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Silver Surfer comic price list

Silver Surfer (2016)
#1     5.00
#2     5.00
#4     5.00
#5     5.00
#6     5.00
#9     5.00
#10    5.00
#11    5.00
Silver Surfer (2014)
#1    12.00  1st print
#1     4.00  2nd print
#2     4.00
#3     4.00
#4     4.00
#5a    4.00
#5b   15.00  1 in 15 Guardians of the Galaxy variant
#6     4.00
#7     4.00
#8     4.00
#9    -wanted-
#10    4.00
#11   -wanted-
#12    4.00
#13    4.00
#14    4.00
#15    4.00 
Volume 1(1968-1970)
issue grade  price      comment
#1   nm  -wanted-
#2   g+    43.00
#5   vf  200.00
#5   f   120.00
#5   vg   65.00
#6   f    80.00
#7   f    66.00
#7   vg+  57.00
#7   vg   48.00
#8   f    76.00
#8   vg   40.00
#8   g    24.00
#8   g-   16.00
#9   vg   35.00
#10   f   60.00
#10  vg+  48.00
#10  vg   42.00
#11  f+  120.00
#11  f    90.00
#11  vg   36.00
#12  f    78.00
#12  g/vg 35.00
#13  f    66.00
#13  g/vg 28.00
#14  vg  125.00
#14  vg- 105.00
#15  nm  -wanted-
#16  g+   35.00
#17  vg+  52.00
#17  vg   36.00  
#18  vg   40.00

Volume 2 (1982)
issue  grade  price  comment
#1     nm     35.00
#1     f+     23.00
Volume 3 (1987-1998)
issue grade  price      comment
#1/2  nm   15.00
#1    nm   42.00
#1    vf+  33.00
#1    vf   24.00
#1    f+   20.00
#1    vg+  13.00
#2    nm   12.00
#2    vf+  10.00
#2    f+    7.00
#3    nm   12.00
#3    f+    7.00
#4    nm   12.00 
#4    vf+  10.00 
#5    nm   12.00
#5    vf+  10.00
#5    vf    8.00
#6    nm   12.00
#7    nm   12.00
#7    vf    8.00
#8    nm   18.00
#8    vf+  15.00
#9    nm   12.00
#9    vf+  10.00
#9    f+    7.00
#10   nm   12.00
#10   vf+  10.00
#10   vf    8.00
#11   nm   12.00
#11   vf    8.00
#11   vg+   5.00
#12   nm   12.00
#12   vf+  10.00
#12   vf-   7.50
#13   nm   12.00
#13   vf    8.00
#13   f     6.00
#14   nm   12.00
#14   vf+  10.00
#14   f     6.00
#15   nm   12.00
#16   nm   12.00
#16   vf+  10.00
#17   nm   12.00
#17   vf+  10.00
#18   nm   12.00
#19   nm   12.00
#20   nm   12.00
#20   vf+  10.00
#21   nm   12.00
#22   nm   15.00
#22   vf   10.00
#23   nm   12.00
#23   vf    8.00
#24   nm   12.00
#24   vf+  10.00
#24   vf    8.00
#25   nm   12.00
#25   vf    8.00
#26   nm   13.00
#26   vf    9.00
#27   nm   13.00
#28   nm   13.00
#29   nm   13.00
#30   nm   13.00
#31   nm   13.00
#32   nm   13.00
#33   nm   13.00
#34   vf   32.00
#35   nm   48.00
#36   nm   24.00
#37   nm   24.00
#38   nm   24.00
#39   nm   13.00
#40   nm   13.00
#40   vf    9.00
#41   nm   13.00
#42   nm   13.00
#43   nm   13.00
#44   -wanted-   1st appearance o/t Infinity Gauntlet
#45   -wanted-
#46   nm   32.00
#46   vf+  24.00
#47   nm   13.00
#48   nm   13.00
#49   nm   13.00
#50   nm   28.00
#50   f     9.00
#50c  vf+  10.00 3rd print
#50c  vf    8.00 3rd print
#50c  f     6.00 3rd print
#51   nm   15.00
#52   nm   15.00
#53   nm   24.00
#54   nm   15.00
#55   nm   18.00
#56   nm   15.00
#57   nm   15.00
#58   nm   15.00
#58   vf   10.00
#59   nm   15.00
#59   vf   10.00
#60   nm   15.00
#61   nm   15.00
#62   nm   12.00
#63   nm   12.00
#64   nm   12.00
#65   nm   12.00
#66   nm   12.00
#67   nm   12.00
#67   vf+  10.00
#68   nm    4.00
#69   nm   12.00
#70   nm   12.00
#71   nm   12.00
#72   nm   12.00
#73   nm   12.00
#74   nm   12.00
#75   nm   15.00
#76   nm    5.00
#77   nm    5.00
#78   nm    5.00
#79   nm    4.00
#80   nm    4.00
#81   nm  -wanted-
#82   nm  -wanted-
#83   nm    4.00
#84   nm    4.00
#85   nm    4.00
#86   nm    4.00
#87   nm    4.00
#88   nm   12.00
#88   f     6.00
#89   nm    4.00
#89   vf    3.00
#90   nm    4.00
#91   nm    4.00
#92   nm    5.00
#93   nm    5.00
#93   vf+   4.50
#94   nm    5.00
#95   nm    5.00
#96   nm   12.00
#97   nm   12.00
#97   vf+  10.00
#98   nm   12.00
#98   vf    8.00
#99   nm    9.00
#99   vf+   7.00
#99   f+    5.50
#100  nm   15.00 enhanced cover
#101  nm   12.00
#101  vf-   7.50
#102  nm   12.00
#102  vf+  10.00
#103  nm   12.00
#103  vf    8.00
#104  nm   12.00
#104  vf-   7.50
#105  nm   12.00
#105  vf    8.00
#106  nm   12.00
#106  vf+  10.00
#106  vf    8.00
#107  nm   12.00
#108  nm   12.00
#108  vf    8.00
#109  nm   30.00
#110  nm   12.00
#111  nm   12.00
#111  vf+  10.00
#112  nm   12.00
#113  nm   12.00
#114  nm   12.00
#115  nm   12.00
#116  nm   12.00
#116  vf+  10.00
#117  nm -wanted-
#118  nm   12.00
#119  nm   12.00
#119  vf    8.00
#120  nm   12.00
#121  nm   12.00
#122  nm   12.00
#123  nm   12.00
#124  nm   12.00
#125  nm   27.00
#126  nm    7.00
#126  vf+   6.00
#127  nm    6.00
#128  nm   15.00
#129  nm    5.00
#130  nm    6.00
#-1   nm   18.00 (Flashback)
#131  nm    5.00
#132  nm   12.00
#133  nm    4.00
#134  nm    9.00
#135  nm   12.00
#136  nm   12.00
#137  nm   12.00
#138  nm   12.00
#139  nm   12.00
#140  nm   12.00
#141  nm   12.00
#142  nm   12.00
#143  nm   12.00
#144  nm   21.50
#145  nm   12.00
#146  nm -wanted-
1   nm  18.00
1   vf  12.00
1   f    9.00
2   nm  12.00
3   nm  12.00
4   nm   4.00
5   nm   4.00
5   vf+  3.50
6   nm -wanted-
7   nm  12.00
7   vf+ 10.00
'97 nm  12.00
'98 nm  18.00
Silver Surfer (Epic, 1988-1989)
#1  nm  40.00 
#1  vf  28.00
#1  f+  24.50
#1  f   21.00
#2  nm  18.00
#2  vf+ 15.00
#2  vf  12.00
#2  f+  10.50
#2  f    9.00
Volume 4 (2003-2004)
these are in new nm condition:
#1    5.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6   12.00
#7    6.00
#8   12.00
#9    5.00
#10   6.00
#11   6.00
#12   8.00
#13  12.00
#14  12.00
Silver Surfer (2011)
#1  12.00
#2  12.00
#3  12.00
#4  12.00
#5  12.00
Annihilation Silver Surfer (2006)
#1   12.00
#2   12.00
#3   12.00
#3 vf 8.00
#4   12.00
Cosmic Powers Unlimited (starring the Silver Surfer) (1995-'96)
#1  12.00
#2  12.00
#3  12.00
#4  -wanted-
#5  12.00
Silver Surfer: The Coming of Galactus (1992)
#1   25.00
Silver Surfer: Dangerous Artifacts (1996)
one-shot  30.00

Silver Surfer In Thy Name (2007-2008)
#1   5.00
#2   4.00
#3   5.00
#4   8.00
Silver Surfer: Loftier Than Mortals (1999)
#1   4.00
#2   7.00
Silver Surfer Requiem (2007)
#1a  12.00
#1b  24.00 2nd printing
#2   12.00
#3   12.00
#4   12.00

Silver Surfer/Superman (1996)

one-shot  14.00
Silver Surfer Vs. Dracula (1994)
one-shot  12.00
Silver Surfer/Warlock: Resurrection (1993)
#1  12.00
#2  12.00
#3  12.00
#4  12.00
Silver Surfer/Weapon Zero (1997)
one-shot 12.00  Devil's Reign part 8
Silver Surfer/Witchblade (1997)
#1/2  12.00  Devil's Reign part #1/2
Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer (1997)
one-shot  -wanted-  Devil's Reign part 1


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