#3   vf+  10.00
#3   vf    8.00
#4   vf+  10.00
#4   vf    8.00
#5   nm   12.00
#5   vf    8.00
#6   nm   12.00
#6   vf    8.00
#7   nm   12.00
#7   vf    8.00
#8   nm   12.00
#8   vf    8.00
#9   nm   12.00
#9   vf+  10.00
#9   vf    8.00
#10  nm   12.00
#10  vf    8.00
#11  nm   12.00
#11  vf    8.00
#12  nm   12.00
#12  vf+  10.00
#12  vf    8.00
#13  nm   12.00
#13  vf+  10.00
#14  nm   12.00
#14  vf+  10.00
#15  nm   12.00
#16  vf+  10.00
#17  nm   15.00
#17  vf   10.00
Terminator The Burning Earth (1-5) (vol.2)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1  nm   24.00 (Alex Ross' 1st published work)
#1  vf+  19.00 (Alex Ross' 1st published work)
#1  vf   14.00
#1  f     9.00
#2  nm   12.00
#2  vf+  10.00
#2  vf    8.00
#3  vf+  10.00
#3  vf    8.00
#3  f+    7.00
#4  vf+  10.00
#4  f     6.00
#5  nm   12.00
#5  vf+  10.00
#5  vf    8.00
The Terminator: All My Futures Past (vol.3, 1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    4.00
#1   vf    3.00
#2   nm    4.00
The Twilight Zone (vol.2, 1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   nm    6.00 premiere Neal Adams cover
#1   vf    4.00 premiere Neal Adams cover
#1   nm    6.00 deluxe edition Neal Adams cover
The Twilight Zone (vol.3, 1991)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1a  nm    5.00
#1b  nm    5.00
#2   nm    5.00
#3   nm    5.00
#4   vf+   4.50
#5   nm    5.00
#6   vf+   4.50
#7   vf    4.00
#8   nm    5.00
#8   vf+   4.50
#8   vf    4.00
#9a  vf+   4.50
#9b  nm    5.00  prestige format variant
#1   nm    7.00
#1   vf    4.00
3-D Special #1  vf+   8.00
The Twilight Zone (vol.4, 1993)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    8.00
#2   vf    8.00 computer graphics special (states #1 on cover)
Universal Soldier (vol.1, 1990)
issue/ grade/ price /comment
#1   vf    3.00
#2   vf    3.00
#3   nm    4.00
#3   vf    3.00

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