Finder: Ordering Info:
[Go to go the Uncanny X-Men page.] [Go to go the 2nd series X-Men page.] Please Advise if you have any "wanted" comics for trade Unless otherwise noted these comics are new nm/mt condition. #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 nm 12.00 #2 nm 5.00 #3 nm 6.00 #4 nm 8.00 #5 nm 5.00 #6 nm 5.00 #7 nm 5.00 #8 nm 5.00 #8 vf 4.00 #9 nm 5.00 #9 f+ 3.50 #10 nm 6.00 #11 nm 12.00 #12 nm 12.00 #1a 12.00 #1b 4.00 Blank variant #2a 4.00 #2b 25.00 1 in 25 variant #3 4.00 #4a 4.00 #5 5.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 5.00 #11 12.00 #12 6.00 #13 5.00 X-Termination #14 8.00 X-Termination #1 5.00 #1 12.00 #2 12.00 #1 12.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #7 vf+ 3.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 5.00 #14 5.00 #15 12.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 1st print #1a 4.00 2nd print #1b 10.00 Hip Hop variant #1c 10.00 Kirby Monster variant #1d 20.00 1 in 25 Bagley variant #1.MU 5.00 Monsters Unleashed #2 5.00 #3 4.00 2nd print #4b 10.00 Deadpool variant #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11a 4.00 #11b 5.00 Death of X variant #12a 4.00 #12b 5.00 Black Panther variant #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #1a 5.00 1st print #1b 10.00 Skottie Young variant #1c 50.00 1 in 50 Iceman(s) variant #1d 12.00 Deadpool variant #1e 5.00 2nd print #2 4.00 1st print #2d 10.00 3rd print #3 4.00 1st print #3 4.00 3rd print #4 4.00 1st print #4 4.00 3rd print #5 4.00 1st print #5 4.00 3rd print #6 4.00 1st print #7 4.00 #7 4.00 2nd print #8 4.00 #8 4.00 2nd print #9 4.00 1st print #9 4.00 2nd print #10a 4.00 #10b 20.00 1 in 20 Iron Man Armors variant #11 4.00 #12a 4.00 1st print #12b 20.00 1 in 20 Wolverine Through the Ages variant #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16d 4.00 2nd print #16b 30.00 1 in 25 Granov variant #16c 25.00 1 in 25 Immonen variant #17a 4.00 #17b 25.00 1 in 25 variant #18 4.00 #19a 4.00 #19b 20.00 1 in 20 Agents of SHIELD variant #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22.NOW 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 4.00 #25a 4.00 #26 4.00 #27 4.00 #28 4.00 #29a 4.00 #29b 15.00 1 in 15 Guardians of the Galaxy variant #31a 4.00 #31b 10.00 Agents of SHIELD variant #32 4.00 #33 4.00 #34 4.00 #35 4.00 #36 4.00 #37 4.00 #38b 4.00 Noto variant #38c 20.00 Cosmic variant #39a 4.00 #39b 4.00 Women of Marvel variant #39c 20.00 Cosmic variant #40 4.00 #41 4.00 Annual #1 5.00 Special #1 5.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment #1 nm 40.00 #1 f+ 12.00 #2 nm 12.00 #2 vf 8.00 #2 f+ 7.00 #2 vg+ 5.00 #2 vg 4.00 #3 vf+ 10.00 #3 vf 8.00 #3 f+ 7.00 #3 f- 5.50 #3 vg 4.00 #4 vf+ 10.00 #4 vf 8.00 #4 f+ 7.00 #4 f 6.00 #4 g+ 3.00 #5 nm 12.00 #5 vf+ 10.00 #5 f+ 7.00 #5 f 6.00 #5 vg+ 5.00 #6 nm 12.00 #6 vf+ 10.00 #6 vf 8.00 #6 f+ 7.00 #6 f 6.00 #7 vf+ 10.00 #7 vf 8.00 #7 vg 4.00 #8 nm 12.00 #8 vf+ 10.00 #8 vf 8.00 #8 vg+ 5.00 #8 vg 4.00 #9 nm 12.00 #9 vf+ 10.00 #9 vf 8.00 #9 f+ 7.00 #10 vf+ 10.00 #10 vf 8.00 #10 f 6.00 #11 nm 12.00 #11 vf+ 10.00 #11 f+ 7.00 #11 f 6.00 #11 vg/f 5.00 #11 vg 4.00 #12 nm 12.00 #12 vf+ 10.00 #12 vf- 7.50 #12 f+ 7.00 #13 nm 12.00 #13 vf+ 10.00 #13 vf 8.00 #13 vg+ 5.00 #13 vg 4.00 #14 vf+ 10.00 #14 vf 8.00 #14 f/vf 7.50 #14 f+ 7.00 #14 vg+ 5.00 #14 vg 4.00 #1 5.00 1st print #1 4.00 2nd print #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 150.00 1 in 50 Manara variant #1c 75.00 1 in 75 Nowlan variant #1d 75.00 1 in 75 McGuinness Sketch variant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9a 4.00 #9b 15.00 1 in 15 Guardians of the Galaxy variant #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 Annual #1 5.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00
one-shot 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 6.00 #4 4.00 #1 7.00 #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #1b 12.00 Del Otto Cover <--click to view comic #1c 12.00 CASSADAY #1d 4.00 Director's Cut #2 18.00 #3 -wanted- #4a 4.00 #4b 12.00 Colossus variant #5 4.00 #7a 4.00 1st print #7b 4.00 2nd print limited cover #8 4.00 1st print #8b 4.00 2nd print limited cover #9 4.00 #10a 4.00 1st print #10b 5.00 2nd print variant #11 4.00 #12 4.00 1st print #12b 4.00 2nd print variant #13 4.00 #13M 4.00 Midtown Comics variant #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #17a 4.00 sketch variant edition #18 4.00 #19a 5.00 #19b 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22a 6.00 #22b 4.00 #23a 4.00 #23b 4.00 #24b -wanted- -Cassaday run concludes in "Giant-Size Astonishing X-men"- #25a 4.00 1st print #25c 15.00 Berjemo variant #25d 20.00 Dynamic Forces variant w/COA #26 4.00 Manifest Destiny (MD) #27 4.00 #28 4.00 #29 4.00 #30 4.00 #31a 4.00 #31b 25.00 1 in 25 Ink Variant #32a 4.00 #32b 15.00 Super Hero Squad Show Variant #33 4.00 #34 4.00 #35 4.00 #36a 4.00 #36b 15.00 1 in 15 variant #37 4.00 #38 5.00 #39 4.00 #39s 12.00 signed by Nick Bradshaw #40a 12.00 #40b 20.00 I am Captain America variant #41 5.00 #42 4.00 #44 5.00 #45 4.00 #46 4.00 #47 4.00 #48 4.00 #49 4.00 #50 8.00 #51 5.00 Wedding of Northstar #52 4.00 #53 4.00 #54 4.00 #55 4.00 #56 4.00 #57 4.00 #58 4.00 #59 4.00 #60 4.00 #61 4.00 #62 8.00 #63 4.00 #64 5.00 #65 6.00 #66 5.00 #67 6.00 #68 8.00 Annual #1 5.00 Sketchbook 4.00 #1a 5.00 #1b 6.00 Action variant #1c 12.00 Dodson variant #1d 25.00 Keown variant #2a 4.00 #2b 20.00 Torque variant #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 25.00 1 in 25 foil variant #1C 12.00 Director's Cut #2 4.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #5 5.00 #1 4.00 #3 4.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 vf+ 10.00 1 vf 8.00 1 f 6.00 2 nm 12.00 2 vf+ 10.00 2 vf 8.00 2 f 6.00 3 nm 12.00 3 vf+ 10.00 3 vf 8.00 3 vf- 7.00 4 nm 12.00 4 vf 8.00 4 f 6.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #1a 4.00 #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 6.00 #16 6.00 #16 vf+ 5.50 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1 18.00 #1 vf 12.00 #2 15.00 #3 15.00 #3 vf 10.00 #4 18.00 #1 4.00 #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 6.00 #1 6.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 15.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 5.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 5.00 #12b 20.00 1 in 20 variant #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00 #5 6.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 10.00 "60's decade" variant #1c 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 1-shot 4.00 #1a 5.00 #1c 25.00 1 in 25 variant #1d 8.00 Choi variant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 12.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #1 20.00 #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4 5.00 #5 12.00 #6 12.00 #7 12.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 8.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 8.00 #16 5.00 #16 vf 4.00 #17 4.00 #17 vf 3.00 #18 12.00 #18 vf 8.00 issue/ grade / price / comment #1 nm 12.00 #1 vf+ 10.00 #1 vf- 7.50 #1 f+ 7.00 #1 vg+ 5.00 #2 nm 6.00 #3 nm 6.00 #4 nm 6.00 #5 nm 4.00 #6 nm 4.00 #7 nm 5.00 #7 vf 4.00 #8 nm 4.00 #9 nm 4.00 #10 nm 4.00 #10 vf+ 3.50 #10 vf 3.00 #11 nm 4.00 #11 vf 3.00 #12 nm 4.00 #13 nm 4.00 #13 vf 3.00 #14 nm 4.00 #14 vf+ 3.50 #15 nm 4.00 #16 nm 4.00 #16 vf 3.00 #17 nm 5.00 #18 nm 5.00 #19 nm 4.00 #20 nm 4.00 #21 nm 5.00 #22 nm 4.00 #23 nm 6.00 #24 nm 4.00 #24 vf+ 3.50 #25 nm 4.00 #26 nm 4.00 #27 nm 5.00 #28 nm 4.00 #29 nm 5.00 #30 nm 4.00 #31 nm 8.00 #32 nm 6.00 #33 nm 6.00 #33 vf+ 5.50 #34 nm 5.00 #35 nm 5.00 #36 nm 5.00 #37 nm 5.00 #38 nm 4.00 #39 nm 4.00 #40 nm 4.00 #41 nm 4.00 #42 nm 4.00 #43 nm 4.00 #44 nm 4.00 #45 nm 4.00 #46 nm 4.00 #47 nm 4.00 #48 nm 4.00 #49 nm 4.00 #50 nm 4.00 #51 nm 4.00 #52 nm 4.00 #53 nm 4.00 #54 nm 4.00 #55 nm 4.00 #56 nm 4.00 #57 nm 4.00 #58 nm 4.00 #59 nm 4.00 #60 nm 4.00 #61 nm 5.00 #62 nm 4.00 #63 nm 4.00 #64 nm 4.00 #65 nm 4.00 #66 nm 4.00 #67 nm 4.00 #68 nm 4.00 #69 nm 4.00 #70 nm 4.00 #71 nm 12.00 #71 vf 8.00 #72 nm 4.00 #73 nm 4.00 #74 nm 4.00 #75 nm 4.00 Holo-grafix foil cover #75a nm 4.00 regular cover #76 nm 4.00 #77 nm 4.00 #78 nm 4.00 #79 nm 4.00 #80 nm 4.00 #81 nm 4.00 #82 nm 12.00 enhanced cover #83 nm 4.00 #84 nm 4.00 #85 nm 4.00 #86 nm 15.00 #87 nm 4.00 #88 nm 4.00 #89 nm 4.00 #90 nm 4.00 #91 nm 4.00 #92 nm 4.00 #93 nm 4.00 #94 nm 4.00 #95 nm 4.00 #96 nm 5.00 #97 nm 4.00 #98 nm 4.00 #99 nm 4.00 #100 nm 4.00 double sized issue #102 nm 4.00 #103 nm 4.00 #104 nm 4.00 #105 nm 4.00 #106 nm 4.00 #107 nm 4.00 #108 nm 4.00 #109 nm 4.00 #110 nm 4.00 #-1 nm 4.00 flashback #111 nm 4.00 #112 nm 4.00 #113 nm 4.00 #114 nm 4.00 #115 nm 4.00 #116 nm 4.00 #117 nm 4.00 #118 nm 4.00 #119 nm 4.00 #120 nm 4.00 #121 nm 4.00 #122 nm 5.00 #123 nm 12.00 #124 nm 12.00 #125 nm 12.00 Wedding of Cpt. Britain and Meggan Special 4.00 the Possession Annual #1 4.00 #2 4.00 Special edition (1988) 10.00 Special Edition (1988) 18.00 Variant no price on cover Special Edition (1991) 5.00 XX Crossing (1992) 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 5.00 House Of M prelude #14 5.00 House Of M prelude #1 5.00 #1 8.00 #1 9.00 #2 5.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 18.00 #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 8.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 5.00 #24 4.00 #25 4.00 #26 4.00 #27 4.00 #28 4.00 #29 4.00 #30 4.00 #31 4.00 #32 4.00 #33 4.00 #34 4.00 #35 4.00 #36 4.00 #37 4.00 #38 4.00 #39 4.00 #40 4.00 #41 4.00 #42 4.00 #43 4.00 #44 4.00 #45 4.00 #46 4.00 #47 4.00 #48 4.00 #49 4.00 #50 4.00 #51 4.00 #52 4.00 #53 4.00 #54 4.00 #55 4.00 #56 4.00 #57 4.00 #58 4.00 #59 4.00 #60 4.00 #61 4.00 #62 4.00 #63 4.00 #64 4.00 #65 4.00 #66 4.00 #67 12.00 #68 4.00 #69 4.00 #70 4.00 #71 4.00 #72 4.00 #73 4.00 #74 4.00 #75 4.00 #76 4.00 #77 4.00 #78 4.00 #79 4.00 #80 4.00 #81 4.00 #82 4.00 #83 4.00 #84 4.00 #85 4.00 #86 12.00 #87 4.00 #88 4.00 #89 4.00 #90 4.00 #91 4.00 #92 4.00 #93 4.00 #94 4.00 #95 4.00 #96 4.00 #97 4.00 #98 4.00 #99 4.00 #100 4.00 Annual #1 4.00 (2006) #1a 4.00 #1b 12.00 1:10 Wolverine varant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #1 6.00 #1a 5.00 #1b 12.00 Blank variant #1c 20.00 Hip Hop variant #1d 9.00 Cosplay variant #6 5.00 2nd print #8 5.00 #9a 4.00 #9b 4.00 Civil War variant #10a 4.00 #10b 4.00 Horsemen of Apocalypse variant #11 4.00 #12b 4.00 Death of X variant #13a 4.00 #13b 5.00 Tsum Tsum variant #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 Annual #1 4.99 #1 nm 12.00 #1 vf+ 10.00 #1 vf 8.00 #1 f 6.00 #2 nm 12.00 #2 vf+ 10.00 #2 vf 8.00 #2 f 6.00 #3 nm 12.00 #3 vf+ 10.00 #3 vf 8.00 #4 nm 12.00 #4 vf 8.00 #5 nm 12.00 #5 vf+ 10.00 #5 vf 8.00 #6 nm 12.00 #6 vf 8.00 #7 nm 12.00 #7 vf+ 10.00 #7 vf 8.00 #8 nm 12.00 #8 vf+ 10.00 #8 vf 8.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 nm 6.00 #1 vf+ 5.00 #1 vg 2.00 #2 vf+ 4.50 #3 nm 5.00 #3 vf+ 4.50 #3 vf 4.00 #4 nm 8.00 #4 vf+ 7.00 #4 vf 6.00 #1 24.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 6.00 #1a nm 32.00 #1a vf 15.00 #1a f 11.00 newsstand #1b nm 55.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks #2 nm 12.00 #2 vf+ 40.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks #3 nm 12.00 #3 vf 11.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks #4 nm 12.00 #4 vf 11.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks #1 12.00 #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4 12.00 #1/2 12.00 #1a 15.00 #1b 12.00 #1c 12.00 #1d 12.00 #1e 12.00 #1f 25.00 Dynamic Forces cover #1g 30.00 Marvel Authentix printed Sketch cover (limited) #2a 4.00 red cover #2b 4.00 blue cover #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 5.00 #12 4.00 #13 6.00 #14 12.00 #15 12.00 #16 12.00 #17 12.00 #18 12.00 #19 12.00 #20 12.00 #21 6.00 #22 6.00 #23 6.00 #24 8.00 #25 12.00 #25 vf 8.00 Giant Sized Gambit 8.00 1999 Annual 8.00 2000 Annual 12.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 5.00 #6 6.00 #7 6.00 #8 5.00 #9 6.00 #10 6.00 #11 12.00 #12 8.00 #1a 6.00 #1b 70.00 1 in 25 variant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 5.00 #10 6.00 #11 12.00 #12 5.00 #13 12.00 #14 4.00 #15 12.00 #16 5.00 #17 12.00 Alpha 8.00 Genesis 18.00 #1 6.00 #2 6.00 #3 6.00 #4 6.00 #5 5.00 #6 6.00 #1 vf+ 4.50 #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #4 6.00 #1 12.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 15.00 1-in-15 variant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #1 5.00 #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 4.00 Action Figure variant #2a 4.00 #2b 5.00 Action Figure variant #5 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 9.00 #85 4.00 #86 5.00 #87 5.00 #-1 4.00 #1/2 12.00 #1 15.00 #2 4.00 #2 vf 3.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 4.00 #25 4.00 #26 4.00 #27 4.00 #28 4.00 #29 4.00 #30 4.00 #31 4.00 #32 4.00 #33 4.00 #34 4.00 #35 4.00 #36 4.00 #37 4.00 #38 4.00 #39 4.00 #40 8.00 #41 4.00 #42 4.00 #43 4.00 #44 4.00 #45 4.00 #46 4.00 #47 4.00 #48 4.00 #49 4.00 #50 12.00 #51 4.00 #52 4.00 #53 4.00 #54 4.00 #55 4.00 #56 4.00 #57 4.00 #58 4.00 #59 4.00 #60 4.00 #61 8.00 #62 4.00 #63a 5.00 #63b 5.00 #64 4.00 #65 4.00 #66 4.00 #67 4.00 #68 5.00 #69 4.00 #70 4.00 #71 4.00 #72 12.00 #73 5.00 #74 5.00 #75 8.00 Fan Edition 5.00 Annuals: '95 5.00 '96 4.00 '97 5.00 '98 8.00 Generation X/Dracula '99 12.00 Generation
X Collectors' Preview Generation
X/Gen 13 Generation
X Holiday Special Generation X
Underground #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1a 5.00 #1b 75.00 Inked 1 in 100 variant #3 12.00 #4 18.00 #1 vf+ 10.00 Marvel Milestone Edition go to Giant Size X-Men #1+2 from the 1970's #1 nm 10.00 #1 vf+ 8.00 #1 vf 6.00 #1 4.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 nm 12.00 1 vf 8.00 1 f+ 7.00 2 nm 12.00 2 vf 8.00 2 f+ 7.00 2 f 6.00 3 nm 12.00 3 vf 8.00 3 f+ 7.00 4 vf+ 10.00 4 vf 8.00 #1 5.00 #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #1 12.00 #1 4.00 #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3 5.00 #4 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #1 4.00 #5 4.00 #7 4.00 #8LC 4.00 Lenticular variant cover #9 4.00 #11 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 one-shot 6.00 #1 12.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 one-shot 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 nm 18.00 #1 vf+ 15.00 #1 vf 12.00 #1 vg+ 7.50 #2 nm 12.00 #2 vf+ 10.00 #2 vf 8.00 #2 f+ 7.00 #3 nm 12.00 #3 vf+ 10.00 #3 f 6.00 #4 nm 24.00 #4 vf+ 20.00 #4 vf 16.00 #4 f 12.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 12.00 1-shot 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 2nd print #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6a 4.00 #6b 15.00 1 in 15 Guardians of the Galaxy variant #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #12 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00 #2 12.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #1 4.00 #1a 34.00 DF Cover #1b 15.00 Marvel Authentix printed Sketch cover (limited) #2 4.00 #3 4.00 one-shot nm 55.00 one-shot vf+ 45.00 one-shot f+ 21.00 one-shot f 19.00 one-shot f- 17.00 Reprint Edition nm 24.00 gold border Pizza Hut Giveaways #1 8.00 #2 8.00 #3 8.00 #4 8.00 #1 12.00 #1 4.00 #1 6.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 4.00 #25 4.00 #26 4.00 #27 4.00 #28 4.00 #29 4.00 #30 5.00 #31 4.00 #32 4.00 1999 Annual 4.00 2000 Annual 4.00 2001 Annual 4.00 #1 4.00 #1 4.00 1 4.00 2 4.00 3 4.00 4 4.00 5 4.00 6 4.00 #1 4.00 #1b 4.00 limited edition variant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 12.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 5.00 #23 4.00 #24 7.00 1 5.00 2 5.00 3 8.00 4 5.00 Mythos X-Men (2005) #1 4.00 #1 8.00 #2 6.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 New Excalibur (2005-2007) #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 4.00 #0 8.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 5.00 Golden variant #2a 4.00 1st print #2b 4.00 2nd print Grummet variant #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 Annual 1 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 12.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 8.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16a 6.00 1st print #16b 4.00 2nd print variant #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20a 6.00 1st print #20a vf 5.00 #20b 15.00 X-23 variant #20c 4.00 Broken Wings variant #20d 4.00 2nd print variant #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 12.00 #24 5.00 #25 8.00 #26 4.00 #28 4.00 #29 4.00 #30 4.00 #32 4.00 #33 4.00 #36 4.00 #37 4.00 #38 5.00 #39 6.00 #41 6.00 #42 4.00 #43 4.00 #44a 6.00 #44c 8.00 2nd print #45a 4.00 #45b 10.00 1-in-10 variant #46a 4.00 #46b 10.00 1-in-10 variant #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 6.00 #2 4.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #5 6.00 #6 5.00 #7 5.00 #8 6.00 #9 6.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00 #1 12.00 #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4 12.00 #5 12.00 #6 12.00 #7 12.00 #8 12.00 #9 12.00 #10 12.00 #11 12.00 #12 14.00 #1 30.00 #2 20.00 #6 16.00 #7 12.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 12.00 variant edition #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00 #5 8.00 #6 4.00 #1 vf+ 4.50 #1 vf 4.00 one-shot 4.00 one-shot 5.00 one-shot 12.00 #1 12.00 #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4 12.00 #5 12.00 #6 12.00 #7 12.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 one-shot #1 nm 4.00 one-shot #1 f+ 3.00 one-shot #1 4.00 one-shot #1 5.00 #2 12.00 #3 8.00 #4 12.00 #1 4.00 #1 vf+ 3.50 #1 vf 3.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1 12.00 #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4 12.00 #1 nm 10.00 #1 vg 3.00 #2 nm 4.00 #2 f+ 2.50 #3 nm 4.00 #3 f 2.00 #4 nm 4.00 1 12.00 2 12.00 3 12.00 4 12.00 1 4.00 2 4.00 3 4.00 4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 5.00 #7 5.00 #8 5.00 #9 6.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 6.00 #1 18.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #1 5.00 #2 6.00 #4 6.00 #5 6.00 #6 5.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 20.00 1 4.00 1a 4.00 gold metallic ink 2nd printing #1 nm 15.00 #1 vf+ 12.50 #1 f+ 8.00 Factor-X #1 5.00 #1a 6.00 #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 5.00 #1a 36.00 1st print #1b 34.00 limited edition 2nd print cover #2a 12.00 1st print #2 vf 8.00 #2b 15.00 limited edition b+w cover #3 12.00 #3 vf 8.00 #4 12.00 #4 vf 8.00 #5 12.00 #6 12.00 #2 14.00 #3 12.00 #4 12.00 #5 12.00 #6 12.00 #7 6.00 #8 12.00 #9a 12.00 #9b 15.00 Thor Goes Hollywood Variant #10 5.00 #11 8.00 #12 12.00 #13 12.00 #14 12.00 #17 12.00 #2 12.00 #5 12.00 #6 12.00
one-shot 6.00
#1b 40.00 #2a 15.00 one-shot 12.00 one-shot 12.00 #1 12.00 #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4 12.00 #1a 4.99 #1b 4.99 Medri cover #2 4.99 #3 4.99 #4 4.99 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1a 13.50 1st print #2 12.00 #3 12.00 #4a 12.00 #4b 12.00 #1 12.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 12.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 4.00 #25 4.00 #26 4.00 #27 4.00 #28 4.00 #-1 12.00 flashback #29 4.00 #30 4.00 #31 4.00 #32 4.00 #33 4.00 #34 4.00 #35 4.00 #36 4.00 #37 4.00 #38 4.00 #39 4.00 #40 4.00 #41 4.00 #42 4.00 #43 4.00 #44 4.00 #45 4.00 #46 4.00 #47 4.00 #48 4.00 #49 5.00 #50 5.00 #51 5.00 #52 5.00 #53 5.00 #54 5.00 #55 5.00 #56 4.00 #57 4.00 #58 4.00 #59 12.00 #60 vf 8.00 #61 12.00 #62 12.00 #63 4.00 #63a 4.00 Bradstreet Variant #64 4.00 #65 4.00 #66 4.00 #67 4.00 #68 4.00 #69 4.00 #70 4.00 #71 4.00 #72 4.00 #73 4.00 #74 4.00 #75 6.00 Annuals
'96 4.00
'97 4.00
'98 4.00 (W/ Hulk)
one-shot 6.00 adaptation 6.00 (photo cover) prequel a 4.00 Nightcrawler prequel b 4.00 Wolverine #1 4.00 #1b 15.00 Ant Sized variant #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 18.00 Hip Hop variant #1c 6.00 Action Figure variant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #1 41.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 12.00 #8 vf 3.00 #9 4.00 #10 8.00 #11 12.00 #12 12.00 #13 15.00 one-shot 18.00 #1 5.00 #2 6.00 #3 7.00 #4 6.00 #5 6.00 #6 6.00 one-shot nm 18.00 vf 10.00 f/vf 8.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 -the gift 12.00 #1 nm 5.00 #1 vf+ 4.50 #1 vf 4.00 #1 f 3.00 #2 nm 5.00 #2 vf+ 4.50 #2 vf 4.00 #2 f+ 3.50 #1 nm 12.00 #1 vf 8.00 #1 vg 4.00 #2 nm 12.00 #2 vf 8.00 #2 vg 4.00 #3 nm 12.00 #3 vf 8.00 #3 vg 4.00 #4 vf 8.00 #4 f 6.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00 #1 nm 4.00 reprints early Legion saga by Bill Sienkiewicz #1 vf+ 3.00 #2 nm 4.00 #3 nm 4.00 #4 nm 4.00 one-shot 5.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 8.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #1 4.00 The New X-Men #2 4.00 Storm #3 4.00 Banshee & Sunfire #4 4.00 Colossus and Nightcrawler #5 4.00 Wolverine and Thunderbird #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 5.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #1 4.00 one-shot #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 issue/ grade/ price /comment 1 nm 4.00 fanzine 1 vf 3.00 fanzine #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #1 37.50 #1 vf 25.00 #1 f+ 20.00 #2 10.00 #2 vf+ 8.00 #3 10.00 #3 vf+ 8.00 #4 6.00 #4 vf+ 8.00 #5 10.00 #6 10.00 #7 15.00 #8 15.00 #9 15.00 #9 vf 10.00 #9 f 7.00 #10 10.00 #10 vf 6.00 #11 10.00 #12 10.00 #13 10.00 #14 10.00 #15 10.00 #16 10.00 #17 10.00 #18 12.00 #18 vf 8.00 #20 15.00 #21 10.00 #22 10.00 #23 10.00 #24 10.00 #24 vf 6.00 #25 10.00 #26 10.00 #27 15.00 #28 10.00 #29 10.00 #30 10.00 #30 vf 6.00 #31 10.00 #32 vf 6.00 #33 10.00 #34 10.00 #34 vf 6.00 #35 10.00 #37 15.00 #38 10.00 #38 vf 6.00 #39 10.00 #39 vf 6.00 #39 f 5.00 #40 10.00 #41 10.00 #42 10.00 #43 15.00 #44 10.00 #45 10.00title now becomes X-Men Classic (1990-1995) issues 46-110 #46 nm 10.00 #47 nm 10.00 #48 nm 10.00 #49 nm 10.00 #50 nm 10.00 #51 nm 10.00 #51 f 3.00 #52 vf 6.00 #53 nm 10.00 #53 vf 6.00 #54 nm 10.00 #55 nm 10.00 #55 vf 6.00 #56 vf 6.00 #56 f 3.00 #57 nm 10.00 #57 vf 6.00 #58 nm 10.00 #58 vf 6.00 #59 nm 10.00 #59 vf 6.00 #60 nm 10.00 #61 nm 10.00 #62 nm 10.00 #63 nm 10.00 #64 nm 10.00 #65 nm 10.00 #66 nm 10.00 #67 nm 10.00 #68 nm 10.00 #69 nm 10.00 #69 vf+ 8.00 #70 nm 12.00 #71 vf+ 8.00 #72 nm 10.00 #73 nm 10.00 #74 nm 10.00 #75 nm 10.00 #76 nm 10.00 #77 nm 15.00 #78 nm 10.00 #79 nm 20.00 #79 vf- 20.00 Newsstand variant #80 nm 10.00 #80 vf 6.00 #81 f 3.00 #82 vf+ 8.00 #83 nm 10.00 #83 vf 6.00 #84 nm 10.00 #84 vf+ 8.00 #85 nm 10.00 #85 vf+ 8.00 #86 nm 10.00 #87 nm 10.00 #88 nm 10.00 #88 vf 6.00 #89 nm 10.00 #90 nm 10.00 #90 vf+ 8.00 #91 nm 10.00 #92 nm 10.00 #93 nm 10.00 #94 nm 10.00 #94 vf+ 8.00 #95 nm 10.00 #96 nm 10.00 #96 vf+ 8.00 #97 nm 10.00 #97 vf+ 8.00 #98 nm 10.00 #98 vf 6.00 #99 nm 10.00 #99 vf+ 8.00 #100 nm 10.00 #100 vf+ 8.00 #101 nm 10.00 #102 nm 10.00 #103 nm 10.00 #104 vf+ 8.00 #105 vf 6.00 #106 vf+ 8.00 #107 nm 10.00 #107 vf+ 8.00 #108 nm 10.00 #108 vf+ 8.00 #109 vf 6.00 #110 vf+ 10.00 #1 5.00 #2 12.00 #3 5.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #4 5.00 #5 5.00 #1 4.00 #1 5.00 #1 12.00 #1a 12.00 #1b 25.00 1 in 10 variant #1 4.00 #2 7.00 #1a 36.00 Silvestri cover #1b 22.00 Quesada cover #1c 8.00 variant cover #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #1 4.00 one-shot #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #1 5.00 one-shot #1 10.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 X-men Endangered Species (2007) 1-shot 4.00
#1 12.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 5.00 #1 4.00 X-Men Fairy Tales (1-4, 2006) #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 1 4.00 2 4.00 3 4.00 4 4.00 7 4.00 Special 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #1 4.00 #1 10.00
#1 6.00 one-shot #1 4.00 #1a 60.00 Dynamic Forces cover #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 20.00 2nd print Grummett cover #2a 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5a 4.00 #5b 20.00 1 in 10 Frame variant #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 8.00 Annual 1 5.00 Giant size #1 12.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 5.00 #1 30.00 #1 12.00 #1 nm 10.00 #1 6.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 5.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #1a 6.00 #1b 12.00 #2b 12.00 #1a 12.00 XSC #1b 15.00 2nd print #2 12.00 XSC #3 12.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 5.00 #4 7.00 #1 4.00 #1 5.00 one-shot #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1 6.00 #2 12.00 #3 6.00 #4 6.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 5.00 Skottie Young variant #1c 50.00 1 in 50 Andrews variant #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 6.00 #24 5.00 #300 6.00 (2014) #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 X-Men Magneto Testament (5-part, 2008-2009)#1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 5.00 one-shot #1 5.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 5.00 #18 32.00 #19 12.00 #20 22.00 #21 6.00 #22 6.00 #23 6.00 #24 6.00 #25 6.00 #26 6.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5a 100.00 Error Edition #5b 4.00 Corrected copy #1a 4.00 cover by Finch, Miki, D'armata #1b 4.00 cover by Silvestri, Weems, Firchow #1c 4.00 2nd print #1 5.00 #1 10.00 (2000) #1 4.00 (2001) #1b 12.00 Calero variant #1c 5.00 2nd print Calero variant #2a 12.00 #2b 12.00 Calero variant #2c 12.00 2nd print Calero variant #3a 12.00 #3b 12.00 Calero variant #4a 12.00 #4b 12.00 Calero variant #1a 4.00 #1b 4.00 Calero variant #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 Calero variant #3a 4.00 #3b 4.00 Calero variant #4a 4.00 #4b 4.00 Calero variant #1 4.00 #1 12.00 one-shot #1 4.00 XOS part 1 -2008- Beast 5.00 Colossus 12.00 Jean Grey 12.00 -2009- Gambit 36.00 Iceman 5.00 Sabretooth 22.00 Wolverine 9.00 -2010- Nightcrawler 15.00 #1 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1a 4.00 1st print #2a 4.00 1st print #2b 4.00 limited edition 2nd print cover #3 4.00 1st print #4 4.00 1st print #4b 4.00 limited edition 2nd print cover #5 6.00 1st print #5b 4.00 limited edition 2nd print cover X-Men Phoenix Force Handbook (2010) #1 18.00 #1 20.00 #2 12.00 #3 6.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 Toys 'R' Us Giveaway #1 12.00 #1 12.00 one-shot #1 15.00 #1A 4.00 #1B 4.00 2nd print #1 18.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #1a 5.00 #1b 5.00 Blank cover #1c 45.00 1 in 25 Cho variant #2a 5.00 1st print #2b 45.00 1 in 25 Cho variant #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #5 5.00 #1 12.00 XSC #2 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 12.00 #4 4.00 one-shot 4.00 #1 5.00 #2 5.00 one-shot 12.00 #1 33.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 one-shot 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #3 vg+ 2.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 5.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #1 4.00 #2a 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #1a 6.00 #1b 6.00 photo cover #1c 7.00 DF Excl., Mark Texeira cover #1a 12.00 #1a 4.00 #1b 4.00 photo cover #1c 15.00 DF Excl., Jae Lee cover #1 8.00 one-shot #1a 4.00 #1b 4.00 #2b 4.00 #3a 4.00 #3b 4.00 #4 5.00 #1 5.00 #2 5.00 #3 5.00 #4 5.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #1 8.00 Foil cover #1 vf+ 6.00 #1 vg 2.00 #1a 18.00 DF, signed by Ron Lim and Adam Kubert #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #7 vf 3.00 #8 4.00 #8 vg+ 2.00 #9 4.00 #9 vf 3.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #12 f+ 2.00 #13 f 2.00 #14 4.00 #14 f 2.00 #15 4.00 #15 vg+ 2.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 4.00 #25 4.00 #26 4.00 #27 4.00 #28 4.00 #29 4.00 #30 4.00 #31 4.00 #32 4.00 #33 4.00 #34 4.00 #34 f 2.00 #35 4.00 #35 vg+ 2.00 Special 1 4.00 Special 1 vf 3.00 Oasis 12.00 Oasis vf 8.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 Ultra 3 preview vf 4.00 #1 4.99 #2 4.99 #3 4.99 #4 4.99 #5 4.99 #6 4.99 #7 4.99 #8 4.99 #9 4.99 #10 4.99 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 X-Men Universe Past Present and Future 1-shot 10.00 #1 12.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 4.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00 #15 4.00 #16 4.00 #17 4.00 #18 4.00 #19 4.00 #20 4.00 #21 4.00 #22 4.00 #23 4.00 #24 4.00 #25 7.00 #26 6.00 #27 12.00 #28 4.00 #29 4.00 #30 4.00 #31 4.00 #32 4.00 #33 4.00 #34 4.00 #35 4.00 #36 12.00 #37 12.00 #38 6.00 #39 9.00 #40 4.00 #41 5.00 #42 4.00 #43 4.00 #44 4.00 #45 4.00 #46 4.00 #47 12.00 #47 f/vf 7.00 #48 4.00 #50 4.00 #1 4.00 #2 4.00 #3 4.00 #4 4.00 #5 4.00 #6 4.00 #7 4.00 #8 4.00 #9 4.00 #10 4.00 #11 5.00 #12 4.00 #13 4.00 #14 4.00
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