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Misc & etc...X-Men price list

[Go to go the Uncanny X-Men page.[Go to go the 2nd series X-Men page.]
Please Advise if you have any "wanted" comics for trade
Unless otherwise noted these comics are new nm/mt condition.

Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix (1994)

#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00

Adventures Of The X-Men (1996-1997)

#1   nm  12.00
#2   nm   5.00
#3   nm   6.00
#4   nm   8.00
#5   nm   5.00
#6   nm   5.00
#7   nm   5.00
#8   nm   5.00
#8   vf   4.00
#9   nm   5.00
#9   f+   3.50
#10  nm   6.00
#11  nm  12.00
#12  nm  12.00

Age of Apocalypse (2012)

#1a  12.00
#1b   4.00 Blank variant
#2a   4.00
#2b  25.00 1 in 25 variant  
#3    4.00
#4a   4.00
#5    5.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00  
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   5.00
#11  12.00
#12   6.00
#13   5.00 X-Termination
#14   8.00 X-Termination

Age of X Alpha (2011)

#1   5.00
Age of X Universe (2011)
#1   12.00
#2   12.00
Agent X (2002-2003)
#1   12.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#7 vf+ 3.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   5.00
#14   5.00
#15  12.00

All New Doop (2014)

#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
All New X-Men (2015)
#1    4.00  1st print
#1a   4.00  2nd print
#1b  10.00  Hip Hop variant
#1c  10.00  Kirby Monster variant
#1d  20.00  1 in 25 Bagley variant
#1.MU 5.00 Monsters Unleashed
#2    5.00
#3    4.00  2nd print
#4b  10.00  Deadpool variant
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11a  4.00
#11b  5.00 Death of X variant
#12a  4.00
#12b  5.00 Black Panther variant
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00

All New X-Men (2012)

#1a    5.00  1st print
#1b   10.00  Skottie Young variant
#1c   50.00  1 in 50 Iceman(s) variant
#1d   12.00  Deadpool variant
#1e    5.00  2nd print
#2     4.00    1st print
#2d   10.00    3rd print
#3     4.00    1st print
#3     4.00    3rd print
#4     4.00    1st print
#4     4.00    3rd print
#5     4.00    1st print
#5     4.00    3rd print
#6     4.00    1st print
#7     4.00
#7     4.00    2nd print
#8     4.00
#8     4.00    2nd print
#9     4.00    1st print
#9     4.00    2nd print
#10a   4.00
#10b  20.00  1 in 20 Iron Man Armors variant
#11    4.00
#12a   4.00 1st print
#12b  20.00  1 in 20 Wolverine Through the Ages variant
#13    4.00
#14    4.00
#15    4.00
#16d   4.00  2nd print
#16b  30.00  1 in 25 Granov variant
#16c  25.00  1 in 25 Immonen variant
#17a   4.00
#17b  25.00  1 in 25 variant
#18    4.00
#19a   4.00
#19b  20.00  1 in 20 Agents of SHIELD variant
#20    4.00
#21    4.00
#22.NOW 4.00
#23    4.00
#24    4.00
#25a   4.00
#26    4.00
#27    4.00
#28    4.00
#29a   4.00
#29b  15.00  1 in 15 Guardians of the Galaxy variant
#31a   4.00
#31b  10.00  Agents of SHIELD variant
#32    4.00
#33    4.00
#34    4.00
#35    4.00
#36    4.00
#37    4.00
#38b   4.00 Noto variant
#38c  20.00 Cosmic variant
#39a   4.00
#39b   4.00 Women of Marvel variant
#39c  20.00 Cosmic variant
#40    4.00
#41    4.00
Annual #1    5.00
Special #1   5.00
Amazing Adventures Featuring the X-Men (1979-1981)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
#1     nm   40.00
#1     f+   12.00
#2     nm   12.00
#2     vf    8.00
#2     f+    7.00
#2     vg+   5.00
#2     vg    4.00
#3     vf+  10.00
#3     vf    8.00
#3     f+    7.00
#3     f-    5.50
#3     vg    4.00
#4     vf+  10.00
#4     vf    8.00
#4     f+    7.00
#4     f     6.00
#4     g+    3.00
#5     nm   12.00
#5     vf+  10.00
#5     f+    7.00
#5     f     6.00
#5     vg+   5.00
#6     nm   12.00
#6     vf+  10.00
#6     vf    8.00
#6     f+    7.00
#6     f     6.00
#7     vf+  10.00
#7     vf    8.00
#7     vg    4.00
#8     nm   12.00
#8     vf+  10.00
#8     vf    8.00
#8     vg+   5.00
#8     vg    4.00
#9     nm   12.00
#9     vf+  10.00
#9     vf    8.00
#9     f+    7.00
#10    vf+  10.00
#10    vf    8.00
#10    f     6.00
#11    nm   12.00
#11    vf+  10.00
#11    f+    7.00
#11    f     6.00
#11    vg/f  5.00
#11    vg    4.00
#12    nm   12.00
#12    vf+  10.00
#12    vf-   7.50
#12    f+    7.00
#13    nm   12.00
#13    vf+  10.00
#13    vf    8.00
#13    vg+   5.00
#13    vg    4.00
#14    vf+  10.00
#14    vf    8.00
#14    f/vf  7.50
#14    f+    7.00
#14    vg+   5.00
#14    vg    4.00
(The) Amazing X-Men (1995)
#1    5.00  1st print
#1    4.00  2nd print
#2    5.00
#3    5.00
#4    5.00

Amazing X-Men (2013)

#1a   4.00
#1b 150.00  1 in 50 Manara variant
#1c  75.00  1 in 75 Nowlan variant
#1d  75.00  1 in 75 McGuinness Sketch variant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9a   4.00
#9b  15.00  1 in 15 Guardians of the Galaxy variant
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
Annual #1   5.00
Angel Revelations (2008)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    5.00

Archangel (1996)
one-shot  4.00
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
(The) Astonishing X-Men (1995)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    6.00
#4    4.00
Astonishing X-Men (1999)
#1    7.00
#2    5.00
#3    5.00
Astonishing X-Men (2004-2013)

#1b  12.00  Del Otto Cover  <--click to view comic
#1c  12.00  CASSADAY
#1d   4.00  Director's Cut
#2   18.00
#3  -wanted-
#4a   4.00
#4b  12.00 Colossus variant
#5    4.00
#7a   4.00  1st print
#7b   4.00  2nd print limited cover
#8    4.00  1st print
#8b   4.00  2nd print limited cover
#9    4.00
#10a  4.00  1st print
#10b  5.00  2nd print variant
#11   4.00
#12   4.00  1st print
#12b  4.00  2nd print variant
#13   4.00
#13M  4.00  Midtown Comics variant
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#17a  4.00  sketch variant edition
#18   4.00
#19a  5.00
#19b  4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22a  6.00
#22b  4.00
#23a  4.00
#23b  4.00
#24b -wanted-
-Cassaday run concludes in "Giant-Size Astonishing X-men"-
#25a  4.00 1st print
#25c 15.00 Berjemo variant
#25d 20.00 Dynamic Forces variant w/COA
#26   4.00 Manifest Destiny (MD)
#27   4.00
#28   4.00
#29   4.00
#30   4.00
#31a  4.00
#31b 25.00 1 in 25 Ink Variant
#32a  4.00
#32b 15.00 Super Hero Squad Show Variant
#33   4.00
#34   4.00
#35   4.00
#36a  4.00
#36b 15.00 1 in 15 variant
#37   4.00
#38   5.00
#39   4.00
#39s 12.00 signed by Nick Bradshaw
#40a 12.00
#40b 20.00 I am Captain America variant
#41   5.00
#42   4.00
#44   5.00
#45   4.00
#46   4.00
#47   4.00
#48   4.00
#49   4.00
#50   8.00
#51   5.00 Wedding of Northstar
#52   4.00
#53   4.00
#54   4.00
#55   4.00
#56   4.00
#57   4.00
#58   4.00
#59   4.00
#60   4.00
#61   4.00
#62   8.00
#63   4.00
#64   5.00
#65   6.00
#66   5.00
#67   6.00
#68   8.00
Annual #1   5.00
Sketchbook  4.00
Astonishing X-men (2017)
#1a   5.00
#1b   6.00 Action variant
#1c  12.00 Dodson variant
#1d  25.00 Keown variant
#2a   4.00
#2b  20.00 Torque variant
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
Astonishing X-Men Ghost Boxes (2-part, 2008)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00

Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis (5-part, 2010-2011)
#1a   4.00
#1b  25.00  1 in 25 foil variant
#1C  12.00  Director's Cut
#2    4.00
#3    5.00
#4    5.00
#5    5.00
Beast (1997)
#1    4.00
#3    4.00

Beauty and the Beast (1985)

issue/ grade/  price /comment
1      vf+    10.00
1      vf      8.00
1      f       6.00
2      nm     12.00
2      vf+    10.00
2      vf      8.00
2      f       6.00
3      nm     12.00
3      vf+    10.00
3      vf      8.00
3      vf-     7.00
4      nm     12.00
4      vf      8.00
4      f       6.00
Bishop (1994-1995)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Bishop The Last X-Man (1999-2001)
#1    4.00
#1a   4.00
#2a   4.00
#2b   4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   6.00
#16   6.00
#16 vf+ 5.50
Bishop Xavier Security Enforcers (1998)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
Blink (2001)
#1    18.00
#1 vf 12.00
#2    15.00
#3    15.00
#3 vf 10.00
#4    18.00
Brotherhood (2001)
#1   4.00
#2a  4.00
#2b  4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
Chamber (X-Men Icons) (1-4) 2002
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
Civil War X-men (2006-2007)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   6.00
Colossus (1997)
#1   6.00
Cyclops (2001-2002)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Cyclops (2011)
#1  15.00
Cyclops (2014)
#1     4.00
#2     4.00
#3     4.00
#4     4.00
#5     4.00
#6     4.00
#7     4.00
#8     5.00
#9     4.00
#10    4.00
#11    5.00
#12b  20.00 1 in 20 variant
Dark X-Men (5-part, 2009-2010)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   5.00
#5   6.00
Dark X-Men Beginning (3-part, 2009)
#1a  4.00
#1b 10.00 "60's decade" variant
#1c  4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00

Dark X-Men Confession (2009)
1-shot  4.00
Death of X (2016)
#1a  5.00
#1c 25.00 1 in 25 variant
#1d  8.00  Choi variant
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
District X (2004-2005)
#1   4.00
#2  12.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
Emma Frost (2003-2004)
#1   20.00
#2   12.00
#3   12.00
#4    5.00
#5   12.00
#6   12.00
#7   12.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   8.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   8.00
#16   5.00
#16 vf 4.00
#17    4.00
#17 vf 3.00
#18   12.00
#18 vf 8.00
Excalibur (vol. 1, 1988-1998 )
issue/  grade     /   price /  comment
#1   nm   12.00
#1   vf+  10.00
#1   vf-   7.50
#1   f+    7.00
#1   vg+   5.00
#2   nm    6.00
#3   nm    6.00
#4   nm    6.00
#5   nm    4.00
#6   nm    4.00
#7   nm    5.00
#7   vf    4.00
#8   nm    4.00
#9   nm    4.00
#10  nm    4.00
#10  vf+   3.50
#10  vf    3.00
#11  nm    4.00
#11  vf    3.00
#12  nm    4.00
#13  nm    4.00
#13  vf    3.00
#14  nm    4.00
#14  vf+   3.50
#15  nm    4.00
#16  nm    4.00
#16  vf    3.00
#17  nm    5.00
#18  nm    5.00
#19  nm    4.00
#20  nm    4.00
#21  nm    5.00
#22  nm    4.00
#23  nm    6.00
#24  nm    4.00
#24  vf+   3.50
#25  nm    4.00
#26  nm    4.00
#27  nm    5.00
#28  nm    4.00
#29  nm    5.00
#30  nm    4.00 
#31  nm    8.00
#32  nm    6.00
#33  nm    6.00
#33  vf+   5.50
#34  nm    5.00
#35  nm    5.00
#36  nm    5.00
#37  nm    5.00
#38  nm    4.00
#39  nm    4.00
#40  nm    4.00
#41  nm    4.00
#42  nm    4.00
#43  nm    4.00
#44  nm    4.00
#45  nm    4.00
#46  nm    4.00
#47  nm    4.00
#48  nm    4.00
#49  nm    4.00
#50  nm    4.00
#51  nm    4.00
#52  nm    4.00
#53  nm    4.00
#54  nm    4.00
#55  nm    4.00
#56  nm    4.00
#57  nm    4.00
#58  nm    4.00
#59  nm    4.00
#60  nm    4.00
#61  nm    5.00
#62  nm    4.00
#63  nm    4.00
#64  nm    4.00
#65  nm    4.00
#66  nm    4.00
#67  nm    4.00
#68  nm    4.00
#69  nm    4.00
#70  nm    4.00
#71  nm   12.00
#71  vf    8.00
#72  nm    4.00
#73  nm    4.00
#74  nm    4.00
#75  nm    4.00  Holo-grafix foil cover
#75a nm    4.00  regular cover
#76  nm    4.00
#77  nm    4.00
#78  nm    4.00
#79  nm    4.00
#80  nm    4.00
#81  nm    4.00
#82  nm   12.00  enhanced cover
#83  nm    4.00
#84  nm    4.00
#85  nm    4.00
#86  nm   15.00
#87  nm    4.00
#88  nm    4.00
#89  nm    4.00
#90  nm    4.00
#91  nm    4.00
#92  nm    4.00
#93  nm    4.00
#94  nm    4.00
#95  nm    4.00
#96  nm    5.00
#97  nm    4.00
#98  nm    4.00
#99  nm    4.00
#100 nm    4.00  double sized issue
#102 nm    4.00
#103 nm    4.00
#104 nm    4.00
#105 nm    4.00
#106 nm    4.00
#107 nm    4.00
#108 nm    4.00
#109 nm    4.00
#110 nm    4.00
#-1  nm    4.00  flashback
#111 nm    4.00
#112 nm    4.00
#113 nm    4.00
#114 nm    4.00
#115 nm    4.00
#116 nm    4.00
#117 nm    4.00
#118 nm    4.00
#119 nm    4.00
#120 nm    4.00
#121 nm    4.00
#122 nm    5.00
#123 nm   12.00
#124 nm   12.00
#125 nm   12.00  Wedding of Cpt. Britain and Meggan

Special  4.00 the Possession
#1       4.00
#2       4.00
Special edition (1988) 10.00
Special Edition (1988) 18.00 Variant no price on cover
Special Edition (1991)  5.00
XX Crossing (1992)      4.00
Excalibur (vol. 2, 2004-2005)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   5.00  House Of M prelude
#14   5.00  House Of M prelude
Excalibur Mojo Mayhem
#1    5.00
Excalibur Special Edition Air Apparent
#1    8.00
Excalibur Sword Of Power (2001, 4-issue series)
#1    9.00
#2    5.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
Exiles (2001-2007)
#1   18.00
#2a   4.00
#2b   4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   8.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23   5.00
#24   4.00
#25   4.00
#26   4.00
#27   4.00
#28   4.00
#29   4.00
#30   4.00
#31   4.00
#32   4.00
#33   4.00
#34   4.00
#35   4.00
#36   4.00
#37   4.00
#38   4.00
#39   4.00
#40   4.00
#41   4.00
#42   4.00
#43   4.00
#44   4.00
#45   4.00
#46   4.00
#47   4.00
#48   4.00
#49   4.00
#50   4.00
#51   4.00
#52   4.00
#53   4.00
#54   4.00
#55   4.00
#56   4.00
#57   4.00
#58   4.00
#59   4.00
#60   4.00
#61   4.00
#62   4.00
#63   4.00
#64   4.00
#65   4.00
#66   4.00
#67  12.00
#68   4.00
#69   4.00
#70   4.00
#71   4.00
#72   4.00
#73   4.00
#74   4.00
#75   4.00
#76   4.00
#77   4.00
#78   4.00
#79   4.00
#80   4.00
#81   4.00
#82   4.00
#83   4.00
#84   4.00
#85   4.00
#86  12.00
#87   4.00
#88   4.00
#89   4.00
#90   4.00
#91   4.00
#92   4.00
#93   4.00
#94   4.00
#95   4.00
#96   4.00
#97   4.00
#98   4.00
#99   4.00
#100  4.00
Annual #1  4.00 (2006)
Exiles (2009)
#1a   4.00
#1b  12.00  1:10 Wolverine varant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
Exiles Days of Then and Now (2008)
#1   6.00
Extraordinary X-Men (2015)
#1a  5.00
#1b 12.00 Blank variant
#1c 20.00 Hip Hop variant
#1d  9.00 Cosplay variant
#6    5.00 2nd print
#8    5.00
#9a   4.00
#9b   4.00 Civil War variant
#10a  4.00
#10b  4.00 Horsemen of Apocalypse variant
#11   4.00
#12b  4.00 Death of X variant
#13a  4.00
#13b  5.00 Tsum Tsum variant
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
Annual #1  4.99
Fallen Angels (1987)
#1   nm   12.00
#1   vf+  10.00
#1   vf    8.00
#1   f     6.00
#2   nm   12.00
#2   vf+  10.00
#2   vf    8.00
#2   f     6.00
#3   nm   12.00
#3   vf+  10.00
#3   vf    8.00
#4   nm   12.00
#4   vf    8.00
#5   nm   12.00
#5   vf+  10.00
#5   vf    8.00
#6   nm   12.00
#6   vf    8.00
#7   nm   12.00
#7   vf+  10.00
#7   vf    8.00
#8   nm   12.00
#8   vf+  10.00
#8   vf    8.00
Fantomex Max (2013)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
Firestar (1986)
#1   nm    6.00
#1   vf+   5.00
#1   vg    2.00
#2   vf+   4.50
#3   nm    5.00
#3   vf+   4.50
#3   vf    4.00
#4   nm    8.00
#4   vf+   7.00
#4   vf    6.00

Firestar (2010)
#1  24.00
First X-men (2012)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
Further Adventures Of Cyclops And Phoenix (1996)
#1   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   6.00
Gambit (1993-1994)
#1a nm  32.00
#1a vf  15.00
#1a f   11.00 newsstand 
#1b nm  55.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks
#2  nm  12.00
#2  vf+ 40.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks
#3  nm  12.00
#3  vf  11.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks
#4  nm  12.00
#4  vf  11.00 signed by artist Lee Weeks
Gambit (1997)
#1  12.00
#2  12.00
#3  12.00
#4  12.00
Gambit (1998-2001)
#1/2 12.00
#1a  15.00
#1b  12.00
#1c  12.00
#1d  12.00
#1e  12.00
#1f  25.00  Dynamic Forces cover
#1g  30.00  Marvel Authentix printed Sketch cover (limited)
#2a  4.00   red cover
#2b  4.00   blue cover
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  5.00
#12  4.00
#13  6.00
#14  12.00
#15  12.00
#16  12.00
#17  12.00
#18  12.00
#19  12.00
#20  12.00
#21   6.00
#22   6.00
#23   6.00
#24   8.00
#25  12.00
#25 vf 8.00

Giant Sized Gambit  8.00
1999 Annual     8.00
2000 Annual    12.00
Gambit (2004-2005)

#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    5.00
#6    6.00
#7    6.00
#8    5.00
#9    6.00
#10   6.00
#11  12.00
#12   8.00
Gambit (2012)
#1a   6.00
#1b  70.00  1 in 25 variant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    5.00
#10   6.00
#11  12.00
#12   5.00
#13  12.00
#14   4.00
#15  12.00
#16   5.00
#17  12.00
Gambit and Bishop Sons Of The Atom (2001)
Alpha     8.00
Genesis  18.00
#1     6.00
#2     6.00
#3     6.00
#4     6.00
#5     5.00
#6     6.00
Gambit and the X-Ternals (1995)
#1 vf+ 4.50
#2     5.00
#3     5.00
#4     6.00
Gambit From the Marvel Vault (2011)
#1   12.00
Generation Hope (2010-2011)
#1a   4.00
#1b  15.00  1-in-15 variant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00  
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
Generation Next (1995)
#1   5.00
#2   5.00
#3   5.00
#4   5.00
Generation X (2017)
#1a   4.00
#1b   4.00  Action Figure variant
#2a   4.00
#2b   5.00  Action Figure variant
#5    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    9.00
#85   4.00
#86   5.00
#87   5.00
Generation X (1994-2001)
#-1   4.00
#1/2 12.00
#1   15.00
#2    4.00
#2 vf 3.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00   
#8    4.00  
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23   4.00
#24   4.00
#25   4.00
#26   4.00
#27   4.00
#28   4.00
#29   4.00
#30   4.00
#31   4.00
#32   4.00
#33   4.00
#34   4.00
#35   4.00
#36   4.00
#37   4.00
#38   4.00
#39   4.00
#40   8.00
#41   4.00
#42   4.00
#43   4.00
#44   4.00
#45   4.00
#46   4.00
#47   4.00
#48   4.00
#49   4.00
#50  12.00
#51   4.00
#52   4.00
#53   4.00
#54   4.00
#55   4.00
#56   4.00
#57   4.00 
#58   4.00
#59   4.00
#60   4.00
#61   8.00
#62   4.00
#63a  5.00
#63b  5.00
#64   4.00
#65   4.00
#66   4.00
#67   4.00
#68   5.00
#69   4.00
#70   4.00
#71   4.00
#72  12.00
#73   5.00
#74   5.00
#75   8.00
Fan Edition   5.00
'95   5.00
'96   4.00
'97   5.00
'98   8.00  Generation X/Dracula
'99  12.00

Generation X Collectors' Preview
one-shot      4.00

Generation X/Gen 13
one-shot      4.00
one-shot(a)  4.00  variant cover

Generation X Holiday Special
one-shot      5.00

Generation X Underground
one-shot      5.00

Genext (5 part, 2008)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
Genext United (5-part, 2009)   
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men (2008)
#1a  5.00
#1b 75.00 Inked 1 in 100 variant
Giant Size X-Men (2005)
#3   12.00
#4   18.00

#1  vf+ 10.00  Marvel Milestone Edition
go to Giant Size X-Men #1+2 from the 1970's
Heroes For Hope (Starring The X-Men)
#1  nm   10.00
#1  vf+   8.00
#1  vf    6.00
Heroic Age X-men (2010)
#1    4.00
Iceman (1984)
issue/  grade/   price /comment
1     nm   12.00
1     vf    8.00
1     f+    7.00
2     nm   12.00
2     vf    8.00
2     f+    7.00
2     f     6.00
3     nm   12.00
3     vf    8.00
3     f+    7.00
4     vf+  10.00
4     vf    8.00
Iceman (2001)
#1   5.00
#2   5.00
#3   5.00
#4   5.00
Iceman and Angel (2011)
#1   12.00
J2 (Son Of The Original Juggernaut)
#1   4.00
#2a  4.00
#2b  4.00
#3   5.00
#4   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
Jean Grey (2017)
#1   4.00
#5   4.00
#7   4.00
#8LC 4.00 Lenticular variant cover
#9   4.00
#11  4.00
Jubilee (2004-2005)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
Juggernaut (1997)
one-shot  6.00
Juggernaut The Eighth Day (1999)
#1   12.00
Kitty Pryde Agent Of Shield (1997, 1-3)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
Longshot (1998)
one-shot  4.00

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (2013)

#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Madrox (1-5, 2004-2005)
#1   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
Magik (1983-1984)
#1   nm  18.00
#1   vf+ 15.00
#1   vf  12.00
#1   vg+  7.50
#2   nm  12.00
#2   vf+ 10.00
#2   vf   8.00
#2   f+   7.00
#3   nm  12.00
#3   vf+ 10.00
#3   f    6.00
#4   nm  24.00
#4   vf+ 20.00
#4   vf  16.00
#4   f   12.00
Magik (2000-2001)
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4  12.00
Magneto (1993)
1-shot  4.00
Magneto (1996-'97)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Magneto (2011)
Magneto (2014)
#1   4.00  2nd print
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6a  4.00
#6b 15.00  1 in 15 Guardians of the Galaxy variant
#7   4.00 
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#12  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  4.00
#18  4.00
#19  4.00
#20  4.00
#21  4.00
Magneto Ascendant
Magneto Dark Seduction
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    5.00
Magneto Not a Hero (4-part, 2011-2012)
#2   12.00
#3    5.00
#4    5.00
Magneto Rex
#1    4.00
#1a  34.00 DF Cover
#1b  15.00 Marvel Authentix printed Sketch cover (limited)
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
Marvel and Dc Presents Featuring The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans
one-shot   nm   55.00
one-shot   vf+  45.00
one-shot   f+   21.00
one-shot   f    19.00
one-shot   f-   17.00
Reprint Edition   nm   24.00 gold border
Marvel Collector's Edition: X-Men (1993)
Pizza Hut Giveaways
#1    8.00
#2    8.00
#3    8.00
#4    8.00

Marvel Girl (2011)

#1   12.00
Marvels Comics Codename X-Men
#1   4.00
Marvel Knights 2099 Mutant (2004)
#1   6.00
Marvel Knights X-men (2013)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Marvel Mangaverse X-Men
#1   4.00
Morlocks (2002)
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Mutant X (1998-2001)
#1   4.00
#2a  4.00
#2b  4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  4.00
#18  4.00
#19  4.00
#20  4.00
#21  4.00
#22  4.00
#23  4.00
#24  4.00
#25  4.00
#26  4.00
#27  4.00
#28  4.00
#29  4.00
#30  5.00
#31  4.00
#32  4.00

1999 Annual  4.00
2000 Annual  4.00
2001 Annual  4.00
Mutant X: Dangerous Decisions (2002)
#1   4.00
Mutant X: Origin (2002)
#1   4.00
Muties (2002)
1    4.00
2    4.00
3    4.00
4    4.00
5    4.00
6    4.00
Mutopia X  (2005)
#1   4.00
#1b  4.00  limited edition variant
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
Mystique (2003-2005)
#1  12.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  4.00
#18  4.00
#19  4.00
#20  4.00
#21  4.00
#22  5.00
#23  4.00
#24  7.00
Mystique & Sabretooth (1996-1997)
1    5.00
2    5.00
3    8.00
4    5.00

Mythos X-Men (2005)

#1   4.00
Nation X (4-part, 2009-2010)
#1   8.00
#2   6.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Nation X X-Factor (2009)
#1   4.00

New Excalibur (2005-2007)

#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23   4.00
#24   4.00
New Exiles (2008)
#0   8.00
#1a  4.00
#1b  5.00 Golden variant
#2a  4.00 1st print
#2b  4.00 2nd print Grummet variant
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  4.00
#18  4.00

Annual 1  4.00
New X-men (Academy) (2004-2010)
#1     4.00
#2     4.00
#3     4.00
#4     4.00
#5    12.00
#6     4.00
#7     4.00
#8     4.00
#9     4.00
#10    4.00
#11    4.00
#12    8.00
#13    4.00
#14    4.00
#15    4.00
#16a   6.00  1st print
#16b   4.00  2nd print variant
#18    4.00
#19    4.00
#20a   6.00  1st print
#20a vf 5.00
#20b  15.00  X-23 variant 
#20c   4.00  Broken Wings variant
#20d   4.00  2nd print variant
#21    4.00
#22    4.00
#23   12.00
#24    5.00
#25    8.00
#26    4.00
#28    4.00
#29    4.00
#30    4.00
#32    4.00
#33    4.00
#36    4.00
#37    4.00
#38    5.00
#39    6.00
#41    6.00
#42    4.00
#43    4.00
#44a   6.00
#44c   8.00 2nd print
#45a   4.00 
#45b  10.00 1-in-10 variant
#46a   4.00
#46b  10.00 1-in-10 variant
New X-Men Hellions (2005)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00

Nightcrawler (2014)

#1   6.00
#2   4.00
#3   5.00
#4   5.00
#5   6.00
#6   5.00
#7   5.00
#8   6.00
#9   6.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
Nightcrawler (2001-2002)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   5.00
Nightcrawler (2004-2005)
#1   12.00
#2   12.00
#3   12.00
#4   12.00
#5   12.00
#6   12.00
#7   12.00
#8   12.00
#9   12.00
#10  12.00
#11  12.00
#12  14.00
NYX (2003-2005)
#1  30.00
#2  20.00
#6  16.00
#7  12.00
NYX No Way Home (6-part, 2008-2009)
#1a  4.00
#1b 12.00 variant edition
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   5.00
#5   8.00
#6   4.00
Obnoxio the Clown vs. the X-Men (1983)
#1  vf+  4.50
#1  vf   4.00
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2004
one-shot  4.00
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe X-Men 2005
one-shot  5.00
Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe X-Men Age Apocalypse (2005)
one-shot 12.00
Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1987)
#1  12.00
#2  12.00
#3  12.00
#4  12.00
#5  12.00
#6  12.00
#7  12.00
Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (1994)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
Onslaught: Epilogue
#1   4.00  one-shot
Onslaught: Marvel Universe
#1  nm  4.00  one-shot
#1  f+  3.00  one-shot
Onslaught: X-Men
#1   4.00  one-shot
Ororo Before The Storm (2005)
#1    5.00
#2   12.00
#3    8.00
#4   12.00
Professor Xavier and the X-Men
#1    4.00
#1 vf+ 3.50
#1 vf 3.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
Pryde And Wisdom
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
Psylocke (4-part, 2009-2010)
Psylocke & Archangel Crimson Dawn (1-4)
#1   12.00
#2   12.00  
#3   12.00
#4   12.00
The Rise of Apocalypse (1996-1997)
#1  nm  10.00
#1  vg   3.00
#2  nm   4.00
#2  f+   2.50
#3  nm   4.00
#3  f    2.00
#4  nm   4.00
Rogue (1995)
1   12.00
2   12.00
3   12.00
4   12.00
Rogue (2001)
1    4.00
2    4.00
3    4.00
4    4.00
Rogue (2004-2005)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    5.00
#7    5.00
#8    5.00
#9    6.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   6.00
Storm (1996)
#1  18.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
Storm (2006)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
Storm  (2014)
#1   5.00
#2   6.00
#4   6.00
#5   6.00
#6   5.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11 20.00
Stryfe's Strike File (1993)
1    4.00
1a   4.00  gold metallic ink 2nd printing
Tales from the age of Apocalypse
#1  nm  15.00
#1  vf+ 12.50
#1  f+  8.00  Factor-X
Warlock (1999-2000)
#1   5.00
#1a  6.00
#2a  4.00
#2b  4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   5.00
X-23 (1-6, 2005)
#1a  36.00 1st print
#1b  34.00 limited edition 2nd print cover
#2a 12.00 1st print
#2  vf  8.00
#2b  15.00 limited edition b+w cover
#3   12.00
#3 vf 8.00
#4   12.00
#4 vf 8.00
#5   12.00
#6   12.00

X-23 (2010-2012)

#2  14.00
#3  12.00
#4  12.00
#5  12.00
#6  12.00
#7   6.00
#8  12.00
#9a 12.00
#9b 15.00  Thor Goes Hollywood Variant
#10  5.00
#11  8.00
#12 12.00
#13 12.00
#14 12.00
#17 12.00
X-23 Target X (2006)

#2  12.00
#5  12.00
#6  12.00

Xavier Institute Alumni Yearbook (1996)
one-shot   6.00

X-Babies (4-part, 2009-2010)

#1b  40.00
#2a  15.00
X-Babies:  Murderama (1998)
one-shot  12.00
X-Babies Reborn (1999)
one-shot  12.00
#1   12.00
#2   12.00
#3   12.00
#4   12.00
X-Campus (4-part, 2010)
#1a   4.99
#1b   4.99  Medri cover
#2    4.99
#3    4.99
#4    4.99
X-Club (5-part, 2011-2012)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
X-Infernus (4-part, 2008-2009)
#1a  13.50 1st print
#2   12.00
#3   12.00
#4a  12.00
#4b  12.00
X-Man (1995-2001)
#1   12.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    5.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15  12.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23   4.00
#24   4.00
#25   4.00
#26   4.00
#27   4.00
#28   4.00
#-1  12.00  flashback
#29   4.00
#30   4.00
#31   4.00
#32   4.00
#33   4.00
#34   4.00
#35   4.00
#36   4.00
#37   4.00
#38   4.00
#39   4.00
#40   4.00
#41   4.00
#42   4.00
#43   4.00
#44   4.00
#45   4.00
#46   4.00
#47   4.00
#48   4.00
#49   5.00
#50   5.00
#51   5.00
#52   5.00
#53   5.00
#54   5.00
#55   5.00
#56   4.00
#57   4.00
#58   4.00
#59  12.00
#60 vf 8.00
#61  12.00
#62  12.00
#63   4.00
#63a  4.00 Bradstreet Variant
#64   4.00
#65   4.00
#66   4.00
#67   4.00
#68   4.00
#69   4.00
#70   4.00
#71   4.00
#72   4.00
#73   4.00
#74   4.00
#75   6.00
'96   4.00
'97   4.00
'98   4.00 (W/ Hulk)
X-Man All Saint's Day
one-shot  6.00
X-Men Movie
adaptation  6.00 (photo cover)
X-Men 2 Movie
prequel a   4.00  Nightcrawler
prequel b   4.00   Wolverine
X-Men 2 Movie Adaptation
#1   4.00
X-Men '92 (Secret Wars 2015)
#1b  15.00 Ant Sized variant
#2    5.00
#3    5.00
#4    5.00
X-Men '92 (2016) 
#1a   4.00
#1b  18.00 Hip Hop variant
#1c   6.00 Action Figure variant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
X-Men Adventures (vol.1, 1992-1994)
#1   41.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
X-Men Adventures II (1994-1995)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
X-Men Adventures III (1995-1996)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7   12.00
#8 vf 3.00
#9    4.00
#10   8.00
#11  12.00
#12  12.00
#13  15.00
X-Men Age Of Apocalypse (2005)
one-shot 18.00
#1   5.00
#2   6.00
#3   7.00
#4   6.00
#5   6.00
#6   6.00
X-Men Alpha
one-shot  nm  18.00
          vf  10.00
          f/vf 8.00
X-Men Alpha Flight (1998)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
-the gift  12.00
X-Men and Alpha Flight (1985)
#1  nm  5.00
#1  vf+ 4.50
#1  vf  4.00
#1   f  3.00
#2  nm  5.00
#2  vf+ 4.50
#2  vf  4.00
#2  f+  3.50
X-Men and the Micronauts (1984)
#1  nm  12.00
#1  vf   8.00
#1  vg   4.00
#2  nm  12.00
#2  vf   8.00
#2  vg   4.00
#3  nm  12.00
#3  vf   8.00
#3  vg   4.00
#4  vf   8.00
#4   f   6.00
X-Men and Power Pack (4-part, 2005-2006)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   5.00
X-Men Archives (1995)
#1 nm  4.00 reprints early Legion saga by Bill Sienkiewicz
#1 vf+ 3.00
#2 nm  4.00
#3 nm  4.00
#4 nm  4.00
X-Men Archives Sketchbook
one-shot   5.00
X-Men Apocalypse Dracula (2006)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   8.00
#4   4.00
X-Men Battle of the Atom (2013)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
X-Men Black Sun
#1   4.00  The New X-Men
#2   4.00  Storm
#3   4.00  Banshee & Sunfire
#4   4.00  Colossus and Nightcrawler
#5   4.00  Wolverine and Thunderbird
X-Men Blue (2017)
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   5.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
X-Men Books Of Askani (1995)
#1   4.00  one-shot
X-Men Children Of The Atom (1-6)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
X-Men Chronicles (1981)
issue/ grade/  price /comment
1     nm     4.00 fanzine
1     vf     3.00 fanzine
X-Men Chronicles
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
X-Men Clandestine
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
Classic X-Men (1986-1990)
#1    37.50
#1 vf 25.00
#1 f+ 20.00
#2    10.00
#2 vf+ 8.00
#3    10.00
#3 vf+ 8.00
#4     6.00
#4 vf+ 8.00
#5    10.00
#6    10.00
#7    15.00
#8    15.00
#9    15.00
#9  vf 10.00
#9  f  7.00
#10   10.00
#10 vf 6.00
#11   10.00
#12   10.00
#13   10.00
#14   10.00
#15   10.00
#16   10.00
#17   10.00
#18   12.00
#18 vf 8.00
#20   15.00
#21   10.00
#22   10.00
#23   10.00
#24   10.00
#24 vf 6.00
#25   10.00
#26   10.00
#27   15.00
#28   10.00
#29   10.00
#30   10.00
#30 vf 6.00
#31   10.00
#32 vf 6.00
#33   10.00
#34   10.00
#34 vf 6.00
#35   10.00
#37   15.00
#38   10.00
#38 vf 6.00
#39   10.00
#39 vf 6.00
#39 f  5.00
#40   10.00
#41   10.00
#42   10.00
#43   15.00
#44   10.00
#45   10.00
title now becomes  X-Men Classic (1990-1995) issues 46-110
#46  nm  10.00
#47  nm  10.00
#48  nm  10.00
#49  nm  10.00
#50  nm  10.00
#51  nm  10.00
#51  f    3.00
#52  vf   6.00
#53  nm  10.00
#53  vf   6.00
#54  nm  10.00
#55  nm  10.00
#55  vf   6.00
#56  vf   6.00
#56  f    3.00
#57  nm  10.00
#57  vf   6.00
#58  nm  10.00
#58  vf   6.00
#59  nm  10.00
#59  vf   6.00
#60  nm  10.00
#61  nm  10.00
#62  nm  10.00
#63  nm  10.00
#64  nm  10.00
#65  nm  10.00
#66  nm  10.00
#67  nm  10.00
#68  nm  10.00
#69  nm  10.00
#69  vf+  8.00
#70  nm  12.00
#71  vf+  8.00
#72  nm  10.00
#73  nm  10.00
#74  nm  10.00
#75  nm  10.00
#76  nm  10.00
#77  nm  15.00
#78  nm  10.00
#79  nm  20.00
#79  vf- 20.00 Newsstand variant
#80  nm  10.00
#80  vf   6.00
#81  f    3.00
#82  vf+  8.00
#83  nm  10.00
#83  vf   6.00
#84  nm  10.00
#84  vf+  8.00
#85  nm  10.00
#85  vf+  8.00
#86  nm  10.00
#87  nm  10.00
#88  nm  10.00
#88  vf   6.00
#89  nm  10.00
#90  nm  10.00
#90  vf+  8.00
#91  nm  10.00
#92  nm  10.00
#93  nm  10.00
#94  nm  10.00
#94  vf+  8.00
#95  nm  10.00
#96  nm  10.00
#96  vf+  8.00
#97  nm  10.00
#97  vf+  8.00
#98  nm  10.00
#98  vf   6.00
#99  nm  10.00
#99  vf+  8.00
#100 nm  10.00
#100 vf+  8.00
#101 nm  10.00
#102 nm  10.00
#103 nm  10.00
#104 vf+  8.00
#105 vf   6.00
#106 vf+  8.00
#107 nm  10.00
#107 vf+  8.00
#108 nm  10.00
#108 vf+  8.00
#109 vf   6.00
#110 vf+ 10.00
X-Men Classics (1983-1984)
#1   5.00
#2  12.00
#3   5.00
X-Men Colossus (2005-2006)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#4   5.00
#5   5.00
X-Men Curse of the Mutants Blade (2010)
#1  4.00
X-Men Curse of the Mutants Smoke and Blood (2010)
#1   5.00
X-Men Curse of the Mutants Spotlight  (2010)
#1  12.00
X-Men Curse of the Mutants Storm and Gambit (2010)
#1a 12.00
#1b 25.00  1 in 10 variant

X-Men Curse of the Mutants X-men vs Vampires (2010)
#1   4.00
#2   7.00
X-Men Deadly Genesis (2005-2006)
#1a  36.00  Silvestri cover
#1b  22.00  Quesada cover
#1c  8.00 variant cover
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
X-Men Declassified
#1   4.00 one-shot
X-Men Die By the Sword (2007)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
X-Men Divided We Stand (2008)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
X-Men: Earthfall
#1   5.00 one-shot
X-Men Earth's Mutant Heroes (2011)
#1  10.00

X-Men: Emperor Vulcan (2007-2008)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00

X-men Endangered Species (2007)

1-shot  4.00

X-Men Evolution

#1  12.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   5.00
X-Men Evolutions (2011-)
#1   4.00

X-Men Fairy Tales (1-4, 2006)

#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
X-Men Fantastic Four (2004-2005)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
X-Men First Class (2006-2007)
1    4.00
2    4.00
3    4.00
4    4.00
7    4.00
Special  4.00
X-men First Class vol. 2 (2007-2008)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
X-Men First Class Finals (4-part, 2009)
#1   4.00
X-Men First Class Giant Size Special (2008)
#1  10.00

X-Men: Firsts

#1   6.00  one-shot
X-Men Forever (2001)
#1   4.00
#1a 60.00  Dynamic Forces cover
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
X-Men Forever (2009-2010)
#1a  4.00
#1b 20.00  2nd print Grummett cover
#2a  4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5a  4.00
#5b 20.00  1 in 10 Frame variant
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  4.00
#18  4.00
#19  4.00
#20  4.00
#21  4.00
#22  4.00
#23  4.00
#24  8.00

Annual 1        5.00
Giant size #1  12.00
X-Men Forever 2 (2010-2011)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  5.00
X-Men Forever Alpha (2009)
#1   30.00
X-Men Future History Messiah War Sourcebook (2009)
#1   12.00
X-Men God Loves Man Kills (2003)
#1  nm  10.00
X-Men Gold (2013)
#1  6.00
X-Men Gold (2017)

#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   5.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
X-Men Grand Design (2017)
#1a   6.00
#1b  12.00
#2b  12.00
X-Men Hellbound (3-part, 2010)
#1a  12.00  XSC
#1b  15.00  2nd print
#2   12.00  XSC
#3   12.00
X-Men Hellfire Club (1-4)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   5.00
#4   7.00
X-Men Hope (2010)
#1   4.00
X-Men Hot Shots
#1   5.00 one-shot
X-Men Times and Life of Lucas Bishop (2009)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
X-Men Kingbreaker (4-part, 2008-2009)
#1   6.00
#2  12.00
#3   6.00
#4   6.00
X-Men Kitty Pryde Shadow & Flame (2005)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00

X-Men Legacy (2012 Marvel NOW!)

#1a  4.00
#1b  5.00   Skottie Young variant
#1c 50.00  1 in 50 Andrews variant
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  4.00
#18  4.00
#19  4.00
#20  4.00
#21  4.00
#22  4.00
#23  6.00
#24  5.00
#300 6.00 (2014)
X-Men Liberators
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
X-Men: Lost Tales
#1   4.00
#2   4.00

X-Men Magneto Testament (5-part, 2008-2009)

#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
X-Men Magneto War (1999)
#1   5.00 one-shot
X-Men Manga
#1   5.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  5.00
#18 32.00
#19 12.00
#20 22.00
#21  6.00
#22  6.00
#23  6.00
#24  6.00
#25  6.00
#26  6.00
X-men Manifest Destiny (5-part, 2008-2009)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5a 100.00 Error Edition
#5b  4.00 Corrected copy
X-Men Messiah Complex (2007)
#1a  4.00    cover by Finch, Miki, D'armata
#1b  4.00    cover by Silvestri, Weems, Firchow
#1c  4.00    2nd print    
X-Men Messiah Complex Mutant Files (2007)
#1    5.00
X-Men Millennial Visions
#1  10.00 (2000)
#1   4.00 (2001)
X-Men Noir (2008)
#1b  12.00 Calero variant
#1c   5.00 2nd print Calero variant
#2a  12.00
#2b  12.00 Calero variant
#2c  12.00 2nd print Calero variant
#3a  12.00
#3b  12.00 Calero variant
#4a  12.00
#4b  12.00 Calero variant
X-Men Noir Mark of Cain (4-part, 2009-2010)
#1a   4.00
#1b   4.00 Calero variant
#2a   4.00
#2b   4.00 Calero variant
#3a   4.00
#3b   4.00 Calero variant
#4a   4.00
#4b   4.00 Calero variant
X-Men Odd Men Out (2008)
#1  4.00
X-Men Omega
#1  12.00 one-shot
X-Men Original Sin (2008)
#1   4.00  XOS part 1
X-Men Origins (2008-2010)
Beast		      	 5.00
Colossus	      12.00
Jean Grey	      12.00

Gambit            36.00
Iceman		      5.00
Sabretooth	     22.00
Wolverine	      9.00

Nightcrawler	      15.00
X-Men Past Present & Future
X-Men Phoenix (1-3) 1999
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
X-Men Phoenix Endsong (1-5, 2005)
#1a   4.00  1st print
#2a   4.00  1st print
#2b   4.00  limited edition 2nd print cover
#3    4.00  1st print
#4    4.00  1st print
#4b   4.00  limited edition 2nd print cover
#5    6.00  1st print
#5b   4.00  limited edition 2nd print cover

X-Men Phoenix Force Handbook (2010)

#1  18.00
X-Men Phoenix Legacy Of Fire (1-3) 2003
#1   20.00
#2   12.00
#3    6.00
X-Men Phoenix Warsong (2006-2007)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00

X-Men Pixie Strikes Back (4-part, 2010)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
X-Men Pixies & Demons Directors Cut (2008)
#1    4.00

X-Men Prelude to Schism (2011)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
X-Men Premium Edition (1993)
Toys 'R' Us Giveaway
#1  12.00
X-Men Prime
#1   12.00  one-shot
X-Men Rarities
#1   15.00
X-Men Regenesis (2011)
#1A  4.00
#1B  4.00 2nd print
X-Men Return of Magik (2008)
#1  18.00
X-Men: Ronin (1-5)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
X-Men Schism (2011)
#1a  5.00
#1b  5.00  Blank cover
#1c 45.00  1 in 25 Cho variant
#2a  5.00  1st print
#2b 45.00 1 in 25 Cho variant
#3   5.00
#4   5.00
#5   5.00
X-Men Second Coming (2010)
#1  12.00  XSC
#2   4.00
X-Men/Spider-man (4-part, 2008-2009)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3  12.00
#4   4.00
X-Men Spotlight (2011)
one-shot   4.00

X-Men Spotlight on Starjammers

#1   5.00
#2   5.00
X-Men: Survival Guide to the Mansion (1993)
one-shot  12.00
X-Men Sword of Braddocks (2009)
#1  33.00
X-Men The 198 (2006)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
X-Men The 198 Files (2005)
one-shot   4.00
X-Men The Early Years
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#3 vg+ 2.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
#7   4.00
#8   4.00
#9   4.00
#10  4.00
#11  4.00
#12  4.00
#13  4.00
#14  4.00  
#15  4.00
#16  4.00
#17  5.00
X-Men The End Book One: Dreamers and Demons (2004)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
X-Men The End Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs (2005)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
X-Men The End Book Three: Men And X-men (2005)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
#5   4.00
#6   4.00
X-Men The Hidden Years
#1    4.00
#2a   4.00
#2b   4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
X-Men The Movie Magneto Prequel
#1a   6.00
#1b   6.00 photo cover
#1c   7.00 DF Excl., Mark Texeira cover
X-Men The Movie Rogue Prequel
#1a   12.00
X-Men The Movie Wolverine Prequel
#1a   4.00
#1b   4.00 photo cover
#1c  15.00 DF Excl., Jae Lee cover
X-Men the Road to Onslaught
#1    8.00 one-shot
X-Men The Search for Cyclops
#1a   4.00
#1b   4.00
#2b   4.00
#3a   4.00
#3b   4.00
#4    5.00
X-Men To Serve and Protect (2010)
#1    5.00
#2    5.00
#3    5.00
#4    5.00
X-Men True Friends
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
X-Men 2099
#1     8.00 Foil cover
#1 vf+ 6.00
#1 vg  2.00
#1a   18.00 DF, signed by Ron Lim and Adam Kubert
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#7 vf 3.00
#8    4.00
#8 vg+ 2.00
#9    4.00
#9 vf 3.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#12 f+ 2.00
#13 f 2.00
#14   4.00
#14 f 2.00
#15   4.00
#15 vg+ 2.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23   4.00
#24   4.00
#25   4.00
#26   4.00
#27   4.00
#28   4.00
#29   4.00
#30   4.00
#31   4.00
#32   4.00
#33   4.00
#34   4.00
#34 f 2.00
#35   4.00
#35 vg+ 2.00
Special 1    4.00
Special 1 vf 3.00
Oasis       12.00
Oasis    vf  8.00
X-Men Ultra
#1    4.00  
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
Ultra 3 preview vf 4.00
X-Men Universe (1999-2001)
#1    4.99
#2    4.99
#3    4.99
#4    4.99
#5    4.99
#6    4.99
#7    4.99
#8    4.99
#9    4.99
#10   4.99
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
X-Men Universe Past Present and Future 1-shot  10.00
X-Men Unlimited (vol.1 1993-2003)
#1   12.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23   4.00
#24   4.00
#25   7.00
#26   6.00
#27  12.00
#28   4.00
#29   4.00
#30   4.00
#31   4.00
#32   4.00
#33   4.00
#34   4.00
#35   4.00
#36  12.00
#37  12.00
#38   6.00
#39   9.00
#40   4.00
#41   5.00
#42   4.00
#43   4.00
#44   4.00
#45   4.00
#46   4.00
#47  12.00
#47 f/vf 7.00
#48   4.00
#50   4.00
X-Men Unlimited (vol. 2 2004-2006)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00  
#11   5.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00

X-Men Vs. Agents of Atlas (2-part, 2009)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
X-Men Vs. The Avengers (1987)
#1  nm  15.00
#1  vf  10.00
#1  f+   5.00
#2  nm   8.00
#2  vf+  7.00
#2  vf   6.00
#2  f    3.00
#3  nm   8.00
#3  vf+  7.00
#3  vf   6.00
#4  nm   8.00
#4  vf+  7.00
X-Men vs. Dracula
one shot   12.00
X-Men vs. Hulk (2009)
one shot   12.00
X-Men vs. the Brood (1996)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
X-Men/Wildcats the Dark Age
one-shot  6.00
X-men Worlds Apart (4-part, 2008-2009)
#1   4.00 J Scott Cambpell cover
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
X-Men Yearbook
one-shot  4.00
X-Men: Year of the Mutants Collector's Preview
one-shot  4.00

X Necrosha (2009)
#1a   4.00  1st print
#1b  30.00  1-in-20 variant
#1c  80.00  2nd print
X Necrosha Gathering (2009)
#1   6.00 
X.S.E. (1996)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
#3   4.00
#4   4.00
X-Statix (2002-2004) formerly X-Force
#1   12.00  says "Giant-Size" on cover
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   4.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23   4.00
#24   4.00
#25   4.00
#26   4.00
X-Statix Presents Dead Girl (2006)
#1   4.00
#2   5.00
#3   6.00
#4   6.00
#5   7.00
X-Termination  (2013)
#1   4.00
#2   4.00
X-Terminators (1988-1989, prelude to Inferno)
issue/ grade/    price / comment
1     nm   12.00
1     vf    8.00
2     nm   12.00
2     vf    8.00
2     f     4.00
3     nm   12.00
3     vf    8.00
4     nm   12.00
4     vf    8.00
X-Tinction Agenda (Secret Wars 2015)
#1a   4.00
#1b  25.00 1 in 25 variant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
X-Treme X-men (2012)
#1a   4.00
#1b  20.00  1 in 20 variant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    4.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#7.1  4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13  12.00
X-Treme X-men (2001-2004)
#1    4.00
#2a   4.00
#2b   4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
#5    6.00
#6    4.00
#7    4.00
#8    4.00
#9    4.00
#10   4.00
#11   4.00
#12   4.00
#13   4.00
#14   4.00
#15   4.00
#16   4.00
#17   4.00
#18   4.00
#19   5.00
#20   4.00
#21   4.00
#22   4.00
#23  12.00
#24   4.00
#25   4.00
#26   4.00
#27   4.00
#28   4.00
#29   4.00
#30   4.00
#31   4.00
#32   4.00
#33   4.00
#34   4.00
#35   4.00
#36   4.00
#37   4.00
#38   4.00
#39   4.00
#40   4.00
#41   4.00
#42   4.00
#43   4.00
#44   4.00
#45   4.00
#46   4.00
2001  5.00
X-Treme X-men The Savage Land
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00
X-Treme X-men X-Pose (1-2)
#1    4.00
#2    4.00
#1    5.00 
#2    5.00
X-Women (2010)
Years of Future Past (Secret Wars 2015)
#1a   4.99
#1b   6.00 Skottie Young variant
#1c  15.00 Ant Sized variant
#2    4.00
#3    4.00
#4    4.00

Young X-men (2008-2009)
#1   4.00  DWS
#2   4.00  DWS
#3   4.00  DWS
#4   4.00  DWS
#5   4.00  DWS
#6a  4.00  MD
#6b 10.00  1-in-10 variant
#7   4.00  MD
#8   4.00  MD
#9a  6.00  MD
#9b 10.00  1-in-10 variant
#10  4.00
#11  8.00
#12  4.00

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